
Friday, December 26, 2008

The (Somewhat Belated) PBW Holiday Giveaway #12

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. As it happens, we did, although my twelfth holiday giveaway kind of fell off Santa's sleigh at the last minute. But he finally sent some magic elves to help me with the uploading problem today, and so as one last gift for everyone, I have Incarnatio, a new novella of the Darkyn:

Click on the cover art to go the Scribd page, where you can read online, download or print the novella, and* Happy Holidays from your friendly neighborhood Paperback Writer.

*Note 9/3/10: Since instituted an access fee scam to charge people for downloading e-books, including those I have provided for free for the last ten years, I have removed my free library from their site, and no longer use or recommend using their service. Incarnatio and all of my free reads may be read online or downloaded for free from Google Docs; go to my freebies and free reads page for the links. See my post about this scam here.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    oh yay... thanks, PBW!

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas...!!!

  2. How super!
    Thank you.

  3. Thank you, PBW! I hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend and that Santa brought you everything a writer needs for the new year.

  4. Perfect Christmas present! Thanks, Lynn!!


  5. Your generosity through the month of December shows the true spirit of the holiday. Thank you.

  6. Thank you Lynn, have a wonderful New Year!

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Thank you PBW :)

  8. Oh, thank you, Sheila. Just got back and had intermittent Internet access so this is a wonderful thing to come back to. Hope you had the Christmas you wished for...and a replacement for the rice cooker cause rice all over the counter just wastes leftovers that are good for rice cereal and pudding :).

  9. Hi all, Tom here. Tonight some of the comments wouldn't post due to a temporary problem with Lynn's e-mail program. I've fixed the program but the comments were erased in the process. I'm copying them and reposting them manually, to follow.

  10. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Keita Haruka said:

    Book! Book! Book! Yay! :D

    Thank you!

  11. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Sherri said:

    Thank you...hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  12. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Kay Webb Harrison said:

    Great story! Thank you so much.

    Happy Christmastide.


  13. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Hasdiel said:

    Thank you! Lovely gift.

  14. Anonymous9:22 PM

    L. said:

    Only you would reinterpret the incarnatio verbi with vampires and zombies! A thrilling read, too.

    Merry Christmas, P.

  15. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays, Lynn. :) And thanks Tom!

  16. Oh Lynn, Thank you so much for this. What a wonderful Christmas present. I'm glad you had a great holiday.

  17. Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas and new year!

  18. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Thank you so much, Lynn! You are so generous to your fans. I hope you and your family and every one of your fans has a Happy New Year.

  19. Thanks Lynn, you are so generous. Have a wonderful new year.

  20. Many Many Thanks!
    I did love it was a grand story.

    I hoipe you dod have a wonderful happy and Merry Christmas and that new year 2009 is a good year for you all!


  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Woo Hoo!! More Darkyn! Thanks so much! ~JK

  22. Thanks so much Lynn!


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