
Thursday, August 09, 2007


The winners of the PBWisms contest are:

Funniest: Trace, for nailing me and my constant speeding:

"I brainstormed, outlined and wrote my newest upcoming release today. That makes 47 for the year, which isn't bad, considering that it's only July. But I think I'll really have to buckle down and get cracking from now on. I'm adding a few more genres after all, and these books won't write themselves, will they?"

Most Unlikely: Darlene Ryan, who zeroed in on the one thing I will never, ever do again:

"In comments write your suggestion for the design of a bookmark for my upcoming release, Evermore. 10,000 copies of the winning design will be printed."

Best in Contest: Bonnie R., who may impersonate me whenever she likes:

"I went out to the porch this morning and found the Borg had moved into our birdhouse. Now I want the chick-eating snakes back."

Ladies, please send your bookwish and your ship-to address to so I can get your selection and your surprise out to you, and thanks to everyone who joined in.


  1. lololol...

    Congrats all!

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    ROFLMAO Okay, those were fantastic! LOL>

    Congrats to the winners!

  3. Thanks PBW! And how about an honourable mention for Shiloh?

  4. I second the honorable mention for Shiloh, her entry is too funny.

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Most Unlikely: Darlene Ryan, who zeroed in on the one thing I will never, ever do again:

    "In comments write your suggestion for the design of a bookmark for my upcoming release, Evermore. 10,000 copies of the winning design will be printed."

    I KNEW this was going to win most unlikely... *G*

    :P When I saw that one, i almost snorted diet coke all over the monitor.

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Darlene Ryan said...
    Thanks PBW! And how about an honourable mention for Shiloh?

    Ann said...
    I second the honorable mention for Shiloh, her entry is too funny.

    *G* Why thank you!

  7. Congrats to the winners!

  8. Wow! Excellent! Thanks so much. Now to decide. So many wonderful books I want to get my greedy little hands on!


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