
Thursday, October 08, 2009

WotC on Scribd

My how-to writing guide, Way of the Cheetah, is now available for purchase at's store. Since I'm doing this mainly as an experiment to see how this process and Scribd's service works, I've discounted the e-book to sell for $1.00 U.S. Note 9/3/10: Since instituted an access fee scam to charge people for downloading e-books, including those I have provided for free for the last ten years, I no longer recommend using their service. See my post about this scam here.

People have asked me when I'm going to start selling my fiction work this way, and the truth is that I have mixed feelings about authors who are using online services like Scribd's store to sell their work directly to readers. While this can help supplement the author's income, I think it can also create conflicts of interest. My primary market is still print, and while the major publishers are having ongoing problems embracing the E-future, I still have hope they'll catch up with the internet and see the wonderful opportunities electronic format offers.

Anyway -- if you'd like to get the book at a drastically reduced price, I plan to leave it up for sale on through January 1, 2010.


  1. This book had been on my list of things to buy. Went to scrib'd and snatched it up. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Thank you for the post & Way of the Cheetah on scribd. I admire your writing & productivity so any wisdom you impart will be worth the read.
    I'm buying it.
    All the best,

  3. I bought the book when you first released it (I think through Holly Lisle's shop?) several years ago. Love it.

  4. I am on my way. I need to get more things done.

  5. thank you - I had difficulty finding it on Holly's site recently. when I wake up, I'll go buy it.


  6. Thanks for posting this. I bought it not too long after it was posted in the Holly Shop and printed it out. I think perhaps I need to take it with me when I go out of town this weekend and re-read it.

  7. I would recommend this book to anyone--I also bought it when it first came out as an e-book and still have the loose pages in a folder!

  8. Also went and got a copy, thanks. I do wish they offered Paypal : )

  9. Melissa Siah5:20 PM

    Waaaah! It says that it's limited to US residents.

  10. Thanks for the suggestion. I wanna buy it soon.

  11. Anonymous5:43 AM

    It sounds like just the kind of book that I could use right about now - sadly, US residents only. Oh, well.

  12. Anonymous11:57 PM

    I would have liked to buy your ebook but unfortunately its for US residents only.


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