Ten Things for Creativity and Fun
Freeware caution: always scan free downloads of anything for bugs and other threats before dumping the programs into your hard drive.
1. Create and customize a poll like this one to embed on your blog or web site with BuzzDash (free but registration required.)
2. Find out which celebrities most look like you with Celebrity Match-up (who knew that Angie Harmon and I could be sisters? Well, around the cheekbones, anyway.)
3. A screensaver that helps you write poetry? Yep. Check out the free edition of Cybernetic Poet.
4. EasyStreet Prompts is an inspirational widget designed to kick muse ass into gear -- yours or your visitors.
5. For help with coining words from combos of two, one of which you supply as a suffix or prefix, try DeGraeve.com's Invent-a-Word online generator.
6. Photo Soup is an online, timed wordsearch game that is highly addictive and can be embedded on your web site or blog to offer your visitors some fun. I put one over on the stories blog here if you want to try it out.
7. In my indigo teeth: Generate some rather unique lines of verse (and customize them a bit along the way) with the Poetry CreatOR 2
8. Also for the poets out there who are drawing a blank, Random Poetic Phrase generator (scroll down) offers inspiration via three phrases drawn from actual (published? famous? not sure) poems.
9. Fill in the dialogue bubbles on classic comic book covers over at Speech Bubbler.
10. If you ever wanted to hear as well as see art, go check out some of the music generated by Helena Kääriäinen's paintings via Lauri Gröhn's Synesthesia Software.
My thanks to Gerard over at The Generator Blog, from whom I swiped some of these links.
Thanks a took advantage of the invent a word and the easy street prompts! How cool!