
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Isis & iPod

It's official, Kat has H1N1, which of course was not the news we wanted to hear, but we'll cope. She didn't have a great morning today, but she rallied this afternoon and kept down some solid food. I'm cautiously optimistic that she's over the worst of this bug. Thanks to everyone for all the e-mails and thoughts and prayers.

On a happier note, author Douglas Clegg has a new book out, Isis, which was the inspiration for the very cool Isis online difference game we've all been playing (it's way fun and highly addictive, but does have music, so if you're at work turn off your speakers first before giving it a whirl.) My high score so far is 777, probably because I keep messing up on the skeletons in armor page.

Doug's publisher is also having a neat contest to celebrate the launch:

We're giving away an orange iPod Nano and a copy of Isis by Douglas Clegg to one grand prize winner . . . There will also be 10 runner-ups who'll receive a free copy of Isis. Winners will be randomly drawn on November 2nd, 2009. Don't be afraid to just might win!!

According to the contest rules it is limited to U.S. and Canada residents over age 13 (sorry, my overseas pals.) Also, on the form you do have to answer a question about a character in the novel, so obviously you'll need to have read it, or be very good guesser.

To enter the Isis & iPod contest, go to the online entry form here.


  1. I haven't read it yet, so no contest for me, but I hope Kat feels better soon :)

  2. So glad to hear that she's improving!

  3. Hope she feels better and may god be with her.

  4. Very glad she's improving! Get well, Kat.

    And that is a very cool promotion for Isis.

  5. I've gotten behind on my blog reading. So sorry to hear about Kat but I'm glad she's improving. Hoping no one else in the family gets sick!

    And thank you very much for this whole Isis thing! :-P

    You're right. That silly game is so darned addictive! I can't get past your best score and it's because of the dead armored guys too. Dumb things...

  6. I am so sorry to hear that about the flu. I hope she's over the worst of it.

    Thanks for the heads up on the contest.

  7. Ack. I'm sorry Kat got the H1N1, but I'm happy to hear she's getting better. :hugs: I'll keep a positive thought in my head for her quick recovery.

  8. Hope Kat feels better soon!

  9. I hope your daughter gets better soon!

  10. Glad to hear she's on the mend.

  11. Bummer about the N1H1! Out pediatrician told us to not bother bringing our son in for testing since it's all treated the same. Hope she continues to improve!

    On a positive note - thanks to Finn's flu and the distance between his bedroom and the bathroom we had the opportunity to steam clean the carpet upstairs this morning. I had been meaning to do that...

  12. My thoughts and prayers for Kat. Our daughter Bev has been in an isolation ward since Thursday, suffering similar symptoms but with no definite diagnosos yet. Horrible, isn't it?

  13. Hoping she feels better and it passes quickly! Nothing worse than your children getting sick. Thoughts are with you all.

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Oh dear. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Band-geek! (That's the term my little musicians use up in the Great Lakes regions).
    I've been really on their case about instrument swapping, especially now since Jazz band has started and they idea of trying new insturments is encouraged. Also, it was homecomming this week, and it dropped to 34 degrees during the football game.
    Take care of yourself too PBW! It's hard to be a mom!

  15. My husbands cousin got swine flu, unfortunately because of her health she then got pneumonia and died.

    I hope that she feels better soon.

  16. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Back when I was in school it was walking pneumonia. Sunday night I went to see Arachnaphobia at the theater. It scared me silly. Turns out all the shivering I was doing was probably due to the fact I had a temperature of 104. But hey! I lost 15 pounds in one week.

    Hope she gets well soon!

  17. I'll definitely be thinking good thoughts for Kat.

  18. Isis sounds interesting, I can't even begin to answer the contest question. A potential MR/MP for me though. It's good to hear your daughter is improving. This makes you wonder is it worth getting the vaccine when available. Best wishes and Godspeed to your daughter's recovery.


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