
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Robin Arrives

Stay the Night, my seventh Darkyn novel and the story of Robin of Locksley, has made it to the shelves and now concludes this series. An excerpt of my upcoming November '09 release, Shadowlight, is included in the back pages.

I was going to post the actual pink version of the cover art, but evidently I'm not that mature yet.

I always like to finish what I start, and it's a good feeling to know this set of stories is complete. The journey from If Angels Burn to Stay the Night was not an easy one, but as I wrote my way down the road, I learned a lot about myself and what I can do. I know my approach to this series was decidedly different from that of my peers, but I hope I was able to contribute some new ideas about story to the genre.

That's about it. If you have a couple of bucks left on a bookstore gift card from the holidays, and you'd like to see how the Darkyn series wraps up, I hope you'll invest in Stay the Night.


  1. For a second there I got very excited for you. I thought maybe they went along with the regular one after all.

    Congratulations. It must be a very cool feeling knowing that the story is finished. How exciting it must be to know that you actually finished a series!

    I can't wait to see how you decide to shake up the publishing industry next. However you do it, I'm sure it will be fantastic.

  2. Congratulations! At the same time that it must be a relief to wrap the story up, it must feel odd but amazing!
    I have yet to read your books, but I will be getting them from the library soon (student budget doesn't allow for a lot of pleasure reading purchases...)!
    ManiacScribbler =^..^=

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Man, I don't know if I want to whimper that it's the end, or dance that it's finally here.

    Maybe do both.

  4. I'm glad you're not that mature yet. ;)

    I'm a little over half way through Stay the Night and absolutely loving it. You are such a gifted storyteller.

  5. Picked up our copy at Borders today. In some lights it's almost purple...

    Can't wait to read it. I'm second in line behind my hubby. Can't believe the series is done though. Sigh. Not that I won't follow you to the next one, but...

  6. I'm definitely going to be buying it. I don't care if the cover IS pink. :)

    I loved the rest of the series, but it's been so long since I've read it I have to reread it to remember everything. Ack! :D

  7. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Alas, all I ever ask for is books, and I rarely receive them! (Maybe because my collection is so extensive everyone lives in fear of buying me something I already have.) That's no reason not to give a gift certificate, but my family is dense like that sometimes. Whatever I plainly tell them I want, they miss, and go for the abstract or abnormal instead.

    Still, gift certificate or no, I will not miss Robin. The pink doesn't bother me all that much either, because my nose will be between the pages for hours, not staring at the cover for hours.

    ~ Mitch

  8. I can't wait to get my hands on this book. LOL! I didn't know it was the last one though.. that'll be sad to see it end.

  9. I'm embarrassingly keen to read this book. I'm off to get my copy today. My efforts to convince my local bookseller to sell it to me a day early, yesterday, failed.


  10. As Mitch pointed out, one does not even see the cover while reading the lovely prose.

    I, for one, am very excited to see what you write next. I'm sure it will be made of cool.

  11. In celebration of Stay the Night and finally a few days off, I just reread the entire series and re-discovered how really, really wonderful it is (my Christmas gift to myself - time to read). I loved the world building aspects. Since I was lucky enough to win an uncorrected proof copy I am eagerly awaiting my hardback copy and the teaser for the new book. Congratulation!

  12. I'd like to say thank you for the Darkyn series. When my mom first picked up If Angels Burn years ago, she was trying out a new author. She loved the book, passed it to me and I'm happy to say we've read every one in the series since.

    I'll look forward to reading Robin's story.

  13. Started reading it last night an can't wait to keep going!

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My pre-ordered copy arrived on Christmas Eve. What a great Christmas present. I have followed your writing for a long time and have always been fascinated to see where you will go next. It was interesting to see how you tied up the loose ends, yet still managed to morph into the Kyndred line. Looking forward to reading that series.

  15. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I ordered mine last night - can't wait for it to get here.

    FWIW, Barnes and is showing the full-color version of the cover, not the pink one. :D

    Oh, and a book on de-cluttering and another on Medieval styles of warfare. Research is fun.

  16. Anonymous10:20 AM

    As soon as I can get off work I will go to my local bookshop and see if it's there. I live in the boonies, though, and sometimes we don't get things as fast as other places. That leaves Amazon I guess. I don't mind, it's just the wait that kills me.
    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading your stories on Scribd. I was glued to my computer for a couple of days trying to get through them all. I will have to hit Amazon up for your Stardoc books, too! Is Night of the Chameleon published anywhere? I loved it, if it's not it should be. I would like to get a paperback version of it.
    I have to tell you, when I read the first Darkyn book it took me awhile to figure out if I liked it or not. I had to reread it a couple of times, but I was hooked. I am sad the series is over, but I'm looking forward to anything new you come up with.
    Hope you have a great 2009.

  17. Hubba hubba...I'm looking forward to it.

    With blue-tinted specs, I'll never notice the pink cover. ;)

    Happy new year, and may it bring you tremendous success (and health and etc.)


  18. Congratulations on the release and the conclusion of the series.

    I'm still playing catch up with the other books in the series, but will be picking this one up so I'll have it when I'm ready for it.

  19. I'll be heading to the bookstore tonight after leaving the gym. This is already on my must buy list.

  20. Thanks, everyone. The kind comments and support are very much appreciated.

    Eugenia wrote: Is Night of the Chameleon published anywhere? I loved it, if it's not it should be. I would like to get a paperback version of it.

    Whew, that takes me back a ways. NOTC was my first paranormal romance. The reason I can't put it in print for readers who would like a paperback copy is a little complicated.

    At the time I wrote NOTC, I was also writing romantic suspense as Gena Hale for NAL. I did pitch NOTC in hopes of selling it to them. My editor at the time read it, loved it, and told me there was no way in hell they would ever publish it (paranormal romance fiction was basically non-existent at the time.)

    I thought about taking it elsewhere, but the terms of my contract at the time didn't allow me to sell it to another publisher, as that would make it a competing work, which wasn't allowed. Finally I decided to post it on the internet for my readers because I thought it was pretty good.

    My current contract with NAL still prohibits me from publishing competing works. Even if I did it via self-publishing print copies through or something like that, I can't put it in print unless I again give the copies away for free. I wish I had the kind of funds to allow me to do that, but I'm just not earning enough yet to publish a free print book on my own.

  21. Just a note for a lurking and doubtless by now frustrated reviewer: trying to anonymously post your negative review of my novel in my comments on my blog is really creative. Not going to happen, of course, but I do give you a gold star for effort.

    I'm sorry that you were disappointed by the book, but I'm happy for you that you got to vent your spleen. Everybody needs that. That you were so motivated as to write up that long of a review and then try to post it here on the release date of my novel says a lot about you, too.

    My suggestion would be to try posting it on or B& I believe they still let reviewers post anonymously, although I think you have to register first with Amazon.

    I'd also suggest that if my writing makes you this angry, then maybe you should consider not reading any more of my books. Life is short, honey. Next time you hit the book store, buy a book by an author that you know you'll enjoy.

  22. Lynn,

    Congratulations on the release of your book. The completion of a long running series like that is a fantastic accomplishment. I can't wait to see how 2009 goes.

    I absolutely love your comment to the lurking reviewer. Very well done! Maybe he/she can create their own blog and get a whole bunch of people to come and read it there...

    ...or then again, maybe not. ;-)

  23. congrats on the new release and mine is sitting on my dining room table as we speak still in the amazon box.

  24. congrats on the new release and mine is sitting on my dining room table as we speak still in the amazon box.

  25. I saw him today at Borders! The pink wasn't too awful, really. It didn't blind me or anything, so it can't be that bad!

  26. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I am so bummed. It's not at my local store, they said try back on Thursday. Don't they know how bad withdrawal symptoms can be? I'll probably have the shakes by then. I bet everyone else has had a chance to read it through twice by now.

  27. Anonymous4:52 AM


    I loved Stay th Night. I also really enjoyed Master of Shadows. I just have one question. Will John and Luisa have books in the Kyndred series you are starting? The curiousity is killing me.


  28. Congratulations on the release!!

    To be honest Lynn, I don't think the cover will stop anybody from buying it. Hey, it might be a collector's edition! *G*

    I have been following your series for the last few years (thanks to a friend of mine that worked at a bookstore) and I have loved it all.

    Once again, Congratulations!!

  29. Susan wrote: Will John and Luisa have books in the Kyndred series you are starting?

    No. Despite erroneous assumptions being perpetuated by people who haven't bothered to do their research, the new series is not about the Darkyn. It is set in the Darkyn universe, but this is a completely different galaxy with all new stars.

    The publisher asked me a few months ago to have some of the cast from the Darkyn series make cameo appearances (first they tell me to stop writing the series, and then the last three books sold too well and they panicked and backpeddled, which will give you some idea of what I'm dealing with here) which I've agreed to do. But the Kyndred novels will feature brand new characters and plot lines. Even the antagonists are new and different.

    I know it's been insinuated elsewhere that I'm done with the Darkyn and there will be no more novels. That's not true; I've talked about this here at the blog. This set of books is finished, as in I have concluded the series conflict (basically Alex and Michael's story.) But I will continue to write and give away new novellas and stories about the Darkyn, and there are plenty of characters who did not get their own book who, if the publisher ever makes up their mind about what they want me to write, can be featured in future standalones (and that's really all I have planned at present -- pitching some standalones.)

    I seriously doubt I will ever write another interconnected extended series of books about the Darkyn, but with the right idea I might be willing to pitch a trilogy.

    I know all this waffling and lack of information is frustrating for readers, but I'm in a similar situation with the publisher, and until I'm given clear direction and told what their expectations are, I can't commit to anything.

  30. thank you very much for you last comment on clearing up the next series... I have to admit i was one who thought you were morphing the darkyn characters with the kyndred characters...
    thank you, and i still loved stay the night and look forward to the next series and if i ever want to visit the darkyn again, i can just pick up my books again.... good luck

  31. Not that it will really make you feel any better about the pink cover, but yesterday while I was browsing in Borders with a copy of Stay the Night in my hand, a young woman approached and asked me what book I had. The cover had actually attracked her.

    I showed her the book and told her where it could be found. About 10 minutes later I saw her again, she was on the aisle where your book was and asked me again what the author's name was, I pointed out the location on the shelf and explained that Stay the Night was actually the last book and that If Angels Burn was the first book in the series.

    When I checked out she was behind me in line and she had a copy of If Angels Burn in her hand. So maybe the shiny pink cover will attrack new readers to the series.

  32. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "Just a note for a lurking and doubtless by now frustrated reviewer:"

    ROTFLMAO!!! That was great. The best part is that this person is so actively trying to offend you, hurt your feelings and dissuade your loyal readers. That takes dedication to one's cause. I'm always impressed when people go to such lengths to vent their misery on the world. I want to congratulate the effort. It was a nice try. Unfortunately, you weren't in the market for venom. However, the reviewer shouldn't feel that all has been lost. The next time you need some hostility, you'll know just where to look.

  33. I found STN at a display at the front center aisle of my neighborhood Barnes & Noble. Felt so good to finally have Robin's book in my hands. And the cover tint is Not THAT Bad.

    Confession: the Shadowlight excerpt was the first thing I read! November seems so far away. :(

  34. Picked my copy up today at Borders. And honestly, I don't know if it was because I was expecting something garish and pepto-bismol pink, but the cover was not that bad at all. And now I have something to cozy up with for the horrible Chicago weather they are predicting this weekend. Yay!

  35. Mine arrived today, and alas, it is pink. It's not garish, just very shiny. :)

    It will be my reward read this weekend for making my writing goals this week. I bought it and Savage Retribution so I could get my paranormal (dark fantasy) fixes.

    Happy Release Day!


  36. I picked up your book on Monday since Border was great to off 40% coupon. Depending how you hold the book and the lighting of the room, the pinkness is not so bad. Now that I got my hands on it, I have to find time to read it.

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    ha ha, too late--I bought it already (in advance)


  38. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I have loved the entire series and have only one itsy-bitsy peeve--considering Alex's penchant for shortening people's names, I cannot believe you did not have her call Richard "Dick". I waited and waited for that until the end of that book.

    Kyra Heiker

  39. I'm sure my post will label me as a Darkyn novice as sure as this very sentence. I own the first Darkyn novel and it is still on my TBR (to be read) pile, with all apologies to Ms. PBW, but I couldn't overlook the reference to 'Robin of Locksley' in this post. Does this character have anything to do with the Kevin Costner character of the same name in the 90's flick?

  40. Matt wrote: Does this character have anything to do with the Kevin Costner character of the same name in the 90's flick?

    No, sorry. My character was inspired by Locksley in Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, which was the first story I read about the legendary Robin. If you've never read it, Project Gutenberg has a free copy online here.

  41. I rushed out on Tuesday to pick up this book! I've loved this series from the beginning and am sorry to know its coming to an end. I'm looking forward to the next series!

  42. Dear Lynn,
    So when I found out I was going to Israel to study for the academic year I was thinking of all the things I would miss in the U.S from Fall of 2008 to Spring of 2009. It occurred to me that I would miss Stay The Night hitting the shelves. This didnt distress me until I read your blog that said it was the last in the series. I was talking to my mother on Skype today and she said "Guess what?" and held up the copy of Stay the Night she bought for me. I have never wanted to jump through a computer screen so badly in my life. My cousin is hand carrying it from the states here to me in Israel sometime next week. I think she will be lucky if I let the plane get down before i jump her and go through her bags for the book. Thanks again for all your hard work.

  43. Awesome! I'm a little late to the party, but I just ordered my copy from Amazon today. I can't wait until it arrives; I forsee not getting much else done that day.

  44. My friends and I literally ran through chapters the day Stay the night came out to get it. Approx. 10 minitues ago I finished. Through out the whole series Ms.Viehl you have blown my mind. I absolutley love it and it's sad to know this is the last one. I as of yet haven't read the expert for Shadowlight, but will the Kyndred series tie up the loose ends you left in the Darkyn series or will us readers be left wondering? Thank you for 7 books of great reading and congradulations.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. (Above comment was mine deleted by me; there were so many typos in my first draft of this that I'm rewriting it.)

    Kendra wrote: I as of yet haven't read the expert for Shadowlight, but will the Kyndred series tie up the loose ends you left in the Darkyn series or will us readers be left wondering?

    The Kyndred series is not about the Darkyn, although a few characters from the Darkyn series will be making some cameo appearances as per my publisher's request. This is a series set in the same universe, but with a new cast of characters and a brand-new plot line. Also, it will be a very short series; I have no plans to write more than 5 books before I end it.

    Right now I don't know what's going to happen with future books about the Darkyn, but I should probably explain the situation I was put in regarding these books, and why I chose to finish the series as I did when I did.

    After Evemore was released last January, my publisher offered me a new contract, but specified that they wanted new books about something else, and for me to stop writing the Darkyn series "temporarily." I've been through that with them before with my StarDoc novels, and when I did stop "temporarily" at book five of that series, they took it upon themselves to announce -- without consulting me at all -- that my series was finished and there would be no more books.

    Faced with the very real possibility of that happening again, I decided to make book seven, the only book I had left under contract, the final book. After what they did to my StarDoc readers, I didn't trust them to let me come back and finish out the series properly with future books.

    Having only one book to finish an entire series that I had not planned to stop writing, I had a lot of loose ends to tie up. I did try to give the readers as much closure as I could fit in the novel because I think if you've followed the series for seven books, you deserve that much.

    At the same time, I needed to leave some doors open on the wild chance that the publisher is serious this time and will let me publish more Darkyn books in the future. So I didn't resolve every secondary character, but left a few of their subplot threads open. If I do not publish print books that will resolve these characters, I'm committed to releasing free e-books about them. One way or another, I will finish out every storyline I had planned from the beginning.

    Word is now the publisher is regretting asking me to stop writing the series because since the publication of Evermore it's become much more popular, and the sales number keep building rather than declining as they no doubt forecasted. That may also be the reason this final book was handled the way it was -- they really didn't think it would sell, so they didn't care that it was released with utterly inappropriate cover art, shipped out two weeks before the laydown date, etc. I really don't know, and I'm trying not to see everything as a conspiracy, but it's tough when you're told things that simply don't add up, like the cover flats showing the pink art that were supposed to be mailed to me being lost in the mail not once but twice, and yet every other item this person has mailed me has reached me with no problem.

    I share your frustrations, Kendra, and I apologize for leaving you hanging. But I think what I did was better than being prevented from finishing the series and not being able to give my readers any closure at all.

  47. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Dear Ms. Viehl,

    First, many thanks for hours upon hours of a truly well developed love story, Alex and Michael! But I am really sad to hear it was the Last Darkyn book especially as I for one didn't feel A&M were played out. Alex finally gets to make her choice, and picks eternity with Michael, very romantic, but in turn frustrating to see miss the final showdown between Brethren and Darkyn... and to finally resolved the cause of the CURSE and its cure.

    When will Publishers finally get it, that a series takes a while to really catch on and that by the 6th or 7th book, word of mouth really starts to spread and it builds up a very LOYAL following which WILL shell out $$$ reliably for following books??!!! You're not the only author I've see forced to cut way too short a great series. So I hope you do get a chance to revisit the Darkyn world.

    Meanwhile, I hope to start your Stardoc series so I can keep reading one of my fave writers.

  48. So I was scouring the Barnes and Nobles and Borders around the area and couldn't find Stay the Night. I finally gave up and just ordered the book online. I expected a really garish pink when it arrived, but I have to say, that the metallic sheen they did the cover lessens the "pinkness". :)

    Also, great read and I can't wait for Shadowlight.


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