
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sub Op Ten

Ten Places Where You Can Submit Your Work

Beneath Ceaseless Skies, billing itself as "a new online magazine of literary adventure fantasy", is open to submission of literary fantasy stories 10K or less, will consider longer if attention-holding, pays .05 cents per word (qualifies as professional rate sale under SFWA guidelines), reading period opens August 1, 2008 (don't submit before that date), electronic submissions only with specific requirements, see writer guidelines here.

Double Dragon E-Books is currently accepting novel submissions through August 31, 2008 for their 2009 e-book line-up, presently open to only Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy and Horror novels, no length specified. No advance offered, pays 30% of all net sales, electronic submissions only with very specific format required, see writer guidelines here.

Escape Pod, a weekly audio/podcast SF magazine, buys "quality" SF stories and flash fiction to be read by their performers, length 2-6K for stories, up to 1K for flash, will consider longer if brilliant stuff, pays $100.00 for fiction, $20.00 for flash, electronic subs only with specific requirements, see writer guidelines here.

Gryphonwood Press is currently accepting short SF/F novel submissions for POD/e-book publication, length 60K or less, no advance offered, pays 40% of net. Electronic submissions only, first three chapters/synopsis/cover letter in .doc or .rtf format, some general writer guidelines here.

Necrotic Tissue e-zine has an open call for Malpractice: An Anthology of Bedside Terror, a themed horror anthology (see guidelines for specifics on theme and theme requirements.) Length 2-4K for stories, will consider some 100 word flash subs, pays flat fee of $25.00 for stories, $10.00 + contributor copy for flash, reading period July 1st until September 30th, 2008, electronic submissions only, writer guidelines here.

The Pedestal Magazine, which bills its editors as being "committed to promoting diversity and celebrating the voice of the individual" is looking for poetry (submit up to six), flash fiction up to 1K, short fiction up to 6K, book reviews of 850 words-1K, and interviews (query first on the book reviews and interviews.) Pays $30.00 for poems, $.05 per word for short and flash fiction, .02 per word for book reviews, interview payment not specified, electronic submissions only, closed to submission one week out of every month, see more details, writer guidelines and submission schedule here.

Permuted Press is looking for completed novels between 70-110K words (85-90K considered ideal) with Apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic tales and/or zombie themes (genres: horror, science fiction, and speculative fiction.) Pays $500.00 advance + 6% royalty, requires exclusive Eng. language rights of 5 years, submit query with synopsis and three chapters in .doc or .rtf format, see writer guidelines here.

Tesseracts Thirteen, a dark fantasy and horror antho to be edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and David Morrell for EDGE and Tesseract Books, is open for submissions of short fiction and poetry only to "Canadians, landed immigrants, long-time residents, and expatriates" (Sorry, Yanks.) Length 5K or less, pays "$20.00 for poetry, $50.00 for stories under 1,500 words, rising to a maximum of $100.00 for stories over 5,000 words." Deadline October 31, 2008 (postmarked); snail mail and electronic subs okay, writer guidelines here.

Norilana Books has posted an open sub call for Warrior Wisewoman 2, a SF anthology for stories about powerful women, length up to 10K (longer stories will have to be exceptional), pays .02 cents per word on acceptance and a pro rata share of royalties plus contributor's copy, reading period begins on August 1, 2008 (don't submit before that date), deadline December 15, 2008. Electronic submissions only, writer guidelines here.

The publisher of my StarDoc series, Ace/Roc Science Fiction and Fantasy, does currently accept unagented subs (e-subs with query + first ten ms. pages, snail mail subs with query, synopsis and first three chapters.) Preferred length 75-125K, pays negotiated advance plus standard percentage royalties, writer guidelines here.

All of the above were found while checking out the latest market listings at


  1. Your post is freakishly timely for me. I'd been thinking about trying to write some short fiction again, and was just on two days ago and planning to investigate some of these publishing opportunities further. I still will, but seeing you endorse/publicize them is a good thing!

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Thanks for this! It's good to see some new places, and thank you most of all for I had never heard of it; now I must inspect it thoroughly.


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