
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sub & Residency Ops

Benu Press, "a small, independent press committed to publishing poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction" is accepting completed manuscripts for their Social Justic and Equity Award; winning author will be published by Benu with an initial print run of 1K plus $1,000.00 in addition to royalties. Download manuscript guidelines and entry form at the Benu website.

The James Merrill House Writer-in-Residency Program invites writers to live and work in James Merrill's Stonington, CT apartment rent-free for 5-month or 11-month terms. A stipend will be offered beginning September 2008; Application deadline January 15, 2009 -- see official website for more information.

Millay Colony for the Arts is accepting applications for residency on the "pastoral estate of Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay, in upstate NY." Those accepted can expect "room, studio, meals for month of uninterrupted bliss" at no cost except travel expenses. See official website for more information and applications.

The Kings English, an "online international literary journal" is looking for long fiction and personal essays; accepts fiction 11K-48K, personal essays/nonfiction 11K-48K, poems, book reviews 1K, $20/story or essay, $10/review, and $10/poem (maximum of $20/poet per issue), electronic subs only, see submission guidelines for more details on formatting and submission requirements.

Seal Press has an open anthology call for women writers exploring the relationship between women and horses, to be published in Spring '09. They're looking for strong, real-life stories 2K-4K in length about an extraordinary experience or deep connection with a horse. No other details or internet site link offered; contact Cornelia Durrant at

All of the above listings were found in the July/August '08 print issue of Poets & Writers.


  1. Ooooh, thank you for this! Looks like I need to get me a subscription to Poets and Writers.

  2. Wow, that's all great information. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sort of off topic but I really like The Singing-Woman From Wood's Edge by Edna St. Vincent Millay. I found a book of her poems at a used bookstore.


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