
Friday, March 14, 2008


I'm still playing catchup on e-mail and work stuff, but I have some fun planned for you all in the near future, which will include:

--A giveaway for some Twilight Fall ARCs

--The Complete Index to the Friday 20 Questions & Answers

--Who will be featured in the next free Darkyn e-book

--A sneak peek excerpt from Stay the Night

--Taking secondary characters to a new level (featuring Rain and Farlae)

--John & Marcia crash test the sex scene

and the next special collection of free short stories:

Coming soon for reading and dowloading on Scribd


  1. You are AMAZING! All I gotta say. ;D

    I can't wait for your upcoming short stories and e-book. :DD You are my ultimate role-model for work ethic and pairing fun writing with wit. Keep up the good work! Also, glad to hear your vacation went well. You had a great idea to spread the book love. ^_^

  2. All that is probably in order but what I REALLY want to know is "Who is the chick with the gun"?

    Oh... And I am really frustrated that I have to use my google identity now. It sucks that you can't just leave name and website anymore. Too bad that a few stupid people ruined it for everyone.

  3. THANK YOU! Can hardly wait!
    Especially looking forward to:
    --A giveaway for some Twilight Fall ARCs

    --Who will be featured in the next free Darkyn e-book

    --A sneak peek excerpt from Stay the Night

    --Taking secondary characters to a new level (featuring Rain and Farlae)

  4. Thank you very much we are a real lucky bunch :)

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Wow, that looks like a lot of exciting things! Can't wait!

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    What Lainey said!

  7. I am looking forward to the index of the Q and A. I joined this blog late in the conversation and I'd love to see what came before.

  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I can't remember what you said you were considering for the short story - whether you did or did not want to consider any of the characters who've already had their own books - but for what it's worth, and in my opinion: Lucan. Lucan. Lucan Lucan Lucan.

    And in another post, where you were musing over whether or not to continue the series once the contract was fulfilled - YOU. MUST.

  9. Ditto lainey. Thank you so much.
    You are the WOMAN!!

  10. Septuple Scream.

  11. What Holly said! :)


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