The winner of PBW Holiday Giveaway #7 -- Inspire Me is:
AnneV (whose comment began with: One of my favorite authors, Rosina Lippi/Sara Donati. Her website ...
Anne, when you have a chance please send your full name and ship-to info to, and I'll get your package out to you. Thanks to everyone for sharing their favorite writer blogs with us.
The holidays are a time for making wishes, and I'm no different from any kid when it comes to those. I have a very short wishlist this year; mostly my wishes have to do with hope for the future.
Of all the things I'd like for the holidays, Santa, Peace on Earth tops the list. Wherever and whenever you can manage it, please, Big Guy.
On the work front, I really wish I could solve all the problems in Publishing. I wish I could squelch some of the panic and depression over the latest batch of bad industry news. I wish I could buy books for all the readers who can't afford them now. I wish things would get better in a big way in a hurry before more of my friends and colleagues lose their jobs, and readers lose their favorite authors from the shelves. I am seriously buying books for everyone on my shopping list this year, but it never seems like enough. I wish it was.
Because my family is probably reading this and muttering to themselves by now, I will wish for a couple of things that are a bit easier to fit in my stocking -- books or a bookstore gift card, as always. A new rice steamer that doesn't spit all over the counter when I use it would also be nice. But mainly what I wish is for you to know how much I love you and how blessed I am to have you in my life. Every day with you is for me a wish come true.
For the tenth PBW Holiday Giveaway, I have:
Three BookWishes
To have a chance to win this giveaway, in comments make a wish for something you'd like for the holidays (or, if you already have everything one could wish for, toss your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Monday, December 22, 2008. I'll draw three names at random from everyone who participates and grant the winners a BookWish*, plus send each winner an extra stocking stuffer -- a signed, printed** copy of my December Darkyn novella e-book release, Master of Shadows. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something from PBW in the past.
*A BookWish is any book of your choice that is available to order from an online bookseller, up to a maximum cost of $30.00 U.S. (I'll throw in whatever shipping cost is involved.)
**Printed by me on bond paper and placed in a three-ring binder.
I wish for luck with which to find a job in February (I just finished university and have family obligations for most of January, so I'm waiting until February to look for work).
ReplyDeleteNothing but some good weather and speedy recovery from the current economic mess.
ReplyDeleteI wish (and hope) I'll be able to keep my job. The thought of begging for work in the middle of winter scares me to death.
ReplyDeleteI also wish for the original (non-pink) cover of Stay the Night, but that's probably a lost cause...
I found a nifty rice steamer with a locking lid. No spatters! And it's non-stick, too, so cleanup is trivial. It's a Zojirushi. Found at a local Japanese grocery, but I've seen them at good kitchen stores as well.
ReplyDeleteWishes? I hope the weather here in Seattle eases up so that no one has to spend the holiday without power. And so that I can get out to get that one last gift.
A safe and happy holiday for my students.
ReplyDeleteAnd a new contract would be nice ;)
good health for my family and happness.
Right now i wish for cozy slippers.
ReplyDeleteI wish to get a better paying job and for this economy recession to end.
ReplyDeleteTerri W.
1 - Ice cream maker
ReplyDelete2 - Food processor
3 - House full of people to laugh & be happy with
A better year ahead, and luck breaking into the writing biz!
ReplyDeleteI wish for a nice little house with a yard and a fence. I'll work on getting the dog and having the baby. :D
ReplyDeletePersonally, I wish to overcome the inertia that has me deep in this rut. Globally, I wish for some understanding for everyone on the planet.
ReplyDeleteFor the holidays this year I would like some snow. It would make me feel like a little kid again, and after 3 years of green Decembers it's needed :)
ReplyDeleteGood health for those suffering from illness, that's my wish.
ReplyDeleteI wish for good health for my family and friends and a huge number of sales for my debut novel.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is for this Christmas to be a wonderful, memorable one. For the happiness of the season to last all through this next year of 2009.
ReplyDeleteIt's a two part wish.
ReplyDelete1. Find a new job in January as I'm about to be let go.
2. have a peaceful holiday with family and no fighting
If crossing every available appendage in hopes that they come true.
Having all my family together for once would be nice.. ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy wish is that I finally get the services my daughter (who suffers from bipolar disorder and Asperger's Syndrome) needs to lead a productive life and that my older daughter gets into the college of her choice - so my wish is for my daughters' happiness and success.
ReplyDeleteAll I wish for is that the plans my mate and I made work out without the complications and obstacles that came into our path this year. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy bookwish: The Complete Book of Home Canning and Preserving by the US Dept. of Agriculture (2nd Revised Edition)
ReplyDeleteBeyond that, my Christmas wish is for peace on earth and goodwill towards men.
Hi Lynn,
ReplyDeleteA Nintendo Wii for my son. They are sold out everywhere!!!
Thank you,
I wish my Mom could be with us for Christmas. I haven't seen her in two years and I miss her so much.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I'm blessed.
I wish for many of the wish requests here to be filled, though. This is a hard Christmas for many. One other wish...if you've got a little extra food left over for your Christmas dinner, drop it by your local fire department or police station...they're still working through the holiday. I drop cookies off every year to the Airmen working on Christmas at our local base and they're usually grinning like kids when I leave.
I wish, for real, that we'll have food on the table all through the holidays. I can fast afterwards, but please Santa, let my kid and wife eat (healthy) allthrough the holidays.
ReplyDeleteOh. And books. The only thing that can fill that other hole...
Sorry guys - a tough day in Sweden today.
My wish would be for my closest friend and his girlfriend. Due to finances they currently live more than a 1000 miles from each other... Maryland and Iowa. My wish is for the finances to sort themselves out so she can join him in Maryland. Anyone want to buy a house or townhouse in Des Moines, Iowa?
ReplyDeleteEveryone have a happy and safe holiday season.
I wish for health for myself and everyone I love. Also, I wish for the economic recession to end or at least slow down, so my job will be safer. My third wish is to share my office at work with someone else than the co-worker I'm sharing it with now. Nearly anyone in our department will do. Just not this horrible, horrible person...
ReplyDeleteI wish I could live my life the way I want it, and for people to quit telling how I should live it.
ReplyDeleteWell, I could do with a shiny new laptop or notebook that runs all the programs I want without crashing, and a better DVD player that has a sound quality to do the opera DVDs I keep collecting better justice.
ReplyDeleteI second the recommendation of Zojirushi brand rice cookers. Mine is tops.
ReplyDeleteName in hat, please. All I want for Christmas is happiness and I already have tons of that.
You know, I am so lucky. I have everything I need and lots of the things I want, I have a healthy family and a good job and we're all happy. What more is there to wish for except for it all to continue that way?
ReplyDeleteSo I'm going to make a really extravagant wish and wish that my life, just for one day, would become a car commercial and I'd come outside to find a Mini-CooperS convertible with a big bow on it and no car payments in my driveway on Christmas Day!
My wish is that I can finally figure out my true purpose in
ReplyDeletelife. And for everyone to be happy!!
I wish for an agent to fall madly in love with my novel. :)
ReplyDeleteBut barring that, I'll take peace on earth as well.
I'm wishing for a new job in January, and I'm hoping for a new digital camera.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are directed towards my mom, who could really use some light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel.
December is -always- full of looming deadlines for me. Never fails. So I'll wish for the ability to stop stressing so much about deadlines and just enjoy the season as it is meant to be enjoyed. I try, but it isn't always easy and my family deserves better than a deadline-crazed hamster-on-a-wheel each December.
ReplyDeleteMy only wish is for my family to be happy and healthy.
ReplyDeleteI wish for love, pace and healt for my beloved ones and also I have a bookwish Murdergame by Christine Feehan.
ReplyDeleteI wish for everyone's economical situation to improve next year.
ReplyDeleteI'll go with the traditional peace on earth.
ReplyDeleteSpending quality time with a hardworking husband whose support and devotion is neverending. Perhaps a holiday would be a nice interlude. Thanks for this chance.
ReplyDeleteI wish for health for my family.
ReplyDeleteMy wish list feels infinitely long and mostly contains impossible things like prosperity, justice, and happiness for everyone on earth.
I going to be completely selfish and say I wish that the project I'm working on would not delay and go live as scheduled so I don't have to go back overseas next week.
I really would love to have an ereader for Christmas. My family will be together for the first time in several years, so I'm very excited about it. I really wish my brother could find a job quickly after his next acting job ends in February.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to echo -- Robin Bayne said...
ReplyDeleteI wish for everyone's economical situation to improve next year.
My wish is just that all the familys that are struggling so much this year get some relief in the comming year. Its horrible whne you have to choose between food for the house and presents for your kids.......or like us.....choose to have heat in the house or insurance coverage so you can afford your monthly medications.
ReplyDeleteHope everyone who reads has a wonderful christmas, no matter what your situation, and are surrounded by good friends and loving family throughout the holiday season.
i would love to have a nikon digital slr. but would settle for books, scrapbooking supplies. ad movies.
ReplyDeleteAfghanistan is a dry and lonely place for men like my husband who provide a place of peace and rest for our troops when they return from fighting an unpopular war. My wish is that God would open some doors for him to be employed here, with me. Home has been a dry and lonely place without him.
ReplyDeleteI would like to complete my first novel (~70% done so far) and have a good experience on the road to finding an agent and a publisher for it.
ReplyDeleteThe first part shouldn't be a problem for me as I'm loving writing it, but the second part is what has me scared!
I would love a cashmere sweater.
ReplyDeleteI wish for my sister to find a job. And for me, a pair of warm winter boots and of course books or a bookstore gift card.
ReplyDeletea kitchenaid mixer
ReplyDeleteLisa NC
My wish would be to be able to start on redoing my kitchen. I have our family together for holidays which is fantastic. (We thought dh would have to be out in CA for the next two weeks and he's home.)
ReplyDeleteI wish for meaningful and purposeful work for my friends (and myself) who find themselves without work right now. I pray for stability, for peace and for financial freedom.
ReplyDeleteI wish for publication for myself - and for the openness to understand what is within my control and what is outside it and the skin to live with the difference.
I wish for an end to tyranny -- which as a byproduct would probably help with that peace on earth thing you mentioned. Grin.
ReplyDeleteMore personally, I wish for the time for a trip to Atlanta for novel research.
I'm really wishing for a new bookshelf to put all my reads on, Merry Christmas everyone!
ReplyDeleteToo many wishes to print - tossing my name in the hat.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! Nat
I want time. To just sit and relax.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a kindle. They are still priced out of my range, but I would be willing to try one.
ReplyDeleteI wish that I would do better in college so I can get into a good med school.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to get the perfect gift for my best friend, I'm finding it hard to pick something out this year.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is that all my family could spend Christmas together.
ReplyDeleteTo get a netbook and for the older son to get the job he's been told about.
ReplyDeleteI wish for being able to change jobs in 2009 (also, finishing a novel at last)
ReplyDeleteI'm wishing I could visit my family up north for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI just wish to learn to love writing again. It's still a struggle.
ReplyDeleteRight now, everything else is just fine. :)
I wish to finished my novel by the end of 2009.
ReplyDeleteI wish that the new year and new president lead America into a happier, more compassionate, more optimistic, more global and, of course, more peaceful future.
ReplyDeleteI also wish for the perseverance/stubborness that it takes to finish a book, then another and so on.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Peace!
Not entering the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteLOL just wanted to say I love your BookWish fairy.
my wish is for anyone touched by violence to find a way to peace and happiness.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to wish for someting it would be that everyone arrives safely at their destinations this holiday season.
ReplyDeleteNow, see, I thought it was a contest for that pretty lace dress. Well, I wish for a very large corporate sponsorship for my son's autism treatment center. And a new teapot.
ReplyDeleteI wish for my family to stay healthy and for my dad not to have another pay cut because of the slow down in his industry.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is to deal with my pain better. I wanted to wish for it to be gone but knew that wasn't a possibility, so I wish for the strength. And I wish all my family and friends have their wishes come true too.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could say that my wish was for something noble, but honestly, I just wish desperately that I can manage to churn out 14 lecture outlines, put them into Powerpoint, write the audio script to go with them, and get it all uploaded to my online class for the beginning of spring semester, which starts January 7th. All good karma thoughts welcome!
ReplyDeletei wish the weather would clear and my little sister could come down and visit me for the holdiays. i haven't seen her in years.
ReplyDeleteRight now, I'm wishing for a little less snow...
ReplyDeleteThrowing my name in the hat!
ReplyDeleteI wish for my eldest brother to find a job (with health coverage) soon.
ReplyDeleteMy wishes for this holiday season:
ReplyDelete1. To be able to continue to view my lay-off as an opportunity.
2. To finally understand how the seconde position in fencing is a good tactical parry.
3. And finally my book wish is to find out that Elizabeth Moon is writing follow-ups to her Serrano series --
I wish for publication of my current novel and continued good health for myself and loved ones.
ReplyDeleteI wish my dad will be able to make it to Alabama to be with us for Christmas. He missed out on Thanksgiving and that tore him up
ReplyDeleteGood health for family and friends.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is to get my relationship issues sorted and settle with my better half. :)
ReplyDeleteFor the holiday? That my house will be rented to wonderful people who will find much peace there and who will cherish and care for it as I have. I wish for this so that I won't lose the house....
ReplyDeleteas always, thanks so much for how wonderful you make this season for others...
My wish is for good health and happiness.
ReplyDeleteMy wish this Christmas is for my family to all be in good health.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is for my daughter to find happiness. She has been depressed for so long, I just wish the new year brings her the joy of finding her HEA and a job. With so many out of work, it has been a true trial. Also, I can't let a wish list pass me by without asking for World Peace in these days of such uncertainty.
ReplyDeleteI wish for the economy to be good again, kids to not be living on the streets with empty bellies, parents to not be stressed out past the breaking point, and for Santa Claus to make his way to every single child in the world so they can all wake up Christmas morning with a big smile on their face. Happy Holidays to all, tis the Season for MIRACLES.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Lynn. World peace, please. No kidding.
ReplyDeleteFailing that, a rebounding economy.
Can't have that either? I'll settle for a kitten... which is equally improbably. ;)
I'd like a publishing contract for Christmas, but since I can't have that (no books out on submission at the moment :D), I'll settle for something achievable like the Planet Earth series on DVD. I've dropped enough not-so-subtle hints that I think I will get it. :)
ReplyDeleteI wish for health and happiness for my family, friends and anyone reading this. I also wish that we see less panic in 2009 and more stability in our world.
ReplyDeleteMy wish is that my friend receive her Christmas/b-day gift I sent her.
ReplyDeleteI am wishing for a better economy.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could go home for Christmas. This will be my second far from my family, and it gets harder every year. With luck by next year, I'll be home again.
ReplyDeleteI wish that my father may find new purpose in his life following my mother's death, and that he will be happy again.
ReplyDeleteI'm very lucky this year in that I get to see almost all my close family so I wish that everyone else could do the same. Or that the people who have no family could be with people that will love them as best they can.
ReplyDeleteAlso world peace and a better economy.
I wish for wings that work. ^_~
ReplyDelete(and my own bookstore)
So many wishes that it's hard to pick one, but basically that the next year will be much better than this one, that was so hard with several dear friends gone.
ReplyDeleteAw, I'm like..18 minutes late!
ReplyDeleteOh well, I'll still answer. I wish that our travels are safe this week and everyone gets along! :)
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com