
Friday, July 31, 2009

Newsy Bits

Crystal Healer, StarDoc book nine As of last weekend, my ninth StarDoc novel, Crystal Healer, is out on the shelves at all of the chain booksellers. Readers have also confirmed that it's been shipped from B&, so if you were waiting until the official August release date there's really no need to anymore.

I wasn't expecting a two-week jump on the laydown date; I thought I had another week to put something together for release day. Thus I'm woefully unprepared (as I whined about this week over at the group blog.) Bad PBW. No cookie for me.

I would give away some copies today, but I never received any ARCs for this one, and (ironically) they haven't sent me my author copies yet. Hopefully they will soon before I have to go buy copies of my own book to keep my friends and mother from strangling me.

Anyway, um . . . happy premature release day to me.

Twilight Fall, Darkyn book six The folks at Berkley/NAL/Perigee Publicity for Penguin Group (USA) as well as my editor told me to put an announcement on my web site about a new e-book version of Twilight Fall that is being sold over in the UK by Waterstone; the sales page for it is here.

Alas, I don't have a web site, but I hope you all won't mind me mentioning it here so I can make the people in NY happy.

Looks like you can download it from Waterstone in Adobe Digital Edition; I'm not seeing any other format for sale (but I might be looking at the wrong button or something.)


  1. Ooh, I'm so glad to see these -- I've just been considering my next book buys and I'll have to check these out, Lynn. Thank you for sharing (those folks in NY are really workin' you)! ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Looks like I am off to Barnes & Nobles or Books a Million today. Must have the new Stardoc novel.

  3. Awesome on the UK ebook edition, and I will be looking for Crystal Healer. Haven't seen it yet.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    That's funny. I'd have thought Darkyn, with its male protags, would have come out prematurely.

    [Bad Jim! No beer!]

  5. Congrats on your new release, premature or not!

  6. Not true! You have a website. You could always put a sidebar thingy up announcing the latest news and that way, your new releases would remain visible for all to see :)

    And again, congrats on the new release.

  7. I'm putting this one next to *HP and The Deathly Hallows* where they will both sit unread as I pretend NOT reading them means the series aren't over.

    But I do offer a hearty congratulations on the releases!


  8. You are writing at least one more star doc....right??? I loved crystal healer. I bought it yesterday morning and devoured it. All I have to say is the series can't end like you must be going on (insert begging, whining face here).

  9. I meant to put this question in my last post...sorry! If I weren't obsessive compulsive about reading your blog I wouldn't have known you have a book coming out. Do you send your S.L Viehl books to be reviewed in the Romantic Times magazine in the sci-fi section? I usually look there for books I am going to buy for the month, I noticed there is no review for Crystal Healer for August.

  10. Jim wrote: I'd have thought Darkyn, with its male protags, would have come out prematurely.

    They were having that problem last year, but now that the series is finished they're just lounging around watching soap operas and doing their nails.

  11. Theo wrote: Not true! You have a website. You could always put a sidebar thingy up announcing the latest news and that way, your new releases would remain visible for all to see.

    I have to be careful what I put on the blog now because of the new FTC guidelines for bloggers ( If it's not my idea, I have to disclose that (which is why I mentioned that the e-book link came from publicity and my editor.) Makes for rather awkward blogging.

  12. helen wrote: You are writing at least one more star doc....right??? I loved crystal healer. I bought it yesterday morning and devoured it. All I have to say is the series can't end like you must be going on (insert begging, whining face here).

    Thanks for investing in CH, Helen. Yes, there will be one more StarDoc, book ten, tentatively titled Dream Called Time. I'm waiting for my editor to approve the synopsis, and then I'll be turning it in by September 1st. I expect it will be published in about a year.

  13. helen wrote: Do you send your S.L Viehl books to be reviewed in the Romantic Times magazine in the sci-fi section? I usually look there for books I am going to buy for the month, I noticed there is no review for Crystal Healer for August.

    I don't send out books to reviewers unless they e-mail me and request them, and I rarely get more than a couple of ARCs for my StarDoc novels so they go pretty fast (for some reason I didn't get any for this book.) To my knowledge Romantic Times's reviewers have never contacted me to ask for any StarDoc ARCs. The only time I've heard from them was a brief period of e-mail and online harrassment when one of their editors tried to post an article from their magazine on my blog, which I rejected.

  14. I kind of expected your Darkyn covers to a bit more... I don't know... Pastelle-colours nowadays ;)

    Congrats. On every good thing that comes your way. You have deserved it!

  15. Congrats, Lynn! I hope CH is flying off the shelves.

  16. Congrats on your new release!

    And thank you for the FTC link. Interesting (in a weird way) reading. I think you are safe to put a permanent link in the sidebar - you are promoting your own product!

  17. I am thoroughly ashamed to say I read that government article and don't understand 90% of it. Which is probably why our government is so screwed up since I'm probably more the norm in not getting it. :=P

  18. So exciting! I'm going to go pick it up this weekend at my local Borders.

  19. Congrats on the release of CRYSTAL HEALER! I like the cover.

  20. Ha! Ha! Haaa! I am your worst fan. I have read a bit of your work in different genres (and enjoyed it), downloaded the free stuff (and enjoyed it), and won one signed Stardoc PB and a complimentary signed bookmark (have hardly touched it, let alone creased the spine on it; it's still in the padded envelope). However, with no regrets . . .

    Dibs on a signed ARC!!! (I promise I'm not a stalker. *~)

    Love your stuff,


  21. Can't wait to go out and buy it. Last week I checked the shelves and it wasn't there. Fingers crossed for this week.


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