
Monday, September 10, 2007

Magic Hat Ten

You saw this coming, right? Ha.

Ten Bloggers Who Won an Evermore ARC

1. Pamk

2. Charlene

3. Rosie

4. Marjorie

5. Ann

6. Rosina

7. Erin

8. Molly

9. Joely Sue

10. Mackan

Winners, please send your full name and ship-to info to, so I can get these ARCs out to you.

But wait, there's more.

I have a consolation prize to offer to the other bloggers who entered the drawing but didn't win an ARC this time. If you don't mind reading an unbound version of Evermore, send your full name and ship-to info to, and I will send you a signed copy of the galleys. This way everyone doesn't win, but everyone sort of wins.

Some of what's upcoming this week on PBW:

September Biz Post

Voice vs. Style

Novel Outlining 101

Lost and Found


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    This is, For Real, the first time I ever won anything. (I am 32). You have no idea how happy I am.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    (And how cool for you to give away free books to everyone...)

  2. I'm all excited now about the upcoming week! Especially Voice vs. Style.

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    oh, i'd be more than happy for an unbound arc.


    thank you!!!!

  4. Yay! Thank you. I'll email my address to you right away!

  5. Squeee! Thank you, PBW!

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I don't think I've mentioned this week how awesome you are, PBW. So, PBW, you are awesome!! Thanks. I'd totally call this winning.

    And yes, looking forward to the week's posts.

  7. You made my day. I was totally checking back all weekend to see if I'd won... and anything you send me to read is 'winning.'

    Thank you!!!

  8. I think that is still winning.

    You are awesome PBW!

  9. *dies* Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I can't wait to read Evermore.

  10. Wahoo!!! :)

    Quick question. Have you ever done a talk on show vs tell? Jordan

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I'm really looking forward to novel outlining! TY!

  12. Jordan wrote: Have you ever done a talk on show vs tell?

    Not here, and not ever that I can remember (disclaimer: I've been running my mouth about writing for ten years; I might have done a chat or article somewhere else.)

    I don't think I would, either, because (and I apologize in advance to all the RWA con workshopaholics whom this contrasting opinion is going to instantly piss off) occasionally you do have to tell versus show, particularly when you have backstory or narrative.

    Anway, want me to do one? :)

  13. Yes Please! *bats eyes*

  14. Congrats, winners!

    It's looking like another wonderful week here at PBW.

  15. Ack! Woo-hoo! *dances over to e-mail*

  16. Congrats winners!

    Although I'd like to read it, I lost fair and square, so I'm buying that sucker as soon as it comes out!

    Then again...

  17. Congrats people!

    Wow, what a time to NOT have internet. Bummer.

  18. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Is there anyway you will doing another EverMore contest giveaway in the future before its release? Maybe as a christmas gift? *crosses my fingers*


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