
Monday, October 05, 2009

E-xperiment Ten

Ten Things About the Shadowlight E-xperiment

Amelie Markirk's Blog/Amelie (off topic note -- Amelie's review of Rob Thurman's Trick of the Light proves I'm not the only one who was floored by this book.)

New B& reviews ~ Npaules ~ 4kidsmom ~ Debra_ Saturday

BlogCritics/Robin Kavanagh

Book Crazy Scrapbook Mama/Pamk

Dreaming in Rhyme/Joely Sue Burkhart (Joely wrote a very cool poem about the story.)

From This Day/Rhienelleth

It's My Blog -- It's My Opinion/MarnieColette, also on Facebook and MySpace and in a discussion on's Shadowlight sales page

Raine's Secret Garden/Raine Weaver

Web Petals/Marjorie M. Liu -- Marjorie not only says many kind things I don't deserve, but she's also giving away three copies of Shadowlight and three copies of a surprise Darkyn novel. Stop by her blog today and leave a comment to have a chance to win one.

Wife of Monobot/Little Bits


  1. Just wanted you to know, I'm a bit more than halfway through and LOVING it, but...I can read about 15, maybe 20 pages at a time before my eyes cross and I have to stop and that's the fault of my laptop. Certainly NOT the story by any means. So, as much as the characters keep calling, I can only read a bit each day (which I hate!)

    I've been really balking at the thought of putting an eReader on my Christmas list (not sure I can justify the price, no matter what) but if it's better than my laptop, well...

  2. Athena9:42 PM

    Hey Lynn do you know anything about Shadowlight coming out in Kindle format? Sorry if that has been asked. Especially if its been asked over and over again LOL

  3. Theo wrote: Just wanted you to know, I'm a bit more than halfway through and LOVING it, but...I can read about 15, maybe 20 pages at a time before my eyes cross and I have to stop and that's the fault of my laptop.

    Thanks for the kind words, and I do know exactly what you mean. I've been doing so much more work that requires reading from the monitor versus paper this year that my eyes are perpetually tired, even with the anti-glare screen. I look forward to the day when these technowizards come up with some kind of gadget that displays text and reduces eyestrain. :)

  4. Athena wrote: Hey Lynn do you know anything about Shadowlight coming out in Kindle format?

    I haven't been informed either way, Athea, but it will likely happen sometime in the near future. My publisher has been releasing Kindle editions for most of my releases over the last couple of years, but generally not at the same time as the print book is released. I think this is in hopes of boosting print sales, although I'd personally prefer to see an electronic edition made available at the same time (which is likely why they don't consult me.)


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