
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sub Ops

Robert Swartwood put out an open call for a "hint fiction" anthology to be published by W.W. Norton. Submit up to two stories of twenty-five words or less in the same e-mail; payment is $25.00 per story for World and Audio rights. See guidelines for more details. Deadline is midnight EST on August 31st.*

Pill Hill Press is open for submissions for their Shadows & Light: Tales of Lost Kingdoms anthology, edited by Alva J. Roberts. "We are looking for fantasy stories with clearly defined forces of good and evil. This does not mean “good” characters can have no faults, or that they know they are good. Stories do not have to be written from the “good” point of view. We are looking for a good mix of stories told from the perspective of both “good” and “evil” viewpoints. This is a fantasy anthology, and most subgenres of fantasy are acceptable (including, but not limited to): Epic, Heroic, Dark, Comic, Sword and Sorcery, Fairy Tale, and Mythology. We prefer tales set in a secondary world (a world other than Earth) but all stories will be considered. Also, we prefer stories with a magical element." Length: "1,000-10,000 words in length - the longer it is the better it has to be." Payment is upon publication, ".01/word plus one contributor’s copy of the book." Electronic submission preferred. Deadline until filled, see guidelines for more details.**

Norilana books has an open call for The Ladies Of Trade Town, "An anthology of original science fiction, fantasy, and related genre short stories about the world’s oldest profession, edited by Lee Martindale, scheduled for publication by Norilana Books in April 2011." Oh, so it's about writers! Ha. No, in this case, the world's oldest profession is defined as prostitution. What they're looking for: "The stories selected for this anthology will build on that varied background to tell well-crafted tales of the women and men – and other sentient beings – who “ply the trade” in a variety of times and settings. I’m looking for original science fiction, fantasy, and related genre short stories that entertain and play to the imagination of the reader. Show me something I haven’t seen, read, or written. (For examples of that last, see “Lady Blaze” in Roby James’ Warrior Wisewoman 2 and the title cut of the filk CD that gives this volume its name.) Humor, characters of all orientations and gender-identities, and new writers all welcome." What they don't want: "Despite the theme, I am *not* looking for porn, erotica, or gore-soaked horror. Absolutely no child abuse, incest, or non-consensual situations. Also not looking for poetry, fanfic or proselytizing either for or against the theme." Length: 3-10K, prefer 5-6K. Rights: "First English Language Rights and non-exclusive electronic rights. The anthology will be published by Norilana Books as a trade paperback edition in April 2011, to be followed by an electronic edition to be produced later." Payment: "$0.02 a word on acceptance of completed anthology manuscript by the Publisher, as an advance against pro-rata share of the royalties after earnout, plus one contributor copy." Reading period opens January 5, 2010, closes June 9, 2010. "Manuscripts received before or after this period will be discarded unread, unless prior arrangements have been made otherwise." No electronic submissions, no reprints, no simultaneous submissions. See guidelines for more details.**

*via Joe Konrath's blog
**via the anthology market listings over at Ralan's place

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