
Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Ten Year Thunk

I apologize for playing hooky, but I really had to finish something. And I know you'll understand when I tell you what:

Dream Called Time, StarDoc book ten, done.

StarDoc series, 2000-2009, done.

Now I can get hit by a bus tomorrow and you'll still find out how the series ends.



  1. Was getting worried! Not like you to disappear like that.
    Congrats on finishing book ten. Sorry the series is over.

  2. Yay! Boohoo. Yay! Oh no, not the end, really? Okay. Yay, you did it.

  3. You'd better not get hit by a bus tomorrow. *crosses self and prays* Don't even think it!

  4. Congrats! What a great accomplishment. Woohoo!

    > *thunk*

    LOL! Go sleep for a few days. ;-)

  5. No. NO bus. Don't even chance that Murphy is hiding behind the curtains.

    NO BUS.

    Congrats on finishing. Can't wait for the book!

  6. FANTASTIC!!! Not the hit by the bus thing but that Stardoc10 is done. I have finally managed to get all of the others, even those tricky out of print ones and have just finished reading them all. What joy! There is only one problem - not sure how I can wait for book 10 to come out!!!

  7. Anonymous7:43 PM


  8. Please don't get hit by a bus. Even if the Star Doc series is complete, we still want you around.

  9. But... but... if you got hit by a bus, how would we know what happens to the Kyndred? Better not take the chance and stay away from public transport.

    Congrats on finishing the series, P., it been a long and painful journey for Cherijo. It's been an adventure.

    Any plans for Cherijo and Duncan to turn up in cameos?

  10. I can't wait until it comes out Lynn! Yay! (Yay because I get to read it, yet sad this journey will come to an end.)

  11. Congratulations, Lynn!!! But please try to avoid those buses. :)

  12. Congratulatios on finishing Stardoc. But you know...stay away from the buses. You just started a new series.

  13. Well done! (But stay away from those buses.)

  14. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I am with Charlene. I can't decide if finishing Stardoc is good or bad. I almost wish it would go on forever and you would leave it unfinished when you die of old age. NOT by being hit by a bus!

    *Having Mean Girls flashbacks*

  15. Please don't get hit by a bus. There are still more books to write. :)

    Flash 55 - Home of Our Own

  16. Congrats on finishing Stardoc, but stay away from buses. I don't want to be left hanging in the Kyn series. (I still have hope for a Richard book.)

  17. Congrats on the new book! That is awesome with awesome sauce.

  18. Anonymous2:44 PM

    *hugs* No getting hit by buses! AND *really big hugs* on finishing. I hope you're taking some down time...

  19. Thanks for all the yays, guys. It was a huge relief to wrap it up.

    Jaye wrote: Any plans for Cherijo and Duncan to turn up in cameos?

    I really don't know, Jaye. In addition to the ten books I wrote, I outlined five more that I didn't write (the series was originally planned as 15 books.) I've got those outlines tagged as "The Lost StarDoc Books" in my idea file. And Deimos, the Holly Noriko novella, was really a StarDoc prequel, and that was a lot of fun to write, I might revisit that timeframe in the future.

  20. Darlene wrote: I don't want to be left hanging in the Kyn series. (I still have hope for a Richard book.)

    Don't give up hope -- I'm almost finished writing Richard's book, and I'll probably have it ready to post on Scribd by the holidays.

  21. LaurieF10:30 PM

    Congrats! Can't wait to read it. Going off topic to a different book, just finished Shadowlight and it was soooo good.
    What a great way to continue the series and I am seriously crushing on Gaven. Glad we were able to visit with old friends from the previous books and the way they were incorporated into this new book was first rate. Cannot wait for Dreamveil and Rowan.

  22. Congratulations!!

  23. Wow. I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling. Congrats and well, wow, again.


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