
Saturday, September 12, 2009


Remember back in April when I talked about PBW hitting the 2000th post mark? Today it officially does, just thirteen days short of the blog's five-year anniversary. The math says I've written on average 400 posts per year since I started this thing.

So now I'm going to shut it down and go live on an island without internet service. It's been fun. Bye!

No, no, just kidding. I won't leave you guys in the forest of Twitterfeeds and static excuse blogs. Besides, deserted islands are overrated. With my luck I'd probably end up on the one from Lost and figure it all out a just few seconds before the black smoke monster gets me.

Seriously: I am very grateful to all of you for keeping me online, and for making PBW so much fun for me and everyone who stops in.

I did want to do something to mark the occasion, so I put together a ten list of posts from the last five years that I think are pretty memorable:

Ten Things from PBW's 2K Archives


Burgers and Birds (and most of them made it.)


The Devil's Publishing Dictionary, Part I and Part II

All of the Dilemma posts, including the very first one)

John and Marcia, my novel crash test dummies

The Last Samurai Agent

Left Behind & Loving It X 4 years

Novel I: Imagine

Publishing 911

Now, a question for you all: Because the blog is getting so large, and Google has never been very forthcoming on how much space we're allowed to use for our freebie blogs, I'm thinking about converting part of the archives into e-book form and posting them on Scribd.* What do you guys think? Good idea, bad idea, other? Let me know in comments when you have a chance.

**Note 9/3/10: Since instituted an access fee scam to charge people for downloading e-books, including those I have provided for free for the last ten years, I no longer use or recommend using their service. See my post about this scam here.


  1. Actually, I like the idea. Would it just be older post in chronological order or more along the lines of best posts over the span of time?

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    I would love to have a PDF copy of whatever you decide to do with the blog. So Scribd would be awesome.

    Five years! So much has happened in five years. So many changes. :) From my heart, Thank you for continuing the blog.

  3. Not a bad idea to back up the blog so that if you do get cut off, you've got the data stored. Congrats on the blog landmark! And no running off to a desert island. The birds would still find you and so would we. *ggg*

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I think that would be a great idea!!!! Your blog has so much in the way of helpful, inspirational advice to writers as well as readers. There are only a few blogs that I visit that I can't wait to see wait they have come up with that day as I know it will just pick me up emotionally. This is one of them!

  5. I've been compiling a little ebook of posts from another blog I've written in. I have 5 years of info, too. So go for it.

  6. Adele wrote: Actually, I like the idea. Would it just be older post in chronological order or more along the lines of best posts over the span of time?

    I know a couple of writers who have transferred their blog contents to an electronic edition, and one ended up with a 750 page e-book, which seems like it would be tough to read online or on an e-reader. So for those reasons I think I'd probably make it a "best of" versus an exact duplicate.

  7. I like the idea of being able to read the posts in an archive-book thing. It's a great idea!

  8. "The Last Samurai Agent" is the post that brought me to you. Miss Snark linked to this post and I fell in love with your voice and thereafter read your blog every single day.

    But it's the post "Courage" that I like the most. It makes me choke up every. single. time.

    Thank you for five years!

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    congrats and please don't go to the desert island. We'd miss you. I'd have to follow the birds, though. My sense of direction is lousy ;-)

  10. Sounds like one hell of a challenge, but it would be good idea.

  11. Getting it Scribed sounds like an excellent idea. It's practical and compartmentalized, and it also has the added advantage of bringing in new readers.

    Although I am (relatively) new to your blog, it's one I never miss.

    Thanks, Lynn.

  12. Happy 2K!

    I'd take the posts and save them somewhere, just in case Google does decide on a space limit, but until then I'd leave things alone. Of course, it people want an e-book of posts, that's a great idea, too.

  13. Congrats, Lynn! :-)

    Scribd sounds like a great idea. You could always break it up too though into categories. Might be a bit easier. Either way, go for it!

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Five years? Times flies when you are having fun and I have had a lot of fun with your blog. Scribd sounds like a good idea. I would hate to lose any previous or future entries because you ran out of room. Thank you for all of those mornings that were brightened with laughter from one of your humor blogs. Here is hoping for many more years.


  15. Congrats Lynn, on five years of blogging; that's terrific! (By comparison, my blog has being running for five whole days...)

    I haven't heard of Scribd before so I can't offer an opinion there.

  16. You almost had me at this:

    "So now I'm going to shut it down and go live on an island without internet service. It's been fun. Bye!"

    Don't you ever scare me like that again! *g*

    I think that's a super idea! (the ebook, not the quitting)

  17. Congratulations! Anything John and Marcia has always tickled my funny bone and Courage has been on my bulletin board since you posted it.

    I like the idea of a "best of" e-book.

  18. I just wanted to say congratulations! I enjoy this blog immensely. It's one of my absolute favorites, and I appreciate your humor, insight, and generosity on this blog!

  19. Congrats on the 2K posts and your 5th anniversary coming up.
    And the "everything you ever wanted to know about PBW, and were afraid to ask" sounds like a great idea.

  20. Happy five-year anniversary! I first discovered your Starlines blog five or six years ago, and was pleased to find PBW not long after. Your blog is entertaining and useful. I especially love your posts about other types of art.


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