Ten Things About Submission Opportunities
Dorchester Publishing, home of Leisure Books and LoveSpell, is now accepting general submissions via e-mail. This is terrific news, especially for writers who want to pitch Dorchester but live outside the U.S. Read over the guidelines at the link, and if you scroll down you'll see a list of what they're looking for currently.
Duotrope Digest has an online fiction and poetry market search engine; input your word length, genre and other details and it will give you a list of potential sub ops.
Freelance Writing Jobs has among many market listings one currently for a decent travel-writing op.
The 15th annual Garden State Horror Writers Short Story Contest is now open for submissions; according to Ralan.com: "all genres, no lit-fic (fic). Words: <3½k. Fee: $10 (members $5). 3 Prizes=$175." Note: I don't usually list contests with entry fees because they're usually only scams to make money off writers, but a friend in the horror biz assures me this one is legit. No reprints, electronic subs only, see web site for more details. And if you win, tell them I said to stop charging entry fees.
If you're one of those scrapbook/card making writers, you might check out the online create-a-card challenge contests that Hallmark has been holding here; looks like there's some fairly decent prize money involved in some of them.
SF author Ahmed A. Khan has an open call for submissions to two anthologies; Cheer Up, Universe (feel good -- if there is such a thing -- spec fic and fantasy; no length restrictions, no reprints, no simultaneous subs; payment one cent/word to a max of $15; ) and Fun Times in Strange Lands (spec fic aimed at pre-teens; no length restrictions, reprints and simultaneous subs okay, payment is a gratis copy of antho.) Electronic subs only for both, see author's LJ post for more details, deadline for both June 30th or when filled.
Panverse Publishing has an open call for novella-length submissions for their Panverse One anthology. Deadline September 30th or when filled. Wanted: "Pro-level novellas of between 15,000 and 40,000 words. Stories should be Science Fiction (any flavor) or Fantasy (except Heroic/High/Superhero/S&S). We'll also look at Magic Realism, Alternate History, and Slipstream (whatever that is). The story should be original and unpublished in any medium (this includes web publication)." Language, violence and sex should be R-rated. Pays $60.00 + 2 copies on pub, no reprints, electronic subs only, see guidelines for more details.
Review Fuse, which I listed in April here for their off-beat monthly short story contest, is also holding a monthly poetry contest, with the winner receiving $50. No entry fee, but there is a registration requirement, you have to critique other poems, and other stuff like a theme is involved, so do check out the guidelines thoroughly.
Ruthless Peoples Magazine "is aimed at a general audience who are passionate about stories. We are the only magazine that actively loves our readers, and this principle informs the following guidelines for writers: We are happy to consider: Short & episodic fiction up to 3,500 words;
Flash fiction, preferably 500-1,000 words; Poetry, up to 40 lines." [I didn't know all the other magazines hated us, did you?] According to Ralan.com pays fic=1¢/word; flash=$10; poem=$5 via Paypal only. No reprints, electronic subs only, see guidelines for more details.
Another Twitter market, Tweet the Meat, is looking for you to scare them in 140 characters or less. Pays $1.00 U.S. via Paypal per twit, tweet, whatever you call it; no reprints, submit only on Saturday or Sunday, electronic subs only, see post for more details.
Most of the above ops were found over in the market listings at Ralan's place.
ReplyDeleteI read this about contests with submission fees and that they are usually scams.
Does this apply to large contests like Writer's Digest too?
Is there a good place to find contests without entry fees?
Thanks for an interesting blog, btw. A good read all the time
Garden State Horror writers *is* legit. I know a few blokes involved, but they're mostly too far for me to get involved.
ReplyDeleteI think one of them said they have the fee to make sure that only serious people participate.
I may be wrong.
Excellent! Thanks for the heads-up on Dorchester. I think I have something perfect for them. (We'll see what they think once I send it.)
ReplyDeleteYou're a peach.
Damn, I wish I'd known that being a serious person would automatically mean I had enough money for entry fees!
ReplyDeleteToo late now.