
Sunday, April 20, 2008


I need to do something positive today, how about you? I tried calling the Publishing Fairy to see if she'd sprinkle some gilt dust on us, but it went right to voice mail. There's a rumor going around that she's absconded with a cover model from RT. I hope she got one who's interested in more than her magic wand.

The heck with her, let's have a giveaway. In comments to this post, tell us what you're currently reading (or if your TBR stack has vanished, just toss your name in the hat) by midnight EST on April 21, 2008. I'll draw one name from everyone who participates, and grant the winner a BookWish*. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.

*A BookWish is any book of your choice that is available for order from an online bookseller, up to maximum cost of $30.00 U.S. I will throw in any applicable shipping charges involved.


  1. *cries* I've removed my TBR stack from my room so that I can't read when I should be studying, but now I don't have anything to read!

    So I'll have to just throw my name in the hat.


  2. I'm almost finish with Survivor in Death by J.D. Robb. I can't decide what I want to read next in my growing TBR pile. I know! I'm going to read the short you posted a couple of days ago. Now to scroll down and download it :)

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I'm reading Nelson DeMille's WILD FIRE right now...

  4. Anonymous12:23 AM

    'The Long Goodbye' by Raymond Chandler.

  5. I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov for the first time and loving it!

  6. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Holy Bible (ESV) -- Reading it over 90 days.

    Joel Rosenberg -- The Road to Ehvenor

    Anne McCaffrey -- The Masterharper of Pern

  7. Oh Lynn, you're such a Good Fairy. :)

    I'm reading These Old Shades by Heyer for the first time. (I did listen to it on tape once.) The Duke of Avon is so deliciously sardonic and Heyer is so clever! Because I know the denouement I get to study how she brings us there.

  8. Because I ran out of interesting fiction to read, I'm reading a giant history book for fun: John Boswell's "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality". I've barely started it since I've been busy.
    Wait, I just remembered that there is some fiction I'm reading after all. There's a wonderful ongoing m/m story at Slash & Burn.

  9. reading killer secrets by lora leigh and one for the road by crystal green. very good book

    hope everyone is having fun at RT.

    kim h

  10. I survived first year.

    My current reading is dry, a preparatory chemistry text and workbook, but I aim to sneak a bit of fiction in between now and the start of summer classes.


  11. I am currently reading LOTR for its fifth annual reading and Warriors: The New Prophecy Book 5: Twilight (the Warriors series favored by my daughter) simultaneously.

  12. I am currently reading Hot Mama by Jennifer Estep. Am really enjoying her take on superheroes and ubervillains.

  13. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I'm actually re-reading the Crystal Singer trilogy by Anne McCaffrey. Star Doc, Heris Serrano, Vatta and some other series are all "stand bys" that I occasionally have to rebuy as I tend to wear them out :)


  14. I'm currently reading the Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson.

  15. Anonymous3:17 AM

    My TBR pile died as soon as school started :( I've been so busy that I haven't had time to even go to the library, which is just sad. I intend on getting someone to transport me to said library as soon as I can this week, though God knows if I'll actually get a chance to read the books I borrow...

    So, long story short, throwing name in hat ^_^

  16. I'm currently reading Laura Kinsale's Flowers from the Storm, which I have had on my TBR stack for something like five years. I figured it was about damn time to get around to it. :)

  17. Currently reading 'Budo Mind and Body' by Nicklaus Suino

  18. I am currently reading what ever strikes my fancy. Actually I just finished Touch of Texas by Tracy Garrett, and I am not sure what I'll read next. Or rather, I know what I would like to read next, but I am, well, broke. Plus I am not sure if it is out yet... But I would love to win something!

  19. I am currently reading Jim Butcher's "Small Favor" which is a fabulous read!

  20. I am currently reading Jim Butcher's "Small Favor" and it's a fabulous read!

  21. I actually have a couple of books I'm reading right now (I keep some in the bedroom, the living room, my purse - I can't stop myself!), Pride and Prejudice and Private Arrangements. But there's always room for more!

  22. I;m reading a couple of authors new to me. Just finishing Right Here, Right Now by HelenKay Dimon then on to Sins Of The Night by Devyn Quinn.

    After that it's back to the TBR which is growing like bunnies on crack.

    So waiting for Twilight Fall!

  23. I'm reading "The Folk Tales of Scotland" by Norah and William Montgomerie

  24. I'm going though one of those phases where I'm starting more books than I'm finishing.
    The Mammoth Book of Seriously Comic Fantasy ed Mike Ashley
    Dog Days by John Levitt
    Cast in Secret by Michelle Sagara
    The Annotated Brothers Grimm ed Maria Tatar
    In the Meantime by Iyanla Vanzant
    and I brought On the Prowl today just so I could get the Patricia Briggs novella - it was so good and too short!
    (There's about 4 more books I've started but they haven't been touched for several weeks, so I'm not counting them)
    Have a wonderful day!

  25. I'm reading Margaret Atwood's "The Edible Woman". But I just finished "How to Be Lost" by Amanda Eyre Ward and I'd highly recommend that for anyone who wants a quick but emotional read.

  26. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I could so do with that BookWish! :)

    I am currently reading FIREBIRDS RISING, a completely brilliant anthology of YA fantasy and science fiction stories.



  27. I just cracked the cover on Death Was the Other Woman by Linda L. Richards.

  28. Does "Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML" count?


    Okay, then "Unforgiven" by Lindsay McKenna, because I accidentally bought the second book in the series and had to go find this one at the library -- I refuse to read series out of order.

    Happy Sunday!

  29. Damn Sin...are you sure you don't wanna go out? :grin: This is the stuff I dream about. *le sigh*

  30. Next up on my TBR, I'm reading Night Life by Caitlin Kittredge.

    On a seperate note, though still on the subject of books, I know you quilt. Do you have any recommendations for beginner quilting books? I'm sure you haven't needed something like that for awhile, but I thought maybe you knew of one frequently recommended! I want to try quilting, but I'm a little intimidated by the process, most especially the actual process of quilting the finished quilt (though I do intend to machine quilt, I'm not ambitious enough to hand quilt).

  31. The Veil of Night by Lydia Joyce.

  32. I'm finally reading Stephenie Tyler's "Beyond His Control" - which thus far is fantastic.

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I've been reading "The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella. It's a fun, easy read, a book thats very vivid and seems to have been written for the big screen.

  34. I just finished Linda Lael Miller's 2nd Mojo Sheepshanks book "Deadly Deceptions". LOVED it!

  35. School ate up my time so I have no currently reading. :( Throwing my name in the hat!

  36. Such a coincidence; I'm reading Heat of the Moment by Jessica Hall. :D And I'm enjoying the re-read which seems to have given me new perspectives of the characters.

  37. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I'm reading Things I Learned From Knitting Whether I Wanted To or Not by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (the Yarn Harlot). Her writing makes me laugh, which is a very good thing.

  38. I'm halfway through the first Harry Potter and also I'm on hiatus in the middle of Game of Thrones by G.R.R. Martin.

    Next up will be a borrowed copy of Rebecca Flower's Nice to Come Home to. :)


  39. As usual, I read more than one book at the same time.

    Rereading, MZB's Stormqueen.

    Sharon Kay Penman, Here Be Dragons (in preparation for my trip to Wales)

    Brian Ruckley, Winterbirth

    Non-ficiton: Wiegels/Woesler (ed). Arminius und die Varusschlacht

  40. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov

  41. In honor of the late Arthur C. Clarke I am re-reading The Light of Other Days. And just finished James Rollins' The Black Order.

  42. I am reading the last in the Goblin trilogy by Jim C. Hines, called Goblin War. These are very fun, light fantasy books that sort of poke fun at fantasy cliches, while being fun adventures in their own right. They cross over to YA and my kid reads them too.

    I don't know what prompted this, but your focus on the positive is so great. One day, I hope to follow your footsteps.

  43. Angela wrote: Do you have any recommendations for beginner quilting books?

    I think Carol Doak's Your First Quilt Book (or it should be!) ISBN# 978-1564771988 is probably the best beginner's book on the market. Carol is a great quilter and a talented teacher, and she knows how to explain things in a way that doesn't confuse the reader.

    If you can't get that one, you might want to try Cheryl Fall's Quilting for Dummies ISBN #978-0764551185 (not that I'm implying anything :) it's just a good basic guide.)

    If you have no sewing experience, you might want to try a beginner's kit instead of a book. One that I give frequently to friends who want to learn quilting but have no sewing experience at all is the Creativity for Kids Learn How to Quilt kit. The kit is about $10-15, depending on if you can get it on sale, and available in most fabric and toy stores. Although this kit is obviously geared toward children, it comes with the materials you need to make a mini-quilt, including pre-cut fabric patches, and the instructions are nice and clear.

  44. I'm currently reading Middlemarch by George Eliot for a Group Reads group on Librarything.

    I am finally to the point where I am enjoying it!

  45. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I'm flying through "The Somnambulist", and thoroughly surprised that I'm enjoying it so much. I haven't read a book this enthusiastically in a long time!

  46. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I've never read Mariah Stewart and I am reading her Last Breath. At work, in my spare time, I am reading Taylor Smith's Slim to None.

  47. I'm reading the Accidental Werewolf by Dakota Cassidy. Read an author interview on a blog and I had to try the book.

  48. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Right now, my biggest TBR book is FROSTBITE by Richelle Mead, but as I can't afford that yet, my next one to read that I acutally own would probably be BURNING BRIDGES by Laura Anne Gilman.

  49. I am currently reading Pamela Clare's "Hard Evidence."

  50. I'm reading Urban Shaman by CE Murphy.

  51. Such a generous offer! Of course, I'll throw my name in the hat, and thanks.

  52. just finished a reread of judy mays celestial sessons books. Love her aliens. Those tails are amazing. lo

  53. Thank you! I do have experience sewing, so it's more about someone giving me step by step instructions on how to do the quilting, not the sewing. I'm going to see if my library has either of those first two, thanks!

  54. I just finished reading Woman's Work the First 20,000 Years by Elizabeth Barber. It's a fascinating look at the development of prehistoric textiles and the women who made them. The TBR stack is a large and unwieldy pile from which to pick what comes next.

  55. Angela - a second to Linda's recommendation on Carol Doak for a beginner quilting lesson. She's good at explaining a lot of blocks. And, as much as I hate the way Eleanor Burns tosses scraps on the floor during her shows, one of her Quilts In A Day might be a good way to learn, too.

    Love this contest - I am reading Harlan Coben's new thriller "Hold Tight" dealing with family stuff like teenagers who disappear, won't talk, get in with bad crowds, and when and how much privacy can a parent reasonably violate as they raise their child to adulthood and independence. Lots of teen issues for today, but still with his typical dark multi-faceted anti-heroes and heroes. Nothing is black and white, tho this one does tread closer to that than most of his prior novels.

  56. Anonymous1:17 PM

    What a cool giveaway! I just finished reading ANY WAY YOU WANT IT by Kathy Love before I went to sleep around 2:00 AM. I'll start on THE DARK TIDE by Andrew Gross tonight. For my listening pleasure, I have BLACK ROSE in my MP3 player.

  57. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I've been too sick, to read anything in my tbr pile, so I'm just throwing my name in the hat.

  58. "I hope she got one who's interested in more than her magic wand." LOL
    Thanks Lynn for the great offer. I just finished Shannon McKenna's Extreme Danger and am now in the middle of John Burdett's Bangkok mystery series. Creative graphic violence. NOT for the faint of heart.

  59. I just finished reading a YA called Demon Envy by Erin Lynn (Erin McCarthy). My daughter got her hands on it first and I grabbed it when she had finished. Really enjoyed it as did my teenage daughter. I love books that we can both read and enjoy and then discuss all the good parts with each other.

    Cheryl S.

  60. Don't enter me in the contest, but I wanted to shout out a huge thank you again for holding the free e-book challenge back in 2006! It came up again over on Dear Author where one of my novellas was reviewed this past week. Several people knew me from The Horse Master and picked up DP novellas as a result. Freebies do work!!!

  61. Just throwing my name in the hat because I am sick of everything in my TBR pile and don't actually want to read a lick of it (it was all free/cheap books I got somewhere in bulk).

  62. I just finished the SHIFTERS anthology and am about halfway through my print copy of the NOTHING BUT RED anthology which I should complete today. Next up, is either PLAY DIRTY by Sandra Brown or BLOOD DREAMS by Kay Hooper.

  63. I just finished reading The Book Thief last night (an amazing read by the way) and am now in the process of picking out my next book. I think that I might read either the 2nd book in the Thursday Next series or The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg. Or maybe one of the many others sitting in my TBR pile. Sometimes its just so hard to choose!

  64. I have never read aything by Dean Koontz until I started reading Odd Thomas and now I am currently reading Brother Odd, number 3 in the series.

  65. Just finished Unquiet Dreams by Mark Del Franco. I was pretty good.

  66. Reading Netherworld by Michele Lang. Robin Hood in Space!

  67. Oo, no more TBR's, killed them all yesterday. :(

    So I'm re-reading an ol' Julie Garwood, Saving Grace.

  68. Recently finished Unleashed... very good! Am now dutifully paper writing... ummm. yea sure I am :)
    That's why I'm throwing my name in :)


  69. Reading Kresley Cole's Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night. Loving it.

  70. I am reading "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon.

  71. I'm reading Kerrelyn Sparks' The Undead Next Door and Richard Doeutch's Thieves of Faith (a kind of hidden history adventure story).

    I haven't had this much guilt-free reading time in months so I'm enjoying it immensely!


  72. Currently rereading Laurel K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series.

  73. I'm currently reading Into The Darkness by Delilah Devlin. If you like paranormals (specifically vampires) this is a Hot Sexy read!

  74. Working on Atonement right now and A Death in the Family is coming up on my list. Also rereading the Wheel of Time series. I can't focus on one thing at a time.

  75. I am about to finish up Pump Six by Paolo Bacigalupi (Nightshade Books). It's fantastic! A collection of stories that are a blend of fantasy, science fiction and a light touch of horror.

    After that will be Apex Digest issue #12.

  76. Starting Grimspace by Ann Aguirre.

  77. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I just finished Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas. I thought it was an excellent debut for her.

  78. The Last Twilight by Marjorie M. Liu

  79. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Just finished The Healer by Sharon Sala - very good story!

    Next up......a book I found at the UBS ..... Changelings by Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough


  80. I just finished The Lace Reader, by Brunonia Barry...and I'm in the middle of Essays of E.B. White while contemplating my next read...which I think will be Independent People by Halldor Laxness.

    Thanks for sponsoring this most generous of book giveaways!

  81. I need to be studying - finals are coming up... but I just started "Private Arrangements" by Sherry Thomas. I was in the middle of "Don't Tempt Me" by Sylvia Day, but lost the book somewhere- which is bad very bad b/c it's overdue now. And I just re-read Lover Eternal by JR Ward as a comfort read.

  82. I've finished reading Twilight Fall-and it was FANTASTIC!! I'm currently re-reading 'Just Imagine' by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

  83. I'm reading "The Beach House" by James Patterson and Peter de Jonge. I think I'm going to read Heather Graham's "The Death Dealer" next.

  84. Small Favor by Jim Butcher.

  85. I'm about to start Terry Pratchett's The Color of Magic. :)

  86. Just finished Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett, and must find another one shortly. When I'm this tired, my reads need to be amusing rather than riveting.

  87. I'm currently reading The Faery Reel, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling.

    I should be reading textbooks for a few more days yet.

  88. I'm reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch because I admire him and I am inspired by him and his fight against pancreatic cancer.

  89. Second reading of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke


    The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene

  90. Irish: How's The Book Thief? That's sitting in my stack too!

    But the next one I'm reading is The Lathe of Heaven, by Ursula K. LeGuin.

    PBW: give the Publishing Fairy a kiss from me if you see her.

  91. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I'm currently reading Midnight Awakening by Lora Adrian, and Reunion in Death by JD Robb.

  92. Hi
    I hope this doesn't sound like bron-nosing but I'm almost finished 'Evermore'. I've long been a fan of the Star Doc series but only recently found out about the Darkyn. I had quite a bit of trouble tracking them down and finally got the full backlist a couple of weeks ago. I'm very sad cause now I'm nearly finished them all :(. If you don't mind my saying - I still prefer the Star Doc series and eagerly await each new one but the Darkyn series has moved up the list (took me a little to get in to it) and am now eagerly awaiting the next one - if it ever makes it to the shores Down Under. Thank you for all of them.

  93. My TBR includes books and manga, I just finished the last volume of Hana Kimi. Those things are soo addictive and so incredibly sweet. :)

  94. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I'm reading Elizabeth Moon's "Victory Conditions" right now. Next in line is Jacqueline Carey's "Cushiel's Justice", which has just been published in paperback. About time!

  95. I am currently reading California Demon from Julie Kenner. and right now my TBR pile is skyrocketing !

  96. I just finished "Trickster's Choice" by Tamora Pierce, so I need to pick up "Trickster's Queen."

    I'm also gonna grab a non-fic when it comes out "Holmes Inspection" by Mike Holmes...because I wanna buy a house! I think this is the first time I've ever known and anticipated the release date of a non-fic book.

  97. Almost finished with To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan. Have a way too big tbr pile :)

  98. Reading Hunters of Dune, but herbert fils and Kevin anderson.

  99. Cool contest!!

    Currently reading:
    THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak
    POSSESSION by A.S. Byatt

    My TBR pile beyond the current books is...daunting.

  100. Wow, Lynn - that's so generous! I just finished the Wealthy Frenchman's Proposition by Katherine Garbera, and I plan on reading Right Here, Right Now by Katherine Garbera next.

  101. I am reading Ian McEwan's "Atonement" and Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Justice." Both very good, though very different. And let's not talk about the size of the TBR pile I'm peering over.

  102. Just finished "The Spymaster's Lady" and reading a non-fiction book called "Red Hot Internet Publicity."

  103. I'm re-reading Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler for the 487th time (love that book) and Dynamic Figure Drawing by Burne Hogarth.

  104. I am reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K Leguin.

  105. Every year around this time (March – May), I get into a weird funk. One thing I’ve found that helps is to read from my ‘special’ stash… the books that started me on this mad love of romance novels.

    Right now I’m on Johanna Lindsey’s “Mallory Trilogy” (Regina, Tony and James’ books are the ones worth reading again and again IMHO). When I’m done with those, if I need to, I’ll pull out Skye O’Malley (the precious).

  106. My TBR stack is so huge I rarely make a dent in it, and it will never, ever vanish. Right now I'm reading the first Harry Potter, and "The Master" by Colm Toibin, for a couple of reading challenges.

  107. I'm With Stupid-Elaine Szewczyk (great beach read), The Host- Stephenie Meyer (FREAKY), Child 44- Tom Rob Smith(engrossing.
    The word engrossing just doesn't look right on it's own.

  108. I've cleaned out my TBR pile, so I'm looking for a fresh read.

  109. I'm reading Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas.

  110. Long ago forced to read multiple books at once and make sense of them, I am now a confirmed three-fisted reader.

    1. The Best American Mystery Stories, 2007
    2. The Educational Devotional
    3. Bird by Bird

    Next up: Coming Back from TBR Topple: A Survivor's Guide

  111. Finished Elijah by Jacquelyn Frank last night. Next up Unlawful Contact by Pamela Clare.

  112. I'm reading Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. It's a complete departure from my normal reading list (it's about a football player, for goodness sake! And all the sports terminology! What was I thinking?). The last two have been slightly more literary fiction (The Virgin Blue by Tracy Chevalier, and Garden Spells by Sara Addison Allen, though that one had a nice romace to it). I think I'm due for a nice, trashy romance next, just to put the universe back in balance.

  113. I just finished reading the Vegas Vampire series by Erin McCarthy and all of Mary Janice Davidson's books. Right now I am about half way through Savannah Blues by Mary Kay Andrews, good book, can't wait to read the rest of them. And my TBR pile is huge, and I can't even remember what's in it!

  114. Just throwing my name in the hat!

  115. Having run out of book buying funds and new book to read I am currently rereading Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake series. Am on Bloody Bones and working my way through to The Harlequin.

  116. I am reading Satin & A Scandalous Affair by Jan Colley.

  117. Like a Charm by Candace Havens.

  118. My most recent read was Demon's Fire by Emma Holly.

  119. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Just started Asimov's "Robot Dreams"...

    Dated stories, but still interesting so far.

  120. Currently reading Peter David's "Darkness of the Light" and not sure how to feel about it. Just finished All Thinks Laurell K. Hamilton and really enjoyed all of it. I really identify with Anita Blake. Except the man-harem part. Y'know, the part I'd most LIKE to identify with. Drat.

    Jess M.

  121. I miss my TBR pile. Just graduating from basic training in the Canadian military, and all my stuff is still at home! Waaah! :-)Right now, the only book I have with me is Fool's Fate, The Tawny Man, Book 3, by Robin Hobb. I'm hoping to get more to read soon.

  122. I'm currently reading "The Thirteen-Gun Salute" by Patrick O'Brian, which funnily enough is the 13th book in his Aubrey/Maturin series. I desperately needed something lighter after ploughing through n/f book "Rome and Jerusalem". Interesting but intense!

  123. I am currently trying to read Lara Adrian's "Midnight Rising." Trying, because I just had Lasik and my vision is still blurry.

  124. I'm reading A RUSH OF WINGS BY Adrian Phoenix and MIDNIGHT REIGN By Chris Marie Green.

  125. I'm reading "Glass Houses", by Rachel Caine, and loving it.
