
Thursday, February 01, 2007


Guess what I found at the bookstore today:

Kiss Her Goodbye, Robert Gregory Browne's debut novel

It's a beautiful book, with very cool cover art -- you've got to see it up close to get the full impact. It's very classy, too. Reminds me a lot of my first novel. Okay, there aren't any bioengineered surgeons, maroon preying mantis nurses, nectarine porcupine orderlies or unconscious reptilian slavers giving birth to killer quintuplets on Rob's. But aside from those little details, they could be identical.

I should take this opportunity to offer some wise old crone writer advice to the author now. Not that he needs it, but still. I think we've covered why one shouldn't get their first title tattooed in the bikini area (can't show it off to anyone at cons and booksignings) and how to properly accessorize a powder pink twin set (pearls, always go with pearls)...

I know: Rob, if your production team suggests putting any type of leaping, dolphin-like alien lifeform on the cover of the next book?
Say NO.

We absolutely must celebrate this debut, so in comments to this post, please pass along your congratulations to Rob by midnight EST on February 2, 2007. I'll draw three names at random from everyone who participates and send the winners an unsigned copy of Kiss Her Goodbye by Robert Gregory Browne. Giveaway open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Congratulations, Rob! Another writer debuts!

  2. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Way to go, Rob. I aspire to do the same. Bravo.

  3. Congrats Rob! May it sell a mint. :)

  4. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Congratulations, Robert! This very night I've committed myself to seriously writing this year. Some kind of intimate oath, you know. Your debut news reinforce this decision.

    Or maybe its just the effect of half liter of vodka. Whatever.

  5. Rob--congratulations! This is very exciting.

  6. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Congratulations Rob!

    Glad to see another new author published!

    Since I don't have an account here I'm going to leave my name Terri.

  7. Congradulations Rob! This is such an exciting time. I can't wait until my first book gets published.

  8. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Congrats, Rob! Well done on breaking into the field, and I hope you're here for a long time yet.

    And that is VERY nifty cover art!

  9. Congratulations, Rob. I can feel the grin from here! Well done indeed.

  10. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Congratulations Rob!


  11. Congratulations, Rob! I've been looking forward to this one for a long time now. May it be the first of many Bestsellers!

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Congratulations, Rob! That's some very striking cover art! :)

  13. Congratulations Rob. Great cover. Hope you have lots of sales.

  14. Congratulations, Mr. Browne. It's always good to see a new author's debut novel. It provides hope for the rest of us.


  15. Go Rob! You rock! One day I hope to be debuting my first on PBW, just like you!

  16. Anonymous8:59 AM

    *happy dance* YAY! Debuts are inspirational. AND I want the book. :) Congrats Mr. Browne.


  17. Well, I'm not going to congratulate him again! I don't want him to turn into a prima donna. And besides, I've read it and wrote a review on my own blog and even posted an interview with the man there. But...

    "Okay, there aren't any bioengineered surgeons, maroon preying mantis nurses, nectarine porcupine orderlies or unconscious reptilian slavers giving birth to killer quintuplets on Rob's."

    Are you sure? Man, I guess I'm gonna have to re-read it. I could swear there was a maroon praying mantis nurse in there...

    Mark Terry

  18. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Well, hey. I loooove to win stuff ('specially stuff to read), so Congrats Rob.


  19. Yay Rob! Congrats.

  20. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Congratulations, Rob! That really is great cover art. :D

  21. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Congratulations on the release! And what a beautiful cover. Hope you have much success!

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    HUGE congrats!!! What a great debut...enjoy every minute of it. Publishing a book is a dream come true for so many, and you manifested that dream in your own life.

    May you have gobs of sales and a long, successful career!


  23. Congratulations! May you publish many more.

  24. Great news! Congratulations and best for all your future endeavors.

  25. Many congratulations, Rob. Been reading the blog and following the whole process for a while, so it's great to see it hit the shelves.

  26. Sleek and eye-catching! Congratulations.

  27. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Congratulations, Rob! It's been fun following the process on your blog (even though I mostly lurk).

  28. Congrats Rob, that's exciting!!

  29. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I think we've covered why one shouldn't get their first title tattooed in the bikini area (can't show it off to anyone at cons and booksignings)

    how about the fact that it would hurt like hell?


    Congrats, Rob!

  30. Anonymous1:13 PM

    May this be the start of a long and wonderful string of books from you for us, Rob! Congratulations! =D

    P.S. Whether or not PBW draws my name, I'm going to go buy a copy. I can't wait to read this and I bet my mom will like it too.

  31. Congrats Rob! Looks like an excellent story and the cover art is spectacular!

  32. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Congrats, Rob! I love seeing new authors on the shelves :D I'm off to buy a copy when I make my next Borders run. Congrats again... you made it :D

  33. Big congratulations, Bob. I love the cover and the title - a nice combination that doesn't always happen.

  34. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Congratulations to Rob! I'm putting his book on my post-surgery recovery reading list for next month!

  35. Anonymous3:45 PM

    That's great! Congrats!

  36. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Awesome news! Congratulations RGB! And, since I didn't win his Kiss Her Goodbye sweepstakes, I'll try again here. Otherwise, you'll force me to buy it! ;)

  37. Congratualtions, Rob. Nice job!

    Now I'm off to check out the cover art up close on Amazon...

  38. Party at Rob's house.

  39. Congratulations Rob! I hope it sells really well for you

  40. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Best Wishes Rob!

  41. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Congrats, Rob!!

  42. Huge Congrats. Great news! Love the cover and color. All the best.

  43. Congrats Rob! I know you're excited!! :)

  44. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Congratulations Rob! That's no easy feat!

  45. Yay! Congratulations, Rob!

  46. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Way to go, Robbie Rob. It's been a long time comein'. I'm totally excited for you.

    Bret Eric

  47. "Like sand through the hourglass..." Oh, wait! Different situation. Congratulations, Rob. Good for you!

  48. Congratulations, Rob! I'm looking forward to the release!

  49. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Wishing you all the best, Rob. I checked today at our local Books-A-Million but it wasn't in yet. Will be checking Barnes and Noble this weekend.

  50. Congrats Rob on the release of Kiss Her Goodbye

  51. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Blogeois said...

    Congratulations, Rob! The cover looks absolutely lovely.

  52. Guess what I found at the bookstore today:

    I saw this, then the picture and thought, "Wow, what a neat hourglass, and who knew you could get one of those in a bookstore? Those wild and crazy Americans!"

    Then I read the post.

    Well done, Rob, that's a nifty way to debut you book - next to an hourglass! Who needs a tat, when you've got... TIME!

  53. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Congratulations!! I can´t wait to read it:)

    Jessica W
    Sevilla, Spain

  54. CONGRATULATIONS, ROB! And, oooo yes, very classy cover, whether or not it gets tattooed anywhere on your person. :D

  55. Congrats to you Rob and here's to many , many more books in your future.

  56. Rob, many congratulations on your debut novel. It's definitely going on my "must have" list... and I have a place of honor already picked out for it. Now... how close are you to getting the next novel finished? :-)

  57. Congrats Rob on the debut!!!

  58. Congrats, Rob. Nothing like the first one. May there be many more.

  59. Wow. I'm at the Left Coast Crime conference in Seattle and didn't know about this post until this morning.

    What can I say to all of you but thank you. Thank you for all the wonderful support.

    And I have to say the book looks awfully nice up there on that shelf. My head is spinning -- and it has nothing to do with the alcohol consumption here at LCC.
