
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Character Quotes

I've been trying to come up with a decent tag line for Evermore for a while now. I'm pretty happy with what I've put together for promo, but I need a better line than the lame very nice one the publisher put on my cover. It's not a book that wants to be tagged, for some reason.

I thought about using a memorable line of dialogue, or something new versus a direct quote from the book. But when I tried to summon Evermore's protagonists back from wherever all my characters go after the book's finished, Jayr put out a Do Not Disturb sign and Byrne triple-bolted the door. Ingrates.

Which made me wonder what the other characters in the series would do to help me promote the novel. Wouldn't it be great if we could get quotes from them?

This novel will make you forget all of your troubles. Or I will. -- Michael Cyprien

You can't pass up this story, mon ami. You'll make me crazy again. -- Thierry Durand

I'm a physician, not a publicist . . . all right. Buy the book before she sends me back to Ireland, will you? -- Alexandra Keller

You're going to burn in hell for touching this. Kidding. Maybe. Go ahead, I'll pray for you. -- John Keller

Buy the book, sil vous plait, before my master sends Alexandra back to Ireland. -- Phillipe of Navarre

Pick it up. Now. Don't make me take off the gloves. --Lucan

Your turn: what quote(s) would your character(s) give for one of your stories?


  1. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "You will be as hard to separate from this book, as I was from my daughter..." - The Father from Your Heart, My Heart (cojoined with his daughter)

    "Raooorrr" - The Great Lake Monster


    PBW -- What would Robin say? Or would he just use his attrait and his charm to seduce us to buy it? ;)

  2. I'm pretty sure my long-suffering, much-abused yet dearly loved protagonist Marcellus would say, "If I had been allowed to tell my own story, it would have been done at a third the length."


  3. Buy the book. I did NOT go through all that for nothing. - Cass (Miss Lonely Hearts)

    You think you had a bad day at work? Let me tell you about mine...Edana (Wicked Hot)

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Buy the damn book so my writer will stop whining - Lee Ross

    I love the quote from Michael. :-)

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "You figure it out. I sure can't." Meritt Slade, "Never on a Tuesday," my current WiP, which I am thirty pages into and PANTSING and not written into a corner quite yet. I'm impressed. :D

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    It's good. I'm not even lying. Well, not really... - Deception. (Thanks for the ringing vote of confidence, man.)

    Um, my author said I had to do this thing... and say something about something... uh, buy the book! Yeah, that! Do that! - Jarrin.

    Phillip's quote is love, btw.

  7. "Peek inside, little girl. Uncle Brant's got a special piece of candy, just for you." - Brant Coleman (Let's Pretend)

  8. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Quit just standing there; go pay for the book. I already know you’ve touched it - pages 47, 140, and 212-217.
    Emelia Wilson. Dark of the Moon.

    (I have such a weak spot for John and his tortured self. Does he get his own book someday?)

  9. Read it or the dark will eat me. - Captain Kait O'Malley

    If you pass this up, I will piss in your cereal, then shove the bowl down your throat. - Kage

    I gave up my ears for this book, jerk! Least you could do is buy it! - Bryn Scott

  10. Mackan wrote: PBW -- What would Robin say? Or would he just use his attrait and his charm to seduce us to buy it? ;)

    Hmmm, let's see, Robin would probably steal the money out of someone's wallet, buy the novel for a lady he sees in the book shop, and slip into her house before she gets home to leave it on her pillow, along with a rose. :)

  11. SandyW wrote: I have such a weak spot for John and his tortured self. Does he get his own book someday?

    John, like Richard, is a character I never planned to use as a protagonist. His particular issues make him work better as a subplot character. I also don't think John's situation can be resolved in one novel. John does play a major role in Twilight Fall, though, and will continue to be a significant character in the series.

  12. "Buy it - it's not troll shit." - Lillie from Stone Child out of Weirdly.

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    This is going to seem completely random, but did you right the Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse series under some kind of writer-for-hire contract? My sister is convinced that you did. If not, just go ahead and say so. If you did, though, you can just not approve my comment, and I'll know that you did. And I'll keep quiet about it.

  14. "You think I'm kidding about land crabs?" -- Dora Lee in Key of Sea

  15. "Read it. Or end up in the pit." Lucas

    "Reality means there are no fairy godmothers." Abby Hill

  16. Jayr told me she doesn't deserve all this fuss, but you should read more about her lord.

  17. Anonymous wrote: This is going to seem completely random, but did you right the Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse series under some kind of writer-for-hire contract? My sister is convinced that you did. If not, just go ahead and say so.

    I'm not sure what series you're talking about, but I would like to explain something about the nature of WFH work. If there is a clause in a contract I sign that says I am not permitted to discuss the project, that means that I can't say anything about it -- including confirming or denying I wrote it -- without violating the terms of my contract.

    I know some of you are curious about the WFH work I do, but I also feel sure you wouldn't want me to get sued. So it's best just not to ask my any questions like this.

  18. That my up there should be a me. :)

  19. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "I don't care if no one reads the damn... What? Lia will be hurt if no one reads it? In that case, buy two copies or I'll rip out your trachea."---Rev, hero of ms presently out on submission.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "Deep down, you really want to buy this book. Break down your wall of denial and admit it." - Aubrey

    "You know I'm no good at this kind of thing... Um, buy the book. The author says it's good." - Phoenix

  21. OMG this would make the best meme!

  22. "What. You really want me to say something?" -- Chalice from A Knight's Curse

    "Buy the book. I may not know where you live, but I can find out." -- Mark Heinrich from A Knight's Curse

    "The words in this book are as immortal as I am."--Aydin Berkant from A Knight's Curse

    "Buy the book or I'll use it to soak up elf vomit." --Elmo from A Knight's Curse

  23. Sir Ranulph Dacre, "Read, but remember that in these pages, Albrecht should have wielded the brush, not I the greatsword."

  24. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Lynn, contact me about the contest at my site.

  25. "I got a date in hell. Don't make me send you in my place." - Kat, from HELL KAT and INFERNO.

  26. Evermore...

    Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
    And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
    Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
    From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
    For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore -
    Nameless here for evermore.



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