
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LB&LI 2008 Reminder

In two weeks I'll be holding my third annual Left Behind & Loving It virtual workshops here at PBW, beginning July 28th and continuing daily through August 3rd. Back in May I put out an open invitation for all you writers out there to join in, and many of you responded with ideas, requests, and offers to do workshops on your blogs. This post is to nag those of you who are still interested or planning to join in to get ready.

The details:

1. It's open to all -- anyone can hold a workshop; it doesn't matter if you're unpublished, published, agent, editor, employed, unemployed, student, retiree, whatever. If you've got something related to writing or publishing that you want to workshop, you're in.

2. You run the show -- you can do a single workshop or as many as you like, and hold them at any time during that week.

3. Linkage -- if you hold your workshop on your blog during the week of July 28th through August 3rd, I will link to it here on PBW for the entire week while I'm running mine.

My suggestions (all optional):

1. Keep your blog comments open so your visitors can discuss the topic of your workshop, ask questions and add their own ideas. The real fun of a virtual workshop is always the visitor participation.

2. If applicable, put together worksheets, outlines, or other helpful materials related to your topic for your visitors' use. You can post these online as part of your workshop or have them available for downloading elsewhere (I recommend if you don't have a website and/or need a place to park them; I used it last year to publish an e-book version of my workshops.)*Note 9/3/10: Since instituted an access fee scam to charge people for downloading e-books, including those I have provided for free for the last ten years, I have removed my free library from their site, and no longer use or recommend using their service. My free reads may be read online or downloaded for free from Google Docs; go to my freebies and free reads page for the links. See my post about this scam here.

3. Link to articles, web site pages and other sources on the internet that are relevant to the topic of your workshop. I especially like to find links to writers who have a different perspective than mine because they offer second opinions on the topic.

4. Consider having a giveaway(s) for your visitors. Published writers, if you've got some extra author copies sitting around and you can swing the postage, have a drawing for a signed copy or two. Unpublished writers, if there's a how-to book, magazine or other resource that has helped you, consider giving away a copy of it during your workshop. Along with my usual goodie bags, this year I'm putting together a special e-book on world-building as a giveaway, which will be available for everyone to read online or download. Or think up your own unique giveaway -- whatever you do, it will be appreciated.

I will be posting my workshop schedule as well as another reminder next week, and a call for participating bloggers to send me their workshop links beginning on July 27th (I'll also accept links whenever you all send them to me, up through August 4th.)

Does anyone have any questions about LB&LI? If you do, please post them in comments.


  1. ACK!!!! Must get off butt and put workshop together. . .


  2. Anonymous12:18 AM

    *Groan* We're moving July 30-Aug 1, so guess when I won't have internet access? RIGHT smack dab during LB&LI!!! NOOOO!!!!

    That said, tiny matter of business, I emailed you a somewhat time-sensitive question and I know you're overhwlemed with emails and whatnot and won't get to it for a while but as it is slightly slightly time-sensitive, I thought I'd let you know to keep an eye out for it, if possible. NO big deal if A) you don't get to it; B) you do but can't help, but no harm in emailing. :)

  3. I posted about mine I'm committed and there is no backing out. *grin*

  4. I'd love to do a workshop, but I don't know what on, can I just link my blog into yours? That way I'll advertise your workshops without having to rattle my brain to find a seminar of my own... (yeah that's a cop out, but ah well)

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    those two weeks are when I'm teaching a teacher's science institute. I'd love to do something, but I'm not sure I'll have the time.

    What I will do is look at the e-book and see the format you're using, then see if I can do some kind of content-based workshop toward world-building. Something along the lines of "Astronomy for Writers"?


    PS - Happy belated birthday!

  6. LJ wrote: ACK!!!!

    I know that ack. I muttered that ack right before I wrote up this post. :)

    Jess wrote: it is slightly slightly time-sensitive, I thought I'd let you know to keep an eye out for it, if possible

    No problem, Jess, I always appreciate reminders. I'll check with Tom; he's been handling e-mail for me lately.

  7. Sasha wrote: I posted about mine I'm committed and there is no backing out.

    It sounds wonderful, too. I plan to sneak out of my workshops so I can lurk at the back of yours. :)

    Natalie wrote: I'd love to do a workshop, but I don't know what on, can I just link my blog into yours?

    Absolutely, and thank you for offering. Links always spread the word, and the more people we can get involved, the more fun the workshops are.

    Suelder wrote: Something along the lines of "Astronomy for Writers"?

    That would be great; I love that particular topic and I think it would help a lot of writers who need some pointers. Btw, Sue, I found out about TF hitting the NYT when Tom passed along your message. Thank you. :)

  8. Does it violate the spirit of the thing if I'm not actually left behind? I'm considering posting workshop installments to go live while I'm away, but I may not be able to respond to comments daily on the road. I can certainly do a giveaway for participants, and send a prize on my return, though.

  9. I was going to post something about some of the writing issues I've had over the last couple of years. But I think I might do it up as a workshop for Left Behind. A workshop is just a post touching upon an issue, giving possible tips on how to deal with it, and inviting questions/comments,right? lol. ::newbie cluelessness::

    Seriously, though, there are many bloggers who I think give miny workshops weekly, based on the topics they touch upon,in a thoughtful manner, in their posts. Hence my slight befuddlement. :-P

  10. Charlene wrote: Does it violate the spirit of the thing if I'm not actually left behind?

    Not at all (just always check you water glass for floating solids, never sit next to an agent who looks constipated, and avoid the mystery chicken entrees. We want you back in one piece.)

    I'm considering posting workshop installments to go live while I'm away, but I may not be able to respond to comments daily on the road. I can certainly do a giveaway for participants, and send a prize on my return, though.

    That sounds lovely, and very decent of you, considering how busy you're going to be. I did mention not to eat the mystery chicken, right? Ha.

  11. I plan to eat at Subway. *g* They list all their ingredients.

  12. Vanessa wrote: I was going to post something about some of the writing issues I've had over the last couple of years. But I think I might do it up as a workshop for Left Behind. A workshop is just a post touching upon an issue, giving possible tips on how to deal with it, and inviting questions/comments,right?

    That and the always popular accompanying tastefully nude photos of the author giving the workshop. No, I'm kidding. The photos are optional.

    Seriously, though, there are many bloggers who I think give miny workshops weekly, based on the topics they touch upon,in a thoughtful manner, in their posts. Hence my slight befuddlement.

    That's pretty much it in a nutshell. What I try to do with mine is tackle some topic we all talk about online in bits and pieces throughout the year, define it, offer my spin on it, and outline some common problems and offer some solutions. People ask questions and add their opinions on the topic in comments, I answer/respond to them, and from there it becomes an interactive discussion.

    The trick to giving great workshop is to tackle a topic you feel comfortable in an instructor or speaker capacity, and find a way to have fun with it.

    On the comfort issue, you don't want to talk about plotting if you despise all manner of plotting. However, if you have a nontraditional way of plotting that you came up with because you hate to plot, that would be a very cool thing to workshop.

    I have fun teaching by using a combination of humor and what I hope is a fresh approach to my chosen topic. For example, how many dreary cookie cutter blog posts have we all read about self-promo? A million, right? So when I picked that as a topic for one of last year's workshops, I zeroed in on writer attitudes toward self-promo as well as the general tone that comes across in most of what I see authors do. I joked about the topic because we're all a little touchy about how well or poorly we do with self-promo, but I put in some serious bits as well. The discussion on that workshop was particularly interesting, too, because it's something we all worry about and wrestle with, but rarely talk about.

    Anyway, before this becomes a novel, do what you feel comfortable doing, lady.

  13. Charlene wrote: I plan to eat at Subway. *g* They list all their ingredients.

    And you can watch them make the sub, and the glass front of the counter keeps people from spitting on it -- something RWA doesn't offer their attendees. Which reminds me, never eat or drink anything that con attendees have had access to before you got to it, like a salad already set out on the table by the hotel staff, or buffet food at one of the publisher cocktail parties. Trust me on this.

  14. Sounds like lots of great ides out there. Astrology for writers would be great.

    I think the idea of writing about your issues for the last few years is a great one Jaye!

    I'm excited. I plan to sneak out to other workshops a lot, too.

  15. I think I might participate... I'm in final edits for my WIP and I always like to see how other people edit. So my theme would be editing, and the different layers I focus on while editing.

    Do we need to post every day of the week, or follow our usual posting schedule?

  16. By the way... Thanks for doing this! I always like to see what other writers are focusing on.

  17. I'd love to host a workshop on research for historical fiction/romance/mystery/etc.

  18. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Wow, I am glad that you'rre kind enough to offer us all a chance to really share with each other. I would definitely like to post a workshop. I like helping others and sharing what writing/development techniques work for me. That's the entire purpose of my blog anyway.

    Count me in!

  19. I'm culturally challenged. I have no idea what this Left Behind thing is.

    That apart, if I gave a workshop, nobody would come :D.

  20. Belinda wrote: Do we need to post every day of the week, or follow our usual posting schedule?

    Set your own schedule and post when it's convenient for you. Another advantage of having a virtual workshop on the internet is that the post is there for your visitors to read at any time of day or night. I'd just let your visitors know if you're not going to be around for a day or two in the event they ask questions.

    La Belle wrote: I'd love to host a workshop on research for historical fiction/romance/mystery/etc.

    Sounds good to me. :)

    Jamal wrote: I would definitely like to post a workshop. I like helping others and sharing what writing/development techniques work for me.

    That's what it's all about for me -- sharing ideas and discussing different techniques and tips. I think I learn as much as I contribute. And I get to do it usually while wearing my pjs and bunny slippers. ;)

    BuffySquirrel wrote: I'm culturally challenged. I have no idea what this Left Behind thing is.

    It started out as something to do while a lot of the blogging romance authors were off at RWA's annual national conference. I don't go anymore, and a lot of writers can't afford to, so I figured we could talk shop online that week if I had some workshops here at the blog. It was so much fun the first year everyone asked me to do it again the following summer; I dragged other writers into joining in and now it's becoming an annual summer event.

  21. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I'm gonna be gone gone gone, but not to Nationals, I'm gonna be gone to Alaska.

    However, I did a mini workshop anyway, needed to fill blog days since my desperate plea for guest bloggers went unanswered. Ah well.

    And because PBW told ...uh, because it seemed like fun, I'm doing a giveaway, too. ;)

  22. What a terrific idea! I'm in. I don't go to nationals either. I have an idea for a workshop on description, and I'll post an exercise a day for five days, one for each of the five senses. And I'll do a couple of giveaways. I've got some great writing how-to books, some out of print, that could use a new home.

    And July 28 is my birthday. Hee hee.

    So when do I send you my link? I'll start announcing on my blog tomorrow. Ooh, I just had an idea. I'm going to create an icon for the workshop. I'm a graphic designer in my day job, so this will be fun.

  23. I think I posted back on the other post! In case it got lost, I'd like to run a workshop on the first 200 words - of anything! Novel, story, kid's book, YA - in any genre.
    I can put up some pointers, and keep the discussion going, and maybe some brave people might want to put their 200 up for commenting.
    Is this OK?

  24. Shiloh wrote: I'm gonna be gone gone gone, but not to Nationals, I'm gonna be gone to Alaska.

    Go ahead, rub it in. We expect some pictures when you get back, you know. Spectacular ones.

    However, I did a mini workshop anyway, needed to fill blog days since my desperate plea for guest bloggers went unanswered.

    Did you post this already or are you holding out on us?

    And because PBW told ...uh, because it seemed like fun, I'm doing a giveaway, too.

    Psychic blackmail. Works every time. Ha.

  25. Karen wrote: What a terrific idea! I'm in. I don't go to nationals either.

    See? I'm not the only one. ;)

    I have an idea for a workshop on description, and I'll post an exercise a day for five days, one for each of the five senses. And I'll do a couple of giveaways.

    That sounds great, and will be much appreciated.

    I've got some great writing how-to books, some out of print, that could use a new home.

    That's a terrific idea. I have a ton of writing books I read once and shelved that I could pass along to other writers. Well, maybe not that one by Kenyon that the dog chewed off the corners. But lots of others my animals haven't attacked, lol.

    So when do I send you my link?

    I'll start calling for links the day before LB&LI, on July 27th.

    I'm going to create an icon for the workshop. I'm a graphic designer in my day job, so this will be fun.

    That is a neat idea. Thanks, Karen.

  26. Sherryl wrote: I think I posted back on the other post!

    I do apologize, Sherryl -- I am still working my way through about 200 comments Tom sent me for review, so it might be in that pile (comments that need a response after the day of the post go through a two-stage system, which takes a while.)

    ... I'd like to run a workshop on the first 200 words - of anything! Novel, story, kid's book, YA - in any genre.
    I can put up some pointers, and keep the discussion going, and maybe some brave people might want to put their 200 up for commenting.
    Is this OK?

    Excellent. Sounds like one we all need -- sometimes that first 200 words is the difference between sale and no sale. Thank you!

  27. Oh, like the virtual cons I see sometimes in LJ. Very cool :).

  28. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Did you post this already or are you holding out on us?

    Nope, it's done, just not live. If I remember right, it goes live 7/29. Although I seriously doubt it's anything earth-shattering or terribly interesting. ;)

  29. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Coming in late, but we plan on doing a workshop or two over at

    ..and some giveways. Still working on the workshop topics.


  30. Hi, I'm late chiming in. Didn't know if I could get anything done since my granddaughter will be keeping me company all next week. I managed to put together a series of blogs NOT GOING TO FRISCO: WRITING BIZ REALITY about what it takes to write day after day - begins with announcement 07/27 and blog each day on that theme follows through Aug. 1.


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