
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spend My Money

With the new puppy in house I haven't had much time to get out, and before that I didn't want to see Robin's book in the stores, so I haven't hit a book shop since before Christmas. I'm also (finally) in a mood to read some fiction; for a while there I thought I'd lost all interest in it, but it turned out to be just a lengthy dry spell.

After a long break from reading fiction I always try to read something really great, otherwise I skulk off in a snit back to my history and medical books. I almost picked up the new Jennifer Crusie tri-collab at the grocery store, but it has a bright yellow cover, and I'm too superstitious about that color to make that my first purchase.

Because I'm so out of touch with what's on the shelves right now, I'd like to get some recs from you guys on what to buy. Any new releases out there worth picking up and diving into, or are you working through your existing TBRs? What have you read lately that you really enjoyed? Let me know in comments.


  1. I adore Ilona Andrews' books. Lovely lovely writing and fun, unusual UF. You will not regret them.

  2. Well Linda Wisdom - 50 ways to Hex your Lover and Hex Appeal. Great reads. I also like the new Annette Blair - Never Been Witched.

    All enjoyable happy and fun reads... I can tell you I laughed a bunch when reading them.

  3. I'm on a mystery kick lately.

    I'm enjoying Charlaine Harris's Aurora Teagarden series. I've enjoyed a couple of her Sookie Stackhouse books, too, but I find the Teagarden books a bit stronger plot-wise.

    For some fun with the British, I'm enjoying Stephanie Barron's Jane Austen mysteries series. For some fun with the British and paranormal, I like Christopher Fowler's Bryant and May series.

    I seem to also be in a series kind of mood along with the mysteries.

    Good luck finding a good book to read!

  4. I know you're a Patricia Briggs fan and her latest Mercy Thompson novel Bone Crossed it out. I picked it up last week but haven't had time to sit down and read it yet.

    Of course it is a hardback and while I know that is great for the author it really eats into my book buying funds when my favorites start coming out in hardback.

  5. I just read Grimspace by Ann Aguirre and I really liked it. I'm not usually a fan of first person, and I don't think I've ever even bothered with a present tense novel, and yet with Grimspace I was compulsively turning the pages. It had some plot issues, but it was good enough I was just swept along and didn't really think about those much til after I was finished.

    Of course, I'm also a fan of going back to visit old favorites, so if I was hankering for some Crusie I'd probably just go read "Faking It" for the millionith time.

  6. And there is the last Patricia Briggs and the last Carrie Vaughn out ;)

  7. If you like humour with your vamps and wit with your demons, try "An Ungodly Child"

  8. I am working through my huge pile of books, not quite up to date on new books ;)

  9. I just read Scandal by Carolyn Jewel and it was a keeper.

  10. Hmm, yeah, working through the TBRs sounds about right :). I did enjoy Robin McKinley's "Sunshine", which my sister sent me as a Christmas present. Vampires, but not sparkly.

  11. I just finished Harlan Coben's The Woods. As usual with Coben there were some surprises I didn't see coming. And I loved Stay the Night, by the way.

  12. I second the newest Patricia Briggs or you may even a slightly older title Raven's Shadow (the new cover is being issued this month or soon.) It's sequel is Raven's Strike. Borders has Bone Crossed 30% off.

    Also, Patricia Wrede's Snow White and Rose Red is being reissued as a YA novel. Just in case you're in the mood for faerie. I think it may come out this week.

  13. I know I'm a little late to the party, but I just discovered Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series. I've been burning through those as fast as I can get my hands on them.

    And I know I recommend her books all the time, but I can't stress enough how wonderful Libba Bray's books are. There are three in the series so far -- A Great and Terrible Beauty is the first in the series. It's for a young adult audience, but I found it far better written than some of the YA fantasy novels out there that are all the rage.

  14. I recently read POISON STUDY by Maria V. Snyder. Excellent stuff! Set in a more 'traditional' fantasy world, it's written in 1st-POV with a spirited 19-year-old protagonist. It sort of straddles YA and adult fiction, and has a great romance in there too.

    The third book just came out, and I intend to read Book 2 as soon as I can clear some more books from my huge TBR pile. :)

  15. I am reading Linnea Sinclair's Shades of Dark a follow up to Gabriel's Ghost. She has a new book Hope's Folly coming out this month. If you haven't read anything by her, I suggest Games of Command. I love a good science fiction romance. Also have Patricia Briggs' new book. Someone else mentioned Robin McKinley. She have a new book called Chalice. I have it but it's on the to be read list. I liked Sunshine by her and also Dragonhaven. The best by far though is Deerskin (not for young adults). It is a very good book.

  16. I'm all out of touch with new releases; I just ordered a bunch of stuff that's been out a while and am waiting for pre-orders that aren't out yet. So I'll just settle in here and watch for recs. Although I am going to pounce on Dogs and Goddesses. I mean. Talking dogs!

  17. Dogs and Goddesses is a keeper (despite the yellow cover with the pseudo Charlie's Angels theme). I wasn't sure I'd like it, and actually picked it up for the daughter, but I really enjoyed it. Cute and light with an edge and an interesting new premise.

    Another is G.A. Aiken's Dragon Kin series. Dragons who can change into hot human heros, and heroines with guts and brains? Gimme more of that.

    Also, I'll throw in a recommendation for The Dresden Files. I am also someone who recently discovered Butcher and I'm working through the series as fast as I can.

  18. I've really been enjoying Marc del Franco's Connor Grey stories. At first, I kept confusing the MC with Butcher's Harry Dresden, because they're both supernatural PIs with a similar self-deprecating humor. After a bit though, Connor became a distinct character with his own personality and issues, and his situation is way different from Harry's anyways. The first book is Unshapely Things and the latest, Unfallen Dead just came out.

    And of course, gotta push Bone Crossed (go Adam!). Love me some Patricia Briggs.

  19. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I'm currently reading Briggs's third Mercy Thompson book, and I have Omega Games waiting on the nightstand.
    I hope to pick up Kelly Armstrong's collection of stories of the Men of the otherworld soon. I enjoyed switching between Lucas and Hope's POV in her previous book.
    I too, have just come out of a fiction reading void. I believe I was burnt out at the end of the semester and tired from the home improvement projects that sucked up our January. I ended up doing a lot of crossword puzzles at bedtime.
    My first book back (which I enjoyed thankyou) was Portraits of the Past. You may have heard of it. :)
    My wordverification "word" was Roodeven. That sounds like a character name to me.

  20. I recommend the following series:
    Christine Feehan's Ghostwalkers, the latest is Murder Game.
    Alexis Morgan's Paladin series, the latest is Darkness Unknown.
    Susan Sizemore's Primes Universe ; Christine Warren's The Others and as always Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter and Dream Hunter series.

  21. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I just picked up Kiss of Fate by Deborah Cooke which is the third in the series. I'm looking forward to the next J D Robb, Promises in Death which comes out on the 24th. I agree that I will be picking up the new Patricia Briggs when I find it and of course the Dresden Files. Other than than my TBR pile is decreasing at an alarming rate.

  22. Moth said "I just read Grimspace by Ann Aguirre"

    There's a sequel out to that, Wanderlust.

  23. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Finished Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs - EXCELLENT!
    also read Coyote's Mate by Lora Leigh - also EXCELLENT!, read the newest Christine Feehan and Carrie Vaugh - both were great.

    Am waiting for next week though for the release of the new J D Robb - Promises in Death, and the next Carrie Vaughn on March 2.

  24. Hmmm...just got Alexis Morgan's Darkness Unknown which is the fifth in her Paladin series (and nary a yellow cover in sight! :) ) so that's sitting next to me. I also have a back list of Shiloh's, who I found in the Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance, which I bought because of Alexis. I love it when I fall in love with a new author's work like that. I have Adrian's Veil of Midnight waiting, and oh, gee, probably almost a hundred TBRs now that have been waiting for months.

    I wanted to comment though on your 'dry spell' of not wanting to read. I am so glad to know I'm not alone, not that I'm glad you went through that, of course. But I thought there was something wrong with me because I'd look at my books, shake my head and just walk away because none interested me! It's gotten much better again, but there for awhile...


  25. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I really enjoyed Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora and Joss Jackson's gods in Alabama, both of which you've probably already read (though if not, both are very very good).

    I'm also reading Jamie Ford's The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet in snatches, and it is sweet.

    As far as fiction goes, that is. I'm also reading Blanche Wiesen Cook's Eleanor Roosevelt in snatches, and it is interesting, but not fiction. :D

  26. For something a little different: THE BOOK OF UNHOLY MISCHIEF by Elle Newmark. I loved it.

  27. I will second reccomendations for Sunshine by Robin McKinley and Poison Study by Marie V. Snyder, but you absolutely MUST read The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. It is a wonderful, refreshing, deep and vivid story that will leave you wishing that this 688 page-turner was 1000 or more! You have been warned! Don't let the size of the book deter you, it is incredibly read-able. The characters are real people, the world is well-thought-out and the backstory is revealed with the air of a slow dance of seduction, ever drawing you in closer and closer, simultaneously tantalizing and revealing.

  28. The God of Animals,= by Aryn Kyle. Also, Brandon Sanderson's Elantris and Mistborn are pretty good. And if you haven't read the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey, it should be on the top of your list. :)

  29. Oh, and the Lies of Locke Lamora is also a wonderful book. A playful romp through the delightful world of death, destruction and disease that is Camorr.

  30. I can't wait to get into The Courtesan's Wager by Claudia Dain. This is the third book in her Courtesan Chronicles. These are a fun regency romp.

    Also, I'm waiting for March to get here and the next Dark Jewels book by Anne Bishop. These are dark fantasy.

  31. I recently read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I cannot say enough amazing things about this book. It has cemeted a position on my top 10 books EVAH. Right there between Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King and the entire Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

    I just finished Red by Jordan Summers. Awesome!! Awesome!! But I had no doubt it would be great.

    I'm very happy because I just picked up four new books in four series that I love love love

    Lord of Misrule - book 5 of the Morgainville Vampires by Rachel Caine
    Unfallen Dead - book3 in the Weird series by Mark del Franco
    Pride - book 3 in the cat shifter books by Rachel Vincent
    Unnatural Inquirer - book 8 in the Nightside series by Simon Green - by favortist series ever.

  32. I just picked up Carrie Vaughn's latest, and I really want Patrica Briggs BONE CROSSED, but I'm waiting for the paperback. BAD PENNY from Sharon Sala was very good.(3rd book in Cat Dupree trilogy)

    I really enjoyed Jordan's RED.

    Most of the others I've read recently have been disappointments, so I can't really recommend. Sorry.

  33. Karen Marie Monning's Fever series. It's SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!


  34. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Its not a new book out there, but I have loved Lightening, by Dean Koontz.
    The female in the book is so strong and it is well written.

  35. I'm rereading Keri Arther's Kissing Sin. Destiny Kills by Keri Arthur, and Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs were both very good reads. Larissa's book Desire Unchained comes out next week. :)

  36. The best book I've read recently is A Gentle Rain by Deborah Smith. I got it through LibraryThing's early reviewer program and loved it. It takes place in northern Florida so you might find that interesting. You can tell the author really loves the area and makes it seem magical and beautiful. The first time the main characters meet is one of my the favorite scenes of all time.

  37. Anonymous10:08 PM

    The Ophelia and Abby series by Shirley Daamsgard is a good mystery series, and Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett is a hoot!

  38. I read Neil Gaiman's CORALINE last week and loved it. Much darker/creepier than the movie and the character were more fleshed out and likable. It's a slim book (YA), but just great!

  39. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I think you should pick up FRAGILE, by this author Shiloh Walker.... *G*

    In all seriousness, somebody mentioned Ilona Andrews and man, I second that one. She's got one of the best urban fantasies out on the market. Awesome stuff.

    If you haven't read anything by Joey Hill, I can also recommend her. She's got a new series out now, A Mermaid's Kiss and A Witch's Beauty are the two currently out.

  40. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I loved BONE CROSSED too and CHALICE by Robin McKinley.

  41. I loved Bone Crossed, but recommend starting with book one Moon Called.

    I can't recommend Kim Harrison's The Hollows enough! Her newest one comes out next week, but I do advise to start with book 1. Trust me, it's worth it. :)

    Colleen Gleason's Gardella series: Book 1 The Rest Falls Away

    Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series. YA, but awesome! Vampire Academy is Book 1.

    PC & Kristin Cast's House of Night series. Also YA, but awesome. :) Book 1 Marked

    Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series. Book 1 Ill Wind

    Delicious by Sherry Thomas

    These are just a few. I've got gazillions more. You can always email me if you want. :D

  42. I second Ilona Andrews, too. Otherwise, I recommend Yasmine Galenorn, her books are great. I also recommend Jim Hines, especially the Stepsister Scheme, it is great. And anything by Wen Spencer!

  43. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I really enjoyed Magic to the Bone by Devon Monk. Bone Crossed was also great.


  44. I haven't been reading in FOREVER because I've been behind in my own writing for forever, but since pressing SEND on the second draft (ah...pausing to savor the moment), I've been collecting reading suggestions as well. Because my next book is going to be a genre shift from cozy to dark thriller, I will be reading FLIGHT by Jan Burke, for its main character kill-off, and some good old Frederick Forsyth, just to refresh myself on the genre, and currently reading Writing the Thriller by T. Macdonald Skillman, because, sigh, little of my reading is for pure fun anymore. But it's all good!

  45. Sorry just finished a briliant 7 book series and am feeling flat!! No creeping promise. I do have the JD Robb Black Dagger series to read. Bit behind in the UK with releases. Had to get my North American brother to post Stay the Night over so I could read it. Not due here until March I think. At least now, with all these recommendations I have a list of books to consider.
    I am waiting for Gabriel, Jaqueline Frank from the library. Dont know if she has any other stuff out. Enjoy.

  46. Me Again...
    Just remembered you mentioned you like historical books. Found this one and found it very readable. Dont know if you have read it.

    Agincourt: The King, the Campaign, the Battle, By Juliet Barker.

  47. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series is awesome. FYI u can read the first book for free on her website she has a link and also the first 5 chapters of her newest book up on website too. Love! Love! Ilona Lewis. Lilith Saintcrow is an excellent writer (her prose is very powerful and fluid). Her Jill Kismet series is excellent and loved her Dante Valentine Series as well. Karen Chance's Midnight's Daughter is fabulous and am in love with Jeanine Frost's Nighthuntress series. The Treasure is a historical by Iris Johansen that she just came out with. Not sure how historically accurate it is (focus is mostly on plot) and Storm Born by Richelle Mead is really nice too, the Thorn Queen is the sequal out soon. LL Foster's The servant series is a kewl urban fantasy. Love James A. Moore's Blood Red (horror) and am looking forward to Nalini's singh's newest series, Angel's Blood comes out 3/3/09 and Marjorie M. Liu's the Iron Hunt and the sequal is cominng out soon which I'm looking forward too. Sergei Lukyanenko is an excellent writer, with Night Watch, Day Watch and Twilight Watch based in modern day Moscow. And so much more. LOL


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