
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Evermore Arrives

In stores today nationwide

Evermore, my fifth Darkyn novel, has made it to the shelves. If you'd like to read an excerpt, Borders Group is very kindly hosting one here along with a letter I wrote for their readers here.

I've never been very good at the buy my freaking book thing, obviously. But if you happen to like dark fantasy or vampire fiction, and you have a couple of bucks left on a bookstore gift card from the holidays, I hope you'll pick up Evermore.


  1. What a great letter! My copy is ordered, but it's on the same order as Rosina Lippi's Pajama Girls, so I don't think they'll ship it until February.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Well, I've had "Evermore release" in my Outlook calendar since I saw the release date. :P I already have it reserved at my local Borders and I'm picking it up tonight. I can't wait!

  3. I'm not great at buy my book either, but I'm good at buy someone else's. So go buy Evermore everyone. The Darkyn series is terrific!

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Congratulations on the new release! Hope you and yours have a Prosperous and Happy New Year!

  5. I really liked Evermore. It was my first vampire novel. I'll be buying a copy or two for friends.

  6. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I couldnt find it on the shelf so I found the book guy and made him search the back for it! But I got it!!!! Yay!! I also picked up Iron Kisses by Briggs :) Love book gift cards!! Happy New Year!!

  7. I got my copy too. Borders in my area had it well-placed around the store!

    Since you don't do this then allow me: Buy the freaking book everyone. It's a great read. =)

  8. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yay!! I'm going pick up my reserved copy after work. :D Love the book; going to reread it in book form now. Might pick one up for a friend, too. ;)

  9. I want to buy two copies so I have one to give away! Congrats and hooray for Evermore. Now I can start counting the days until the next release...

  10. Now this is a book I would buy just because of the cover!! Looks great! Going to order a copy tonight :)

  11. LOVE this story. Full of surprises. Will be re-reading again and again.

  12. congrats, looking forward to reading it! Happy New Year!

  13. Can't wait to go buy it! Looks awesome!

  14. Anonymous9:54 PM

    It was great, though I need to do a reread as everyone kept interrupting me when I started it, which was annoying the fudge out of me.

    Robin was very intersting, can't wait ot read his book.

  15. Love the cover, love the series--and got a gift card for Christmas.

  16. Oh nice, has it listed (6 € and free shipping). And Twilight Fall for preorder already. Gotta love

  17. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I hit the bookstore as soon as I got out of the hospital and somehow despite no sleep in the 30 hours prior it kept me up and enthralled, then I passed out. :) I thought it was detailed and complicated and served multiple purposes. The romance between Byrne and Jayr was primary and none of the subplots overwhelmed the entire tale.

    I can't wait for Twilight Fall and look forward to Robin's tale as well.


  18. You make me laugh - I'll go buy your freaking book! LOL If it makes you feel any better, I will actually be buying two copies, one for me and one for my husband. Yes, my husband is addicted to the series, as well. My husband informed me that I take too long when I read and my husband, God love 'em, can't keep a secret to save his life, so he would be telling me all about the book. So, therefore, we must buy 2 copies. :)

  19. Here, I'll help you say it.

    Buy this book people!

    Ordered a copy from Amazon and I can't wait to get it.

  20. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I hope you have some idea how successful your marketing actually is.

    I thought Evermore wasn't coming out until Feb for some reason. I check your blog daily and was pleasantly surprised. I then proceeded to immediately order it online. I can't wait to get it!

    Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication,


  21. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I've already gotten half way through only had to stop for work *sigh* BTW i'm seeing Penguin advertise Evermore EVERYWHERE online that I go

    although what lolcats have to do with Darklyn I have no idea ....

  22. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I got this over the weekend- at Murderone in London and I cant wait to get stuck in. There was a whole stack of these, and let me tell you once people who saw them there everyone snapped them up ( this was at a Sherrilyn Kenyon signing). I was a very happy bunny because I was going to order it through amazon which would have taken weeks!!!

    Saferenee I saw that ad at lolcats too!!! I cant wait for Valentin's book though :)

  23. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Marjorie Lui has very nice things to say on her blog re:Evermore--if anyone needs more encouragement to BUY THIS BOOK.

    I plan to get it on my gift card ASAP.
    Thanks PBW. You make people happy.


  24. I read it a few days ago, and I can honestly say I loved it. It's become my favorite out of the series, and I'm pretty sure I can safely say I liked it a whole lot better than many of the other books I picked up in 2007. I think I've re-read it 4 times now. I don't do that with books that are only so-so.

  25. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Just finished Evermore. Loved it. I have all the other Darkyn book. I really enjoy them. I posted a review on my yahoo book club page and myspace. Thank you Robin Priddy

  26. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Loved Evermore. Cant wait for the next one in the series. The Borders here where im at had it placed out front of all the other books, side by side with the other already published books in your series. Good idea!

    Great read!

  27. My sister ordered the book for me on Dec 26th and I am ever so patiently waiting(heavy sigh) for my copy to arrive. I am dreaming of the hour my copy is here.
    Waiting for the mail,
    Big T

  28. Anonymous10:55 PM

    PBW, you already know I love this book. I tried to pick up a copy to give away at Wal-Mart tonight but they didn't have any (I'm pretty sure I've bought Darkyn books there before), so we headed into the main town to B&N. There were only 2 copies left and I really had to look for them -- not on the shelf but an end display -- they were nearly sold out too!

  29. Congrats, Lynn! May your sales be huge!


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