
Thursday, March 08, 2007


All the great inscriptions posted for the Last Call giveaway make me wish I had 1,600 more of these babies to hand out. Okay, I'm lying, I'm overjoyed to see the last one go. But you guys, as always, are great. Thanks.

There can be only one winner this time, though, so this is the name we pulled out of the magic hat tonight:


D., please send your full name, ship-to info and your choice of what book you'd like me to sign and send along to, and I'll get this out to you.

For those of you who didn't win this time, next week I'm planning to clean house by having daily giveaways along with my regular posts. The upcoming giveaways will include among other things a signed ARC of Night Lost (last one I have left in the gratis box), two novels by a terrific new author, a complete, signed set of all seven StarDoc books in print, and some other neat surprises, so stop in if you get the chance.


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Congrats, D! And Lynn, I don't know if you could have fit all of my inscription on your bookmark, lol.

  2. Congrats, D!

    I missed the deadline, but I already have a couple of those bookmarks and the inscriptions are inspiring :).


    Congrats on clearing out the backlog Sheila. I can't wait to read Night Lost.


  3. Congrats, Determinist! That's so cool. And I want to borrow the book! *grin*

  4. Haha! That is indeed cool - off to send the email off.

    It's in my nature - I attract books. :-)

  5. So, was Determinist's victory pre-determined?

    yuk yuk

    One day I will win something....

  6. Anonymous8:22 AM

    LOL Congrats, Determinist.

    And... *jaw drops* All those giveaways... a WHOLE set of StarDoc? Wow. Just, wow. You're awesome, PBW.

    verification: "voprasu" that's kinda fun...

  7. Anonymous8:39 AM

    oh gimme gimme... *G* Hey, I can come help you clean house if you want.

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Hey PBW, I don't suppose you could dispose of a few copies of my book could you? I have seventeen of the bloody things hanging around my living room and aside from shredding them and using them to line the litter tray I'm at a loss as to what I should do with them. I could ship you a boxful and you could just toss them in free with whatever other things you're giving away. Please? Pleeeeease?

  9. Yay for housecleaning! It is most definitely time for the Spring Cleaning - I know my wonderful hubby is being quite tolerant with me and my mad, mad rush to Get Rid Of Junk. I shall pay close attention next week, in hopes of winning that full set of StarDoc books...or any other lovely signed stuff!

  10. Lucky Determinist. Congrats.

  11. Anonymous2:26 AM

    I feel compelled to confess - I may get bookmarks. Yes, I know. I'm insane. But I've never had bookmarks. It's okay to do it once right? Right? *g*


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