
Friday, August 21, 2009


Thank you all for sharing your opinions yesterday on my idea to make e-ARCs of Shadowlight available. After much thought, I've decided to give it a go, although I will be imposing a time limit for e-ARC requests mainly to prevent this from going viral in the bad way.

So: readers and bloggers who are willing to commit to writing up a blog post or review of Shadowlight, the first novel in my new Kyndred series, can e-mail me at to request a .pdf or Microsoft Word 2007 copy of the book before midnight EST on Saturday, August 22, 2009.*

As I mentioned yesterday, favorable opinions are not expected and there are no other strings attached; all I ask for in return are two things:

1) Everyone who receives the e-ARC agrees to write up a post or piece about the book on your weblog, web site, or appropriate forum (this includes forums like discussion boards or online bookseller sites for those of you who don't blog or have a site) before October 6, 2009.

2) Everyone who receives the e-ARC agrees not to sell, distribute, redistribute, post on the internet or otherwise pirate copies of the novel.

With the e-ARC of Shadowlight I've also included the initial draft of the first chapter from Dreamveil, the second Kyndred book, so you'll also get an exclusive preview of what's next in the series. Also, if this works out well, I will likely do it again with future novels.

I really appreciate everyone helping me out with this.

*Added: this e-ARC offer is now closed. Thanks to all my visitors who responded for offering your support for this experiment.


  1. have email. will beg and plead and promise to post (a number of times).

    Does that work? o_O

  2. Aided by the timezone, I caught this quick and have sent an email. What a great idea. I hope it works out to spread the word for you.

    BTW, a neat note but when you search for Shadowlight on Amazon? It fills in the Lynn Viehl afterwards automatically.

  3. I would absolutely love to review Shadowlight - I love your writing so it would be a huge privilege - and if I haven't got my blog software sorted in time to post my review there I've got several other venues where I can (and will anyway) post.

    And of course, I agree not to do anything with the e-ARC but read it my own self ;-)

    PS - pdf format would be terrific if it's not a bother.

  4. Just sent you an email!

  5. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I have never wrote a review, but would certainly be willing to try! I love your books enough to be great supporting them!

  6. I would be interested in your comments on this experiment upon Shadowlight's release.

  7. Sending you an email right now.

  8. would love to post about it. sending email.

  9. Email sent...Thanks

  10. I have absolutely zero skills in the review department. AND, my whopping blog audience numbers in the....ok, ten people. But best of luck!

  11. Email sent, along with more coherent begging then I could have managed yesterday... :)

  12. Keita Haruka3:19 PM

    Email sent. :-)

  13. Sounds fair to me. I'm in. I'll send you the email.

  14. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Where do I sign off my soul? Or just regular begging works? Have sent you an e-mail already. Hope to be one of the lucky ones...

  15. Sent an email. I'm so excited.

  16. Lynn, do you have an email addy I can email you at? It is in relationship to the discussion yesterday and today regarding available works on the internet.

  17. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Sent an email earlier this mornning but though I should ping here in case of mishap. Thanks for the offer Lynn!

  18. Helen wrote: Lynn, do you have an email addy I can email you at? It is in relationship to the discussion yesterday and today regarding available works on the internet.

    You can e-mail me at At the moment my e-mail box runneth over, but I'll reply as soon as possible.

  19. Sent the email tonight - I'm probably at the bottom of the pile. Forgot to add in the email that I regularly post reviews at LT, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Powell's Books, as well as my blog. Very excited about this opportunity!

  20. just created a blog, so if you are willing to take a risk on a newbie, i'd love to read and give my thoughts on your book. will email.

  21. Sent an email. Totally agree with all conditions!
    will be waiting, biting nails and chewing on hair till I get the .pdf!
