
Friday, October 02, 2009

The Times Pool

As you are by now doubtless exhausted of hearing, the first novel in my new Darkyn spin-off Kyndred series, Shadowlight, is due to be released next week. Okay, for all intents and purposes, it has been released, but next week's sales are what will determine if/where the book appears on the Times or any other lists.

I think Shadowlight has a decent shot at making the USA Today list; the last seven Lynn Viehl novels I've written have all made it there. But the New York Times bestseller list? I have no idea.

I think we should have fun with it and start a pool for Shadowlight. So here are the rules: In comments to this post, tell me if you think Shadowlight will make the Times list. If you don't, simply put "no" (and you won't hurt my feelings if you vote no.) If you do, put "yes" and guess at what number it will appear on the list or the extended list (that would be a number between 1 and 30.)

Once the Times lists for the week of October 6th are released, I will close the pool, announce how Shadowlight did (or didn't) do, and award the person who guessed correctly a BookWish* as well as a surprise. No, I'm not telling you what the surprise is, but my surprises are good ones. If more than one person posts the correct guess, I will put all of their names in the magic hat and draw one at random to be the winner.

This pool is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.

*A BookWish is any book of your choice available to order from an online bookseller, up to a maximum cost of $30.00 U.S. (I'll throw in whatever shipping is involved.)


  1. It's either going to be 17 or 27. I know that's a spread, but the only clear number is 7. Of course, it could be a 9. In which case, it'll be 19. Boy, do I sound...crazy. *g*

  2. Alright here's my guess: I say that it will debut on the Times list at number twenty. So let it be written, so let it be done.


  3. Just love the Darkyn series, and am really looking forward to this.In answer to you question..
    Yes. at #23
    I think the Darkyn is constantly gaining popularity, and this close association is going to start it big. Not a top 10 for that list.. yet. But I think it coming.
    Congrats on your release!

  4. Kristen S.2:02 AM

    Oh, I'm guessing 15th but I hope it goes higher.

    Can't wait to get my widdle paws on it next week.

  5. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Yes, at 23.

  6. Yes. I will guess...hmm, 17.

  7. Yes, #17

    Sorry if my post appears twice, firefox is doing strange things today...

  8. I'm guessing 7. Go Shadowlight!

  9. I am thinking that it will debut at no. 17 on the NY list. I haven't seen at my local bookstores yet, but I am hoping to find it soon.

  10. Nicole7:19 AM


  11. The first number I thought of was 17, but too many people agree. I'm gonna say 16 :) and that's my final answer.

  12. terlee7:44 AM

    Yes, and #14...though I hope it really goes higher than that!! My copy is in the mail from Amazon as we speak and can't wait to read it.

  13. Yep. It will debut @ #17.

  14. terlee7:52 AM

    I had just posted my vote, heard the dog bark at the mailman, and YIPPEE, guess what was just this minute delivered..?? Gotta go, it's time to savor Shadowlight..!!

  15. Spread? I'll take 12 to 18. Pick? 12. I have it preordered, I'm just waiting for the shipping confirmation e-mail.

    Wait-they got thier already!?? Damn, double damn. I need to check my e-mails.

  16. I'm guessing it'll premier at #28. Good luck, Lynn. =o)

  17. Yes, and since this is a total guess I am saying 23.

    I am going to have to go buy a second book to boost the sales :) I got a copy this week.

    Do book club numbers count? I like to get hard copies of your books.

  18. Yes and my guess is 22. :)

  19. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I guess that it will debut at #22.


  20. Yes, at 17. (Hey, it's my significant number...)

  21. Margaret C.10:20 AM

    I believe that it will be on the list at number 25! Good Luck; you deserve it.schuts

  22. Yes, of course at #21.

  23. Since I absolutely loved this book I am going with #8 which is my lucky number and I'm getting my copy so that'll help lol.

  24. I soo need to pay better attention cause I was at B&N yesterday lookin for Shadowlight and of course couldn't find it. Wishful thinking on my part to get it early. :)

    Yes it will hit on the New York Times list at #14.

  25. Well, I'm waiting for at least Sunday (so it counts on the lists) to buy my copy. Loved the ARC but I'm a hands on type of person and have to have the Kyndred series on the shelf next to the Darkyn one.

    I think you'll show up at #27.

  26. YES


    I loved it, hope others will too =)

  27. Yes


    Loved it by the way.

  28. Yes, of course, #11

  29. I say yes, too! I am going to go with #18.

    Congrats on the release.

  30. Pinky1:43 PM

    My very first thought was yes, at 29.

  31. Anonymous2:14 PM

    No. (I was going to say Yes #27, but that's already spoken for...)

    Or Yes #6.

    I'm terminally indecisive.


  32. I say yes. My initial impulse was 27, but that's a popular number, so I'm going with 26.


  33. Yes! I think it's gonna land at #26...sending good thoughts and best wishes to you and your new release

  34. I'm going to go with 14!

  35. Yes. Totally #18 with a bullet. *wink* You go, girl.

  36. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I don't know why, and I realize other people have said this too, but the number that came to mind was 17, immediately. So, that's a "yes." :)


  37. Yes, and number 14 is a good one! :)

  38. I'm going to say yes and choose #30, because then it has to go UP. (I insist)

  39. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I haven't read Shadowlight yet but based off the Darkyn Series I would say that yes it will make the list and at #25.

  40. Keita Haruka8:49 PM know how highly I rate Shadowlight...I can only hope that the word spreads quickly. I'm going to be the total optimist here and say #11. :P

  41. Definitely yes! #11

  42. Yes, I think #19

  43. Yes! I loved it and would and will recommend it to others! My gut says #14.

  44. Anonymous11:04 PM

    On my bestseller list, it is number one! But, we all know NY Times is way behind the times and needs to catch up! So, I'm guessing 26 on the list. Oh, and I did see Shadowlight at Wal-mart tonight. They've had it since Tuesday.

  45. This may be a dupe. Also with Firefox.
    Having read your ARC, I know it will hit the NYT list, and I'm predicting lucky #13. Loved it. :D

  46. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Yes, #19. Though the series is new, it's tied to the Darkyn universe, and you have a strong readership following it. Having read the ARC, I know the story is solid and will be a hit. My best, best wishes, Lynn. Will keep my fingers crossed.

  47. I'm betting on 22...

  48. Because your name is on the cover and it's connected to the Darkyn Series I think it will reach number 8 :D

  49. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Yes # 28
    Vicki, Kansas

  50. The number that popped into my head was 17.

  51. I say yes and it will be #21.

    I did see it at Borders on Tuesday on the new release table.

  52. I'm going to guess #21 (or better!).

  53. Tammy S1:58 PM


    Either at #11 or #13

  54. 26, but just because it's my lucky number.

  55. Yes, at #16!

    How do pre-orders fit in to the figures? Do they count toward release-week sales? (I've had mine pre-ordered for a couple months now..)

  56. Yes. At #19! Your Darkyn series is AMAZING!

  57. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Yes, #27
