
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

RW: In the Pink

Not counting my own, I've been involved with some strange weddings. One of my friends got married to her honey on Hollywood Beach, and we all wore bikinis to the ceremony (this was way back when I had a bikini bod.) Tom, my technosavior here at the blog, married his lovely wife twice. The first ceremony took place at a hospital chapel in the middle of a work shift (long story) and Tommy barely had time to say I do before we had to leave to respond to a freeway pile-up (later we had a proper ceremony, with all the family present and no radios going off.)

I've also handmade and tailored a traditional white wedding gown with only two days notice, and baked a nine-layer wedding cake from scratch, and catered a reception for 75 people on a shoe-string budget -- three reasons why I won't ever get married again.

Somewhere in hell, I suspect, is a level where the damned have to run disastrous weddings for all eternity. And somehow, I think Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer may have gone there to research their latest novel, The Wedding from Hell novelAgnes and the Hitman. I picked up a copy on impulse over the weekend. I haven't read these two before now, but seeing how hard Jennifer worked at cleaning up her office made me want to show my support at the bookstore. Also, I knew it's one that Darlene wanted to read, and I'm terminally curious about the books you all pick for your TBR stacks. So I jumped in, and discovered why -- these two authors have cooked up some delightfully wicked stuff together.

There is Agnes, a food writer who will lose her house unless she hosts a wedding for the daughter of a childhood friend. The friend's crazy mother, however, is doing whatever she can to wreck the nuptials. Then there's the tiny problem with intruders who keep breaking into Agnes's new house, trying to shoot her and kidnap her dog. There is Shane, the hitman whose favorite uncle persuades him to set aside his latest assignment in order to protect Agnes from the steady stream of hitmen coming after her. Add in felonious families, a flaming pink wedding dress, fine food, missing fathers, flamingos, flying bullets, unfaithful fiances and five million mob bucks, and you've got all the ingredients for a fantastically funny farce.

But as always, you don't have to take my word for it. In comments to this post, name your favorite wedding-themed book or movie (or if you're not a fan of wedding fun, just throw your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Friday, September 21, 2007. I'll pick three names at random from everyone who participates and send the winners an unsigned hardcover copy of Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. Hands down it has to be Four Weddings and a Funeral. It was brilliant. Who can forget Hugh Grant cussing in the church in front of the minister? *ggg*

  2. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Throwing my name in the hat, because I can't actually think of a wedding-themed novel or movie I've read/seen.

  3. My Best Friend's Wedding.

    Fingers crossed! I've been wanting to read this one!

  4. Anonymous2:39 AM

    War of the Roses--movie.

  5. Muriel's Wedding is one I enjoyed.

    I found a list for people who need a little help with their memory.

  6. Even though it's super sappy, my favorite wedding movie is My Best Friend's Wedding.

    You can't beat it.

  7. The last one I enjoyed, to my surprise, was Stepfather of the Bride.

  8. The allure of weddings is a big a mystery to me as the details of Martian fire rituals. So I'll just lob my name into the hat :).

    (although there was a film with Bruce Willis(?) that was modestly amusing...someone hanging off a trellis?)

  9. I'm planning for my own wedding at the moment, which is thankfully still a year away.

    I don't remember the last book I read with a wedding in it but the last movie was Licence to Wed. Robin Williams was fantasic as always and if it wasn't for the overly dramatic make up moment it would have been great.

    I've also just started reading through the Crusie Mayer 2007 Online Writing Workshop which has got some great stuff. Hm, I think I got there through a post here recently. :)

  10. Four Weddings and a Funeral as well

  11. My favorite wedding book has to be My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding. I love the title to that one as well.


  13. I'm going to say Muriel’s Wedding. A movie with a good story and lots of laughs.

  14. Would "Sixteen Candles" classify as a wedding movie? My 12 year old son loves "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" for some strange reason.

  15. Anonymous6:44 AM

    There Goes The Bride by Lori Wilde. It's a new series.

  16. Shoot, Angelle beat me to it! My Big Fat Greek Wedding seconded.

  17. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Okay, Okay, not a lot of people liked the movie, but I'm a huge Julia Roberts fan ever since Pretty Woman. Seeing her and Richard Gere together again in Runaway Bride was aweseome. Yes, I love that movie!

  18. This might be a bit out of place (and my brain has offically turned off as well) but I liked the movie 'Sweet Home Alabama'. Can't think of a book though.


  19. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Because my TBR stack has, like, less than ten books on it at the moment, my name's in the hat! I love weddings, but I can't say I can think of any particularly delightful books I've read revolving around one.

  20. Some great movies mentioned already, but my favorite has to be Steel Magnolias. That armadillo wedding cake was classic.

  21. American Wedding - because it stars Alyson Hannigan my favourite American actress . . .

    And yes, her dad makes me say this, even though it's true.

  22. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Throwing my name in the hat. :)

  23. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Oooh, Four Weddings and a Funeral tied with My Best Friend's Wedding.

    I've never read a co-authored novel before, and this one sounds very interesting. It'll go on my TBR list no matter what.

  24. Dress Rehearsal by Jennifer O'Connnell.

  25. A couple of my favorites, to jog some memories:

    Monsoon Wedding -- exotic, engaging, and my rec for best wedding flick ever.

    Bachelor Party -- some of you may be too young to remember this one, but Tom Hanks was brilliant in it.

    The Guarded Heart by Robyn Donald is my favorite wedding novel. I still cry every time I read it. Runner up would be Zane MacKenzie's story by Linda Howard, but I'll be blasted if I can remember the title -- MacKenzie's Pleasure, maybe?

  26. Anonymous9:27 AM

    well im going to say Love actually, as it starts with a wedding, and ends with a few potential ones =D plus it's one of my favourite films ever.

  27. Weddings schmeddings...
    That said, Runaway Bride.

  28. Four Weddings and a Funeral.


  29. Anonymous10:29 AM

    my favorite movie wedding is, alas, in a movie that doesn't have the word "Wedding" in the title: Pirates of the Caribbean-At World's End. There were aspects of the film I really didn't care for but Barbossa marrying Will and Elizabeth in the middle of a massive supernatural swordfight was a classic.


  30. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The Wedding Crashers. That movie made me laugh and laugh.

    I think this book might make me laugh and laugh too. Jennifer Crusie is hilarious.

  31. Don't put me in the drawing because I already have Agnes. Just wanted to say it's one of my favorite books of the year and I'm happy to see you giving it away here!

    Another favorite wedding-centric tale: Crusie's Bet Me.

  32. Oh Four Weddings and a Funeral, hands down.

  33. I was going to Say "Bet Me", another Crusie novel, but someone beat me to it!

    I also love all the wedding movies mentioned and would throw in "The Princess Bride". Not wedding themed, but the heroes are trying to get to her before she marries the Prince. Who can forget the line, "Wuv, twue Wuv, is what brings us togevver today..."


  34. You read it that fast? When was that, after you wrote your 30k for the day? *g*

    Dang, I'm still a third the way through. (no entering me, please)

  35. My Best Friend's Wedding.

    And Nanny McPhee, which ends with a beautiful wedding after a very funny food fight.

  36. Anonymous11:25 AM

    My favorites have been named, so just put my name in the hat. Sounds like a fun book!

  37. I do so love weddings!

  38. The Wedding Singer, makes me smile every time.

  39. It isn't wedding themed, per se, but it is full of match-making and has a wedding at the end: both the book and the movie adaptation of Cold Comfort Farm. One of my absolute faves!!

    There's something nasty in the woodshed.

  40. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hi there, my favorites are a tie between the Wedding Crashers and The Wedding Date (the one with Debra Messing). Thanks, CathyG

  41. I can't think of wedding-themed novel at the moment ~ so I'm just throwing my name in the hat.

  42. 4 weddings and a Funeral for poking fun at all the things that go wrong at weddings. Including those bridesmaid dresses with the big bows.

    However, I've attended a few weddings in my time:

    Worst fight- between the Groom and his younger brother (the Best Man) who called their mother a whore. It lasted about 15 minutes before they reset the tables and let the festivities continue.

    Best Feast - a Jewish friend who's best man was Catholic (we never told anyone and he wore a yamulke) and where ten fraternity men (me included) could not consume the food set before us on the table at the reception. First Class food!

    Most Embarrassing #1 - at 11 years old watching the Mother of the Bride get so drunk she puked in a trash can. I'm glad I wasn't a part of that family.

    Most Embarrassing #2 - that same wedding party and the kid who later admitted that the Country Club surcharged them for lawn damage when they had to drag several passed-out drunks through the grass to get them into the cars. Apparently high heels dig at grass. That was the night I promised myself that I'd never drink to excess. It wasn't pretty.

    Words Can't Describe It - A stripper pop-ping boob-aliciously out of the wedding cake at the Wedding reception. Strippers and Belly Dancers at Bachelor Parties are one thing, but wedding receptions?

    Comfort Food - my Italian relatives all have day-after parties where we gather to eat the day-old leftover spaghetti, calzones, meatball sandwiches, veal breast and all that good stuff. You just can't appreciate good food until you eat Aunt Tessie's Linguini Bolongese between slices Grandma Guisepina's bread slathered with butter - with salad and wine vinegar.

  43. Four Weddings and a Funeral!

    Whoo hoo! Jenny Crusie!

  44. The Wedding Banquet by Ang Lee.

  45. Father of the bride! For nostalgia

  46. I can't pick one favorite. In movies, I like Runaway Bride, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Wedding Planner, Four Weddings and a Funeral, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Muriel's Wedding, Father of the Bride I and II(Steve Martin). Fifty First Dates - I like this one, too. Then there's Notting Hill, and The Bachelor, and...

    So, I can't choose my favorite wedding movie, but ask me to choose my favorite romance movie?: hands down, Dirty Dancing. I can't count how many times I've seen this movie. It's my comfort movie.

  47. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Ohhh I had forgotten Monsoon Wedding! That WAS great. :D

  48. Four Weddings and a Funeral.

    2nd runner up: My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

  49. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I'd have to say Father of the Bride -- old and new versions both. Agnes is already next in my TBR pile, so if I get it, I'll pass it to someone else.

  50. Another name for the hat, please. :)

  51. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I tried to come up with an answer for this one but I couldn't! Guess I don't read / watch that much that has wedding themes... Please throw my name in the hat nayway; maybe I can discover a new genre!

  52. It would have to be Father of the Bride.

  53. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

  54. My favourite wedding movie is an old made for TV movie starring Sela Ward "Bridesmaids." My favourite wedding novel is "Spring Fancy" by LaVyrle Spencer

  55. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Well someone beat me to my favorite which is "The Princess Bride" but I also liked "While You Were Sleeping" (totally lame, I know.)

  56. Love Crusie - count me in!

  57. I love a lot of old wedding movies but I'll go with something contemporary. The Best Man

  58. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sixteen Candles and The Wedding Singer would be the only two 'wedding' movies I've ever really watched. Sixteen Candles might be cheating a little, though.

    I can't think of even one wedding-related book I've read though.

    I've been looking forward to reading this book, here's hoping you pick me. :O)

  59. I enjoyed Sweet Home Alabama and The Wedding Crashers.

  60. Two of my favorites are The Wedding Crashers and The Wedding Singer!

  61. Runaway Bride; love Gere and Roberts.

  62. Oh, gotta be My Big Fat Greek Wedding!

  63. I'm not throwing my hat into the ring to win because I already have Agnes and the Hitman Just wanted to say that I so enjoyed this book. I started reading it on the day that I had to help my old dog go peacefully. If a book can make me smile on such a wretched day, you know it has to be funny.

  64. Bachelor Party? Oh, yes! Loved that. It trumps even My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

    But my all-time favorite? How to Marry a Millionaire.

  65. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Too sick to think...just throw my name in the hat. Thanks.


  66. If I have to choose a movie, it's probably Wedding Date, but really my favorite wedding "fiction" is Daphne and Niles on Frasier -- both the one where Daphne doesn't get married to Donny, and the one where Daphne and Niles finally get married. I won't be more specific so as not to spoil it for anyone, but that show can pack more intelligent laughs in a 1/2 hour than any other I know.

    -- Amy Sisson

  67. My Big Fat Greek Wedding. :D

  68. Not really a "wedding movie", but I liked the wedding at the end of Bend it like Beckham. Yeah, I have No Taste.

  69. Don't put my name in the hat -- you've been entirely too good to me lately! -- but I did want to say that the book sounds great, especially to someone as allergic to weddings and their accoutrements as I am!

  70. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I've always loved Father of the Bride...

    but I really liked the wedding at the beginning of Love Acutally, too. Throw my name in please!


  71. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I am almost finished reading "Miss Julia Throws a Wedding". It was quite good, but my all time favorite would probably have to be "Steel Magnolia's".


  72. I typically don't do wedding-themed movies or books. At some point, My Big Fat Greek Wedding crossed my vision, and it wasn't too bad.

    The Crusie-Mayer collaboration is wickedly good, but I'm ashamed to say I've been slow picking this one up. If I don't win, I'll buy it anyway, but I'll toss my name in the hat.

  73. my favorite wedding book is probably Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin, though i like the third book in that series Baby Proof the best.

  74. Catch of the Day has a short story by Pamela Clare called Heaven Can't Wait. Very cool!

  75. Anonymous1:41 AM

    A 80s movie with Alan Alda, the mob and a flooded wedding tent, Betsy's Wedding

  76. Anonymous5:25 AM

    One of my favorites is Julia Quinn's "On The Way To The Wedding". I've been curious about this collaboration. Thanks for the chance to win one.


  77. Anonymous9:34 AM

    All my favorites have been mentioned already! Put me down for Monsoon Wedding as well as Cold Comfort Farm both wonderful

  78. The Wedding Singer. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler are great together. Check out 50 First Dates too.

  79. The Wedding Singer, of course. :)

  80. I hate to admit this, but I'm a fan of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", though it's not as good as "Four Weddings and a Funeral".

  81. Um... can I say "All of the above"? I loved most of the movies named (I'm not a fan of "Four Weddings..." though.

    Still, Agnes was the bomb. But, I don't have it yet. Was waiting for the paperback, as my book-buying budget doesn't stretch to hardbacks.

    Hint. Hint.


  82. Not a huge wedding fan, but I really liked Muriel's Wedding.

    Name in hat, please!

  83. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Hi, I haven't been reading your blog very long, but I'm enjoying it a lot. And this novel sounds hilarious!

    Favourite wedding movie has to be "The Wedding Singer." I knew a girl in university who had a tradition of watching it once every month. It was her cheer-up movie.

    Funnily enough, when I thought about wedding sequences in movies, I thought immediately of "Elizabethtown" and the "Free Bird" sequence. But I have a suspicion that was a funeral, not a wedding lol.

  84. The movie itself wasn't wedding-themed but it had the funniest wedding scene I've ever seen. Three Men and a Little Lady. Ted Danson was hilarious impersonating the preacher until Tom Selleck arrived to make his objections to the wedding taking place.


  85. The Wedding Planner...a guilty pleasure;)

  86. Ditto on Wedding Singer.

  87. I liked the Bachelor Party too. Please add my name to the hat.

  88. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'm not a big fan of wedding movies, but I like "The Wedding Singer".

  89. Feeling Minnesota had a deliciously strange wedding at the beginning that I've always enjoyed. Actually, the whole movie is rather odd--and has a great cast--which is probably why I enjoy it so much.

  90. Anonymous10:13 AM

    My favorite wedding movie is "The Princess Bride". I know, not the traditional wedding movie but... The second one is 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding". We all love that one.


  91. I can never pick one favorite of anything, but I have a recommendation that no one else has mentioned. Geralyn Dawson wrote a series of books called "The Bad Luck whatever"-the whatever was Wedding Cake or some other wedding-themed thing. They're very funny, but I don't know if they're still in print. And I actually made it before the deadline, for a change. Glad to be back, too.



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