
Saturday, May 03, 2008

Reader Requests

I'm sorting through proposals for future work this weekend to send to the agent and have her review and rate. Among other things I will be putting together my pitch for the tenth and last StarDoc novel as well as two new series, and deciding what to do about Darkyn. I'll also be mulling over what to write in 2009 as new promotional e-books.

It's a lot to think about, and I'm a bit frustrated with myself for waffling as long as I have over this. Which means it's time to touch base with my readers.

What would you like to read from me over the next couple of years? More of the same, all new stuff, or something in between? If you have a specific book or books you'd like to request, please post it in comments (the anonymous option will be enabled for today so those of you who don't have weblogs or IDs anywhere can still put in your two cents.)


  1. Darkyn - what intrigues me most are the power struggle dynamics between Richard/Lucan/Michael. I am interested in seeing see how you would resolve this. And - LOL - does Lucan open a salsa club in Miami?

    "New" - Very curious about the other part of the Darkyn Universe that you mentioned exploring.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    In fiction, I'd like something in between.

    In non fiction, I'd love some inspirational book about your writing practices and the mental frame needed to be a good writer.

    I bought "The way of the cheetah" and I love it, so much I'd like more advice for begining writers.

    I still re-read your post "Courage" when I feel I'm throwing the towel (thanks for it). Take that post and your series about novel writing and you've got a neat outline for that hypothetical book.

    In any case, please keep writing this blog in the future.

    (Please, excuse my english).

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Something new, definitely. I love all your current series, but I would love even more to have a brand new one to enjoy. Maybe some fantasy? Or (and I can't see this happening, but it is my favorite genre) near-future science fiction, Crichton-style? Whatever it is, anything new would be stellar.

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I am a huge StarDoc fan, although you have put Cherijo through so much it seems like she deserves some kind of resolution. But I love the whole universe you have created and have enjoyed the other books set there. Your ability to create interesting, weird and varied creatures and habitats and vivid descriptions thereof is wonderful!! I would be happy to read every morsel that takes place there! But, of course, a new universe/book series setting is always intriguing.

  5. Hi Lynn. I fell in love with your novels written as "Jessica Hall" years ago, namely "Into the Fire" and "Heat of the Moment." I'd love to see you write more contemporary romantic suspense.
    But I also enjoy your Darkyn series very much.

  6. I'm not ready for the Darkyn world to end -- especially because each new book in the series has gotten better and better.

    I would follow you into something new as well.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'd love for you to write another Romantic Suspense series!

  8. Love the darkyn and yes I think there are things there worth exploring but man stardoc is my favorite series. I would love to see something along this line not necessarily Cherjo I think she needs some peace lol. But this world sure looks like that we could get some more stories out of it. It is so detailed.

  9. My vote is something in between. Maybe something more with the Darkyn...wink,wink. I would love to somehow see John end up with someone.
    As for the two new series, you sure do know how to leave a girl wanting for more.
    Thank you for the heads up, Lynn:)

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    My vote wold be for more Darkyn of something new.

  11. You know, all my wishes will be fulfilled when I get the last Stardoc book. I sorta see getting Stardoc 8, 9, 10 as the apex of happiness, and it’s hard to think that I could ask for more.

    Well, after Stardoc, I say new is better than old. Knowing who I am, I think I’d like new more. Rooting for NEW.

    So how long before you hear what the agent thinks of the two new series and your other proposals?

  12. I have to say I would love it if you wrote more Darkyn. Its one of my favourite series. I really want to read Richards story.

    Like Lainey im also interested in the new stuff thats delves into a different aspect of the Darkyn universe.

  13. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I would love to see more novels in the Stardoc universe. The stuff with Jory in Blade Dancer was awesome and I'd love to see more things about her and her family.

  14. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I love the Darkyn books but urban fantasy/ paranormal in general and would love if you continue in this genre in Darkyn specific ways or otherwise.

  15. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I will be putting together my pitch for the tenth and last StarDoc novel

    Sniffle. Sob. Whimper.

  16. I would love Richard's story. I'm a sucker for an anti-hero.

  17. I would absolutely love to see something new. I have really enjoyed everything of yours--StarDoc seems ready to wrap up, and there are some unresolved story lines in the Darkyn universe I'd like to see tied up before you take too long of a break, but I'm definitely ready to see what else you cook up :) No matter what it is, I'll be buying it the first day it's on the shelves!

  18. I would love more Darkyn books, but a new series would be great too.

  19. What, like books to propose? Because I would love to read a full-length Holly Noriko novel.

  20. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Definitely some more Darkyn. I love how you have the continuing thread of Michael and Alex running through all of the books.

  21. I would love to see some new science fiction. I love stardoc, but I'd love to see what else you would come up with.

  22. I'd like to get to know Holly better, and the Jorenians, too! But anything you write in the sci-fi genre has me coming back for more. What I'd really like to see is the Darkyn series at B&N and Hastings! Can't find them locally (Lubbock, TX), have to order them through Amazon. Can't get more than one of your books in Kindle format. If I could have both the Darkyn series and the StarDoc series in Kindle format, you might not see me for, oh, weeks I think.

  23. I would like to see several more Darkyn books before you end the series. I am also open to new series but I hope one of them is related to the Darkyn world you have created---I guess that shows I am reluctant to totally let them go. : )

  24. I have enjoyed both the Stardoc universe and the Darkyn series. I am sad but pleased in a way that there is an end. I find lately that I am tiring of long series and dropping a lot of authors because of it. That said I do really enjoy your stories because there is so much of the story and character development. I have your books very dense which in my opinion is a very good thing. I say write what you feel compelled to write and I am along for the journey.

  25. Lainey wrote: ...does Lucan open a salsa club in Miami?

    Oh, you're just trying to wheedle spoilers for Incarnatio out of me, aren't you? I'll just say that Lucan has acquired a new hobby, and leave it at that. :)

  26. Kankamuso wrote: I'd like more advice for begining writers.

    I appreciate your kind words, especially in reference to Courage. If anything embodies what I hope to do with this weblog, and all the writers who help by stopping in and sharing their thoughts and ideas, it's that post.

    I have been considering making a book of the essays, workshops and ideas that I've written or taught to students over the years. I will think about what you've said and see if I can put that together next year and post it on Scribd. Thank you for your input.

    Your english is excellent, by the way.

  27. Anonymous wrote: Maybe some fantasy?

    You'll be happy to know that Ravelin, the next free e-book I put up on Scribd (probably by the end of May or the beginning of June) is a collection of my fantasy stories and an epic fantasy novella titled Castling. Only two of the stories have been published before on my old web site, so 75% of it is all new stuff for my readers.

  28. Slayercat wrote: I am a huge StarDoc fan, although you have put Cherijo through so much it seems like she deserves some kind of resolution.

    That's why I'd like to sell book ten this summer, because that is Cherijo's resolution novel. I feel very strongly about finishing the series.

    I also have a new idea I plan to pitch that would be set in the StarDoc universe, but would be a new cast of characters and an entirely new conflict. It could work as a standalone or as a series. Once I get the green light from my agent on the idea, I'm going to run with it.

  29. Courtney wrote: I'd love to see you write more contemporary romantic suspense.

    I have been meaning to finish up the fire trilogy with Caine and Moriah's story, but that I would probably have to do as an e-book. I know there are still JH readers out there patiently waiting for it, so I'll add that to the 2009 list and see if I can get it done.

  30. The frustrated writer wrote: I'm not ready for the Darkyn world to end -- especially because each new book in the series has gotten better and better.

    That's probably the toughest decision I have to make right now, but there are also a lot of options involved. A lot depends on the publisher, but even if it doesn't work out in print, I can always write more Darkyn e-books.

  31. Kris wrote: I'd love for you to write another Romantic Suspense series!

    Jessica Hall may have been remaindered, but she's still got plenty of ideas. Thanks, Kris.

  32. Pamk wrote: I would love to see something along this line not necessarily Cherjo I think she needs some peace lol.

    It's going to be tough, publishing the last book. Cherijo has been with me all the way through my pro career, and she's always been sort of a writing security blanket. I've never written more books about any other character than her. But I agree with you, it's time I wrap things up, and let her go.

  33. Big t wrote: I would love to somehow see John end up with someone.

    Now I have to really slap duct tape over my mouth.

  34. Tammy wrote: My vote wold be for more Darkyn of something new.

    I think both may be where I'm heading.

  35. tf wrote: So how long before you hear what the agent thinks of the two new series and your other proposals?

    Probably almost immediately. I've already had one offer that I've put off deciding on until I sorted out what I wanted to write, and I need to give those people an answer.

  36. Robynr wrote: im also interested in the new stuff thats delves into a different aspect of the Darkyn universe.

    That's also on the table as an option.

  37. Lissalb8 wrote: The stuff with Jory in Blade Dancer was awesome and I'd love to see more things about her and her family.

    I will keep that in mind, Lissa, thank you.

  38. Anonymous wrote: I love the Darkyn books but urban fantasy/ paranormal in general and would love if you continue in this genre in Darkyn specific ways or otherwise.

    I think I can almost guarantee you I'll be writing some sort of dark fantasy or urban fantasy, given the success of Darkyn. ;)

  39. Shiloh wrote: Sniffle. Sob. Whimper.

    And that, my friends, is the ultimate compliment. :)

  40. Ann wrote: I would love Richard's story. I'm a sucker for an anti-hero

    I'm still surprised by how many requests I get for Richard's story. Definitely something to think about.

  41. Jessica wrote: No matter what it is, I'll be buying it the first day it's on the shelves!

    Jessica, could you talk to my agent for me? Lol. Seriously, thank you.

  42. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I'd love to see more of the Stardoc universe.

    I'd especially be interested in seeing more of Jorenian culture. I think there's a lot of potential there.

  43. Liza wrote: ...a new series would be great too.

    My one concern in starting a new (Darkyn-universe-related or otherwise in the same genre) series is length, I guess. I like to finish what I start, and it's getting really difficult to plan a series these days while knowing that the publisher can drop it at any time. Anyway, any series I pitch will definitely be limited, but hopefully just as satisfying as the ones I've previously published.

  44. Charlene wrote: Because I would love to read a full-length Holly Noriko novel.

    Now there's a request I've been getting daily since I put up Lunar Marshall. :) Adding it to the list.

  45. Anonymous wrote: I love how you have the continuing thread of Michael and Alex running through all of the books.

    That was one of my more controversial decisions about Darkyn, but I think it worked out pretty well. Gives the reader something different other than the usual one-book-romance thing, anyway.

  46. Rowan wrote: I would love to see some new science fiction.

    I think I can almost guarantee you that, too, R. :)

  47. Angus mhor wrote: Can't get more than one of your books in Kindle format.

    I'm putting together a list of questions for my publisher in regard to how my backlist is going to be handled in the future, and one thing I want to know is if the rest of the series will be made available in electronic format. I'll post what they tell me here at the blog as soon as I know something, Angus.

  48. Beki wrote: I guess that shows I am reluctant to totally let them go.

    It's just as tough for the writer, especially with series that are the bedrock of your career. I think I'm going to need a wubbie to hold onto when I turn in the last StarDoc.

  49. Anything. I'll gleefully read whatever you write.

  50. Shagman wrote: I find lately that I am tiring of long series and dropping a lot of authors because of it.

    I know what you mean. I gave up on one mystery author I had been pretty loyal to after reading the eleventh novel, which was just a rehash of the tenth, ninth, eighth and seventh. Then there's the waiting and trying to remember what happened from one book to the next, what with a year or more between releases with some slow or big name authors. For those reasons, I rarely get into anything new that's longer than a trilogy these days.

    I don't think I'll do another ten book series again, though; not after what I've gone through with StarDoc. Maybe it's best for the readers and the writers to keep series limited to five books or less.

  51. I would second a request for a Richard story. I'm intrigued by what Michael said to him about how he was dragged (paraphrasing, it's early in the morning here) through the streets of London naked.

    I also would love to read more about the Jorenians.

  52. I'm not ready for the Darkyn world world to end yet. I'd also be interested in a series set in the Star Doc universe with other characters.

  53. Yeah, I knew the last Stardoc novel was coming but you know...seeing you mention it hear is making me sad. I've enjoyed that series. I am glad to hear you're planning to write more SF though.

  54. Anonymous wrote: I'd especially be interested in seeing more of Jorenian culture. I think there's a lot of potential there.

    On my SF list is a novel-length story about a Jorenian HouseClan, something along the lines of A Diversity of Houses. I think it might be a hard sell, as it's 100% Jorenians with no Terrans and no space war stuff, but I might run it by my editor when the time comes. It would definitely be a standalone, though.

  55. Lynn, you wrote: I'll just say that Lucan has acquired a new hobby, and leave it at that. :)

    Now I'm left with a vision of Lucan finding his alma latina in the South Florida tropic night he loves - a silver blonde Brit dancing to a salsa beat. :)

  56. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Lynn, I started reading the Stardoc series when it first came out. I was a bored housewife looking for a little adventure and I found reading could help me explore someone elses world without having to leave my own. I found your email address in the back of the second book and I wrote to you about "letting Cheijo get a piece of her own" since she was constantly being beaten down. You wrote me back and told me that she was a doctor and she needed to find a better way to resolve the issues than violence. You also asked me to have my husband read the series and have him tell you his thoughts. I have since turned in my apron and went back to school. I became a nurse 3 yrs ago. I think of you often in that role and wonder how you made the leap to becoming an author. My daughter has written a book and is in the process of cleaning it up and fleshing it out a bit. She started writing it when she was 9. She is now 15. I used you as an example of someone who was a hard working (white) collar professional trauma nurse that decided there was more she wanted to do and you went a did it! Wonderfully I might add. I didn't know about the Darkyn novels until recently when I went to a book store and asked if there had been any new Stardoc novels released in the last year. The person at the register told me of your other series. I am currently on the third book. She is also the one responsible for telling me about this website. I am really glad that I have come back into the fold again. I missed reading your work. I would love to see a juicy series full of romance, mystery/paranormal activity and a little murder/crime thrown in here and there. I can look forward to kicking back on my one free evening a week and having my bucket of buttery popcorn, my one glass of wine and a really good book to unwind to. You go girl!!!!

    I am having trouble getting my password to work tonight so I will post this under anonymous.

    Thanks for all of the good memories.
    Dayna RN

  57. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Shiloh wrote: Sniffle. Sob. Whimper.

    And that, my friends, is the ultimate compliment. :)

    Compliment? I'm depressed over here and it's a compliment.


    Of course, if we got to see more from the Stardoc universe, it might help my condition.

  58. Oh great something along the lines of A diversity of house sounds really great.

    But as you say: human are so self centered... :)

  59. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I would love more Darykn novels! I am dying to see how the Michael/Alex/Korvel situation will play out. I would love to read more of Korvel's story.

  60. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I love the Darkyn. The layering of each novel on the world of the previous, the revealing of mysteries, the love story between each couple-it is the best. Please continue with it. I would also love to see something new, either a whole new series or an off shoot of the Darkyn. But let's face it, I would follow you wherever you choose to go!!!!

  61. I hope you keep your Darkyn series going. It's one of the few series that I haven't lost hope in.

    As for other work, I loooooove your Jessica Hall books. LOVE THEM. So I wouldn't mind more romantic suspense. :)

  62. I have to echo many of the other users and say, please... more Darkyn. I am proudly obsessed with the series, it's one of the best out there. I'm just not ready to have it end.

  63. Anonymous9:26 PM

    More Darkyn!!! Nuff said!

  64. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I started reading your Darkyn series at a friend's recommendation, and I was instantly hooked. My favorites are Valentin, Lucan and now, after Evermore, Robin.
    The other week I was looking for info about the next release when I found your blog and started your Sci Fi books. And boy, I can't have enough! My primary genre had always been Sci Fi, so I was absolutely delighted when I started reading the stories. I still need to put myself up-to-date but getting the books is not easy (I'm not from South America).
    Anyway, I'd love more Sci Fi material, and no, please do not end the Darkyn universe so soon! More Lucan would be welcome, of course. And oh, did I say I'm SO GLAD that Valentin will have his resolution?
    I think I might like to read more about Robin too (aside from his book, I mean), because just like Lucan I believe they have a lot of things, sides, adventures to be explored. The Darkyn assassin and Robin Hood? God, they have so many tales to tell, past, present, and hopefully, future!
    I'd like too reading more about Neal, Marcos, and Juliana. Hopefully, their story is not finished with the cycle of the three short one-shots.
    I have to explore your books about writing, but you know what? I absolutely love you, just for them (well, i love you for everything else, but I mean, you are REALLY helpful, and as nice as many authors are, such degree of help is not common, at least not among the authors I usually read.) Not just because of your fiction, but because of your openness and your advices. May the muse be with you forever, and keep your heart in the good place it already is. Thanks for all the reading pleasure and good company.

  65. Hi Lynne,

    I love your blog, and have been a Darkyn fan from the first book. Do you have any plans for Phillipe? There is just something about the guy that get me every time he pops up in one of the books.

  66. I would love love LOVE more Darkyn. Have you ever considered a prequel to the Darkyn? I also really like reading the Michael and Alexandra thread throughout the books. But, if you did a prequel I would definitely miss them being in there. Or, I like the idea of the "new" Richard in another storyline/book of his own. But, whatever you do I will definitely read.

  67. Hi Lynn, I have a burning question to ask which relates to a scene in, I believe, Dark Need. I was wondering why Cella gave Jayr that "look" when they met again. Maybe I missed it on my 3rd reading of the book ('cause it's that good), but I can't find what was behind the look.

  68. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I have a great love for you Darkyn stories but honestly as I enjoy all your other writing as well I will continue to read whatever you write, that can be pretty much counted on regardless of genre.

    I did say I love the Darkyn books though right ? :-)


  69. Anonymous12:35 AM

    More sci fi in the vein of blade dancer would rock!

  70. I will add my voice to the lot of darklyn fans. I definitly want to read more about them. I just finished your third book and I'm eager to read more (hopefully amazon will deliver them soon, as I can't pick them up in a bookstore around here). Anyway. Your style is unique and I find myself enjoying reading your stories, crying alongside Alex and Sam, or laughing out loud on the bus while people stare at me as if I'm sprouting another head.
    So definitly more of the same and something new and spicey would be my dish for the future~

  71. Anonymous2:28 PM

    So I'm going to go out on a limb and put my two cents in considering of course I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to read the next two books in the Darkyn series. I would love to see more Darkyn. If you dont adress the issues with Richard in the next two books...why not write one about the lord high master of the Darkyn and his pretty devoted secretary. Of course my secret hope is this is already written in the next two books hehehe. More Darkyn...oh wait...I said that already. Thanks and keep up the good work no matter what form it takes!
    -Sirens Cry

  72. Joely wrote: Anything. I'll gleefully read whatever you write.

    You spoil me, madam. Thank you.

  73. LesleyW wrote: I would second a request for a Richard story. I'm intrigued by what Michael said to him about how he was dragged (paraphrasing, it's early in the morning here) through the streets of London naked.

    Richard has been through a lot that I've not revealed, although you picked up on probably the most blatant hint I've dropped about his character (and someone else just discovered a plot seed I thought I'd disguised for Marcella in Night Lost, but that's another comment.)

  74. Darlene wrote: I'm not ready for the Darkyn world world to end yet.

    I guess my biggest concern is dragging it out past the point of reader interest, or where I'd exhaust the storylines (not that I think I would -- it's a big universe -- but I see too much of that happening with other series and immediately think, Please, Lord, never let that be me.)

  75. Maripat wrote: Yeah, I knew the last Stardoc novel was coming but you know...seeing you mention it hear is making me sad.

    It was a tough decision for me, too. But I balance the depressing prospect of having to end it with the satisfaction of knowing that I will finish it for the readers. I couldn't stand it if I wasn't able to do that, not after what we've been through all these years.

  76. Dayna wrote: Lynn, I started reading the Stardoc series when it first came out.

    It's lovely to hear from you again, and I do remember our correspondence (although the original e-mail files burned up with three of my computers, so I'm hoping I wasn't too much of an insufferable newbie, as I suspect I was in those days.) I think it's wonderful that you became a nurse, and now you have a writer in the family, too. I wasn't much older than your daughter when I began writing novels, way back in the Neolithic Age. :)

    I never planned to be a professional writer when I was young, but writing followed me thoughout my life. No matter what I did, I always wrote stories, mainly to amuse myself. When I was diagnosed with RA, I knew any chance at the medical career I wanted was gone. Like you, I wore the apron for quite a few years after that, but took it off now and then to write. I thought as long as I was writing I might as well try to make a living at it, but still it took another ten years before I got my chance.

    Sometimes I don't think writers have a choice; we have to write, or we're fated to write, or something like that. My own teenager just got her first paying writing job (without telling me; she used a pseudonym so she could get it on her own without using my name or having me help.) She loves animals and constantly talks about being a vet someday -- the same way I used to talk about becoming a doctor -- but she's always written stories and made books of her own ever since she learned how to write, and now I wonder.

    Anyway, thank you for finding me again, Dayna. I hope you'll stop by the blog when you have a chance.

  77. Alexandra wrote: Oh great something along the lines of A diversity of house sounds really great.

    I'd definitely love to spend more time on Joren. Now to convince the editor that it would be a marketable novel.... ;)

  78. Anonymous wrote: I would love to read more of Korvel's story.

    One of the proposals I have for a Darkyn standalone features Korvel as the protagonist, so keep your fingers crossed. :)

  79. Lesleen wrote: But let's face it, I would follow you wherever you choose to go!!!!

    You guys are killing me here. Thank you.

  80. Casee wrote: It's one of the few series that I haven't lost hope in.

    Thanks, and that's exactly what I was trying to say when I was replying to Darlene's comment. I don't want you all to lose hope or faith in what I write. I think dragging out a series too long puts a writer in danger of doing that, often without realizing it.

  81. Boromirbeauty wrote: I am proudly obsessed with the series, it's one of the best out there.

    My mom bribed you to say that, didn't she? Lol. Considering the excellent competition I have on the market, I'm deeply flattered, thank you.

  82. Anonymous wrote: More Darkyn!!! Nuff said!

    Okay, Mom, stop now. ;)

  83. Nemhain wrote many wonderful things, including: I'd like too reading more about Neal, Marcos, and Juliana. Hopefully, their story is not finished with the cycle of the three short one-shots.

    That threesome (no pun intended) will be making a cameo appearance in my next free Darkyn e-book, Incarnatio. Due to the nature of their relationship, I seriously doubt NY would let me write a book about them for commercial print, but I can always write them in future e-books. I've also had several requests to expand their three short stories into novel length, but I'm reluctant to write over the same ground, so if I do another Juliana/Neal/Marcos story it would definitely be something new to show what they've been up to since Wanted.

    I appreciate the kind words for my other work, especially the nonfiction/writing projects. Early on in my career I was fortunate to have several writers act as mentors to me and help me through the worst of my rookie years, so anything I can do to help other writers is just paying it forward for what was done for me.

  84. Shelley wrote: Do you have any plans for Phillipe?

    I'm sorry, but that's one of the things I can't answer until I see if my editor keeps or cuts out a somewhat controversial scene in Stay the Night. I will say that I don't kill him in the book, just so no one worries that's what I've gone and done. :)

  85. Fritzz wrote: Have you ever considered a prequel to the Darkyn?

    I'm not a huge fan of prequels, but I did enjoy writing Deimos, which is (sort of) a prequel to StarDoc. I think the backstories I'd be most interested in telling at length would be Michael's (but Alexandra wouldn't appear in it, so it would be more of a straight historical) or Rain and Farlae's, which would be a m/m romance.

  86. Fritzz also wrote: I was wondering why Cella gave Jayr that "look" when they met again. Maybe I missed it on my 3rd reading of the book ('cause it's that good), but I can't find what was behind the look.

    Aha, you're the culprit. You stumbled upon one of my plot seeds, which are character actions, dialogue or other easter-egg type items related to stories I've planned but not yet written. Which means Cella had an excellent reason to give Jayr that look, but until I tell Cella's story, I can't reveal why. :)

  87. Elleno wrote: ... I will continue to read whatever you write, that can be pretty much counted on regardless of genre.

    Now if we could just clone you a few thousand times . . . :) Thank you.

  88. Anonymous wrote: More sci fi in the vein of blade dancer would rock!

    Adding that to the list, thanks. :)

  89. Tomo wrote: . . .I find myself enjoying reading your stories, crying alongside Alex and Sam, or laughing out loud on the bus while people stare at me as if I'm sprouting another head.

    I used to take the bus to work in L.A. and a book was the only thing that made that ride bearable. :) Do you ever have someone who sits next to you and tries to see what you're reading? That used to make me nuts, and there was this one lady who would get on two stops after mine and always sit next to me and do it. Finally one day I brought an extra copy of the book I was reading and when she tried to read over my arm, I took it out of my purse and handed it to her. Then I said, "We're on page seventy-two." Cracked up these two guys who were sitting across from us and watching the whole thing.

    She wouldn't take the book, and after that day she never sat next to me again, lol.

  90. Sirens Cry wrote: ...why not write one about the lord high master of the Darkyn and his pretty devoted secretary.

    I think with so many votes for Richard's story I'm going to have to, now. :) Thanks for the kind words.

  91. I'm late as hell to this party, but I had to throw in my two cents for the Jessica Hall books. I have those AND the Darkyn books on my keeper shelves. I agree with Casee, I don't know how you do it, but I'm amazed and grateful at the quality of each subsequent book.

    I have STAR DOC in by tbr and I'm almost afraid to start it... I'll be hunting the other books in the series immediately after I'm sure.

  92. HAHA. The bus story! It's great. I know what you mean. I had this girl sitting next to me on some days and she was always peeking. The good thing was, she apparently wasn't fluent in english which helped, because she lost her interest in the book I was reading. Anyway. Funny story you had there. No wonder those guys cracked up! I would have done the same!

    keep up the good work! Thanks for answering on my commet!

  93. Okay. I'm definitly screaming for more Julianna/Neal/Marco stories. I just finished reading nearly all of your short stories in one day and this one definitly intrigued me the most. It was a little frustrating to have this sort of cliffhangers in the story and I was glad you already published part #3, but now I definitly want more~~~lol.
    I also loved your roomie story - which was by the way unique. I haven't read anything like it before. And I definitly thought that your familiar story had a kinky side to it. I loved Roscoe!!! :)))

    I think I change my post from before. I'm going to read whatever you dish out! Keep 'em coming!

    ...though more Darkyn is much, didn't I say that before?


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