Monday, February 04, 2008
In Scribd
*Note 9/3/10: Since instituted an access fee scam to charge people for downloading e-books, including those I have provided for free for the last ten years, I have removed my free library from their site, and no longer use or recommend using their service. My free reads may be read online or downloaded for free from Google Docs; go to my freebies and free reads page for the links. See my post about this scam here.
All of the free stories, anthos, novels and books over on the right sidebar are now available for reading online or download over at my Scribd page. In a few weeks I will be deleting the old .pdf files currently still available and finalizing the complete transition of all my free content to Scribd, so please adjust your bookmarks accordingly.
Are your comments working, dear? I've tried to post a few times today without success.