
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Off to Get Stitched

I had a minor kitchen accident over the weekend, whenever I discovered that whoever put the dishes in the washer for me also put my sharpest paring knife in the utensil basket blade-up. That will teach me to grab a handful to put away without looking first.

It's not a serious wound, and I thought I could tape it up and forget about it, but now it looks like I'm going to need some stitches. So I'm going to bail on you guys today to go see my doc and have him sew me up.

In the meantime, remember that today is the last day to enter the Agents in the Trades giveaway, and if you want to see Cole's latest antics, stop by the photoblog.


  1. Ouch.
    Hope you feel better, Lynn!

  2. Ow, ow. I did the same thing on a food processor blade. It's such an interesting moment where you realize what you've done but aren't sure how bad it is. Yick. Hope your doc is an aesthetically pleasing one.

  3. Ouch. Hugs on your hand. They do get washed better that way, but they bite :). My basket thankfully has slips so they can hang down with the same benefit.

    Take care of yourself.

  4. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Even though you say it's minor, it's a bit like the Black Knight in that Monty Python movie - "It's only a fleshwound..."

    In short - we are worried. Or at least I am.

    All the best and happy recovery. I hope your hands don't get bandaged up so that you can't write.

  5. Ow! Ow! Ow! Take care of yourself, or better yet, hold up your bandaged hand, look pathetic and make everyone else pamper you.

  6. Eek. Take care of that hand.

  7. OWIE!!

    Been there, no fun. Hope you're okay. And I'm sorry about my comment yesterday about the dog. I feel bad now.

    Be okay.

  8. Hope they anesthetize the area well before stitching. Sounds as if a serious antibiotic is called for.
    LOL - the Cole pic. He's really concentrating!

  9. Ouch. Good luck with the stitches. I hope you don't end up with too many, and that it heals quickly.

  10. ouch! Hope you don't get too many stitches.

  11. hope your stitches go well.

  12. Oh my! It has once happened to me too. I was just lucky enough that the knife wasn't too sharp and I realized what was happening before it completely got too deep into my skin.


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