
Saturday, December 16, 2006

Twelve Reasons

The winner of the PBW's Eleven giveaway is Joyce, whose comment started with Patti O'Shea - read her first then got into her blog... and who should e-mail me at with your full name and ship-to info so I can get these books out to you.

Tonight my dining room table is stacked with books I must ship, wrap, shelve, or sign and send to Mom. This will be daily duty for another couple of days, and a happy one. One more stop to make at the bookstore for some gift cards, and then I'll have finished my shopping for now. I'm already thinking what books I can buy for my daughter's upcoming birthday. I'm pretty sure that Kate DiCamillo has a new book out, and I think she'd enjoy some of Judy Blume's titles.

Some folks have asked why I give away so many books. Aside from the fact that it's fun, books are what we writers read, enjoy, anticipate, search for, collect, appreciate, ponder, pass along, discuss, analyze, fight for, and believe in. To us and our readers, books are like dreams we can hold in our hands. They're constant, uncomplaining companions who will go practically anywhere with us. To be able to write them is a privilege. So is sharing them.

I give books to everyone in my life. Under the tree this year will be novels by Jack London, Robert Louis Stevenson, P. L. Travers and Laura Ingalls Wilder, a guitar how-to guide, a collection of e.e.cummings, some art history books (my idea) and some guides on how to draw Manga (my teenager's idea.) While none of the books I buy as gifts have buttons, can be plugged in, make sound or come with their own collectible action figures, my kids still ask for them -- often by title -- every year. Take that, Nintendo.

I've had a blast over the last twelve days, and I thank all of you for joining in and posting so many great comments.

I have one more author/book story to tell you. The very first erotica book I ever read was one I picked up on a whim while out Christmas shopping. I bought it to see what the genre was all about, and picked the title because the author's name was Emma Holly (which sounded appropriately seasonal.) I have fairly decent luck finding good authors with this method, but Emma Holly's work proved to be so exceptional that it blew me away. Based on the strength of that one novel, I bought up her entire backlist. I've also bought everything she's written since.

From paranormal historicals to steampunk romantica to contemporary erotica, Emma Holly's range keeps expanding and providing readers with a terrific variety of novels every year. She's got a very distinct voice and style that stands out whatever she writes. I also can't think of a better author to warm up someone on a cold night, so I'm making All U Can Eat by Emma Holly the twelfth very cool hot book of December.

For a chance to win today's giveaway, in comments to this post name a favorite author you found by happy accident (or, if you're not accident-prone, just throw your name in the hat) by midnight EST on December 16, 2006. I'll draw one name from everyone who participates and send the winner unsigned copies of All U Can Eat, The Demon's Daughter and Prince of Ice by Emma Holly and Talyn by Holly Lisle. I will also send you the very first print copy of my January '07 release, Plague of Memory (and thanks again to my very kind editor for providing the early copy for the giveaway.) Giveaway open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. We think alike. I give books arts supplies as gifts to people that I love. One of the author that I found this year is Maya Banks and Deidre Knight.

  2. William F Temple - I don't know where I found the first in the series, but I found the second at a school jumble sale barely one week before we emigrated to Australia from Spain.
    It took me twenty years to find the third in the series - Martin Magnus on Mars.

  3. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I picked up Angela Knight's stuff on a whim and have fallen in love with everything else she's written ;)


  4. Anonymous2:15 AM

    I think books are wonderful gifts. Since there are so many genres and subgenres, there truly is something for everyone.

    I picked up When Light Breaks by Patti Callahan Henry just because I liked the title and blurb. It is one of the best books that I have read this year, and I look forward to more of Ms. Henry's work. I just read my first Emma Holly book about six months ago, and I loved her writing style! Thank you for sharing books in all these great giveaways!

    Happy holidays! Zara

  5. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I’m sitting on my couch reading “Dark Need” as my husband watches t.v. and surfs the internet after returning from the bookstore where we’d bought some books for my six month old son. The main criteria of these purchases were whether or not he could chew on them. My husband was surfing wikipedia for some more information on Clint Eastwood who was on Letterman. I took the laptop from him and put in Lynn Viehl and then linked to your blog. Wow- talk about serendipity!

    Everything you wrote resonated with me- from books as the ideal gift, the hope that I can instill a love of books into my son, to listing Emma Holly as one of your favorite erotica authors. So, for the first time ever, I’m going to respond and post a comment on a blog (I’m sure there’s a word out there for people who read blogs but never participate- and if there’s not there should be- but I digress.) I frequently find authors I love by accident. This is how I found your books and those of Sharon Shinn.

    While I was pregnant with my son, I went on a sci-fi fantasy kick. (I have always had reading phases- with a few constants- always romance, a few mystery authors that I’m always on the look out for their books (John Sanford, Dana Stabenow, Lee Child) and my fantasy favorites (Mercedes Lackey)). One day I was in my local bookstore when I saw the rather seductive book cover of an Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book. I had seen her books before, but finally decided to read one. With all series books I must start at the beginning- went to the library and got out all of her books, and bought the ones I couldn’t check out immediately. What’s not to love about Laurell K. Hamilton? (vampires, fantasy, erotica, romance- yummy!). In her blog (or was it in the dedication?) she mentioned Sharon Shinn, so I checked out her books, and while I was browsing the “S” authors in the sci-fi fantasy section I came across this awesome book “Stardoc”. (The “S”s and “V”’s are on the same eye level at my library) Romantic science fiction! I raced through all the books at the library by S.L. Viehl, went back online to see what else I could find that “S.L. Viehl” had written. Lucky for me- quite a bit- and then I found a Lynn Viehl. It took me a while- but finally figured they were the same person. And that is my joyous accident!

    Now that wikipedia let me know that you have 3 other pseudonyms- I’ m going to go check those out as well. Thanks for being so prolific. Leslie

  6. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Congratulations Joyce and all the other winners!!!

    Hugs, Zara

  7. About five years ago, I picked up Sherrilyn Kenyon's, Night Pleasures.I finished it in two days.It had been years since I read a book,let alone,a whole novel.Thanks to that book,I haven't stopped reading since.

  8. Julie Garwood is an author that I found by happy accident. I picked up a book of hers (For the Roses) after seeing a movie based on it not realizing it was a romance. However, once I read it I became hooked on the genre and love romances to this day.

    I always give books as gifts. It is a habit I got from my great-grandmother who used to give all of us books as presents for birthdays and holidays. This year I am giving books, such as Charlotte's Web, to my nephews and nieces and continuing the tradition.

  9. Anonymous3:30 AM

    L.E. Modesitt, Jr. I was looking for a thick book to read one day that looked like it could take me a while to read because sometimes it's sad when you finish a book so fast that you don't have anything to read the next day/night. So I stumbled upon his "Colors of Chaos", and it was really interesting. Very in-depth and a lot political scheming (more like surviving) going on.

  10. After writing a book about Lucifer, I read everything I could find about other people's efforts in that regard. Kim Harrison was one of those people. Formulaic cyberpunk fiction, but every one of them a real page turner.

  11. I was very into fantasy books with warriors & knights at one time. So I happened to pick up a book titled "Warrior's Song" By Catherine Coulter while waiting for a bus one day. Never read a romance in my life and so this was a first for me. I ended up unable to put this book away. And it completely changed my view on all romance books. I soon found myself reading more and more books. Taking chances on author after author. I am very glad I accidentally picked up that book.

  12. I have found many authors by happy accident, like David Eddings and Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb.

  13. Anonymous5:39 AM


    Stuart MacBride and Duane Swierczynski were two on-line finds and both very good.



  14. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I used to think romance featuring Navy SEALS was tired and cliche and after reading a book by Suzanne Brockmann of this nature from my mom's bookshelf, didn't give her a second look until years later when I picked up another of her books on her whim--because of a favourite author's cover quote, actually.

    Suzanne Brockmann has now become my favourite author and I've learned judging a book or author by their subject matter can put a huge limitation on a reader.

    I also picked up one of your books on a whim because there just weren't any books in the romance genre featuring characters of different racial and ehtnicities. =)

    Thanks again!

  15. I picked up The Bride's Kimono by Sujata Massey because I hadn't read a mystery lately. As it so often goes, I then began reading the rest of her works. I've picked up some other random books on a whim and thankfully have never been burned.

  16. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I found S.L. Viehl by accident, actually. Went to buy a book and it wasn't there. I saw Stardoc, bought it, and got hooked!

  17. Norton,Lackey, Modesitt and Moon.
    Oh, the joy!

  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I'm just throwing my name in the hat.

  19. I found Anne Bishop (probably my favorite author ever) by accident when browsing Amazon because I was bored out of my mind. Her premise sounded interesting, so I put it on hold at my library...

    ... and pretty well immediately went out and bought book three (which the library didn't have), along with books one and two.

    Five years later, I'm still hooked.

  20. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm accident-prone all right, but just throwing my name in. :)

  21. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I started reading Maeve Binchy's books simply because there were an overwhelming number of her novels at the library book sale one year for a bargain price of 25 cents each. I left with two grocery sacks full of books, many of them hers. From the first one I read, I was hooked and have managed to get at least three other people hooked on Maeve Binchy's novels, since I find it impossible not to share a truly great book with my mom or one of my friends.

  22. man, that's a hard one.

    Lora Leigh, is one I know was an accident. I was checking out Ellora's Cave for books by some of the Secrets authors. Saw that Angela Knight had some there and while I was skimming the site looking for more of her stuff, I found Marly's Choice. I was hooked.

  23. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Well, I found you! Rather, my husband did! He was working a third job doing magazine/book vendoring for local stores in the wee hours of the night when a store manager decided that he could cool his heels for a long period of time. Husband was utilizing that time to read and took advantage of the large stock of books at hand in crates ready to be checked in. When he saw Star Doc and perused it, he told me right away he knew the book was for me. I've been a dedicated fan ever since. So if you're in Albuquerque, NM and notice that all bookstores that I have been in have your books faced, well, yeah, that was me :) lol

  24. I'm not sure what authors I've found by happy coincidence, but I'm sure there are some good ones.I just recently discovered Karin Slaughter after seeing her first book on the shelf and thinking I should read that series. Now I'm four books in and absolutely loving it.

    I love to give books as gifts and already have a few to wrap. Now if only my family would give me books for Christmas, I'd be set.

  25. Books are wonderful gifts at any time of the year.
    I found Jan Springer while I was browsing in my favorite book store. Have now read most of her books.

  26. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Congrats to all the lucky winners!

    These days I go by recommendations because there are just so many books out there and my to-read-list is already longer than what I can finish in a lifetime. All of my lucky finds come from earlier years. Two of the most memorable ones were Karl May and Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom books.

  27. Laurel K. Hamiliton. I was living overseas and looking for books to send to my husband. Deployed to Bosnia at the time. Picked up her pick, intending to send to him but eh, that copy never made it in the box.

    He got others though.

    I wanted to add my thanks for what you're doing here. You're very generous.


  28. Kim Harrison. I was looking for a Charlaine Harris title and walked out of the store with all of Kim Harrison's Witch books. A very happy accident indeed.

  29. Anonymous9:13 AM

    A link led to a blog which led to a free read and then I drove my DH nuts trying to get books in our small town. He went to the city yesterday and brought back two. I grapped up the third online. My happy accident? Your Darkyn series - which have finally reignited my interest in vampire books - so many thanks for my Christmas gift this year. ;)

  30. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I honestly picked up 'Beyond Varallan' in a used bookstore (with a very poor sci-fi section), and was so shocked and impressed that I found something worth reading! I immediately went out and bought all the rest on

  31. JD Robb. Years ago in the library I noticed her books in the paperback section. At the time, I don't believe it was widely known that it was a pseudonym for Nora Roberts. There were only a few books in the series then, maybe 4 or 5, and I picked up the first one. Naked in Death now ranks as one of my all-time favorite books and I eagerly anticipate each new release, buying it in hardcover the day it releases. I can re-read Naked in Death every month and still not grow tired of the characters, the relationship, the story. It was a very happy "accident".

  32. Anonymous9:40 AM

    While traveling I ran out of reading material and at the airport found Peter Tremayne's Sister Fidelma series and thanks to I was able to pick up the rest of the series which at that time hadn't been printed in the US(we are still behind in the series by one book).

    I love books and I too love giving my favorite friends to others in the hope that they will experience the same joy I did in getting to know the characters, places and events.

    I hate to shop EXCEPT in bookstores - family joke is don't go shopping with me because you'll be home before you left.

    Thanks for all you do!!!!


  33. Christine Feehan was my big surprise. While looking for vampire novels, I bought Dark Melody not knowing anything about the series. I was hooked from then on. I know a lot of folks have complained about that particular book, but it was so different from anything else I had read at the time. I loved that book, and still do.

  34. Mary Kay Andrews, Kay Hooper, Marsha Moyer & Karen Marie Monning are the four that come to mind.

  35. Anonymous10:14 AM

    My happy accident started with buying a book from a writer I never heard of at the National literacy signing. She seemed a little bit shy but was nice and talked to me and some other girls while we was standing in line waiting for my favorite author (but I would never have bought her book if she hadn't been sitting there.)

    It wasn't until I got back to my room that I read what the shy author had written in her book for me: "Great to meet you. Now get back to work, you owe me a signed book." Made me laugh myself silly.

    That same writer gave a workshop that everyone said was a crazy idea, but turned out to be the high point of the con for me. She turned out to be an amazing speaker who kept 200 people riveted to their seats while she plotted out a complete novel using only the elements that the audience gave her. I'd never seen anything like it before or to this day. It was all my group talked about for the rest of the conference.

    So when are you going to come back to National, PBW? ;->


  36. Just throwing my name in today. :)

  37. My daughter introduced me to Jodi Picoult. My first choice has been historical for years but I've been reading more of a variety lately because of so many new to me authors.

  38. Anonymous11:22 AM

    You. I don't know how I got to your blog, and I liked it, so I bought one of your books...

  39. Years ago, I discovered the great Edmund Cooper when I got a bag of sixties SF paperbacks. Five to Twelve blew me away, and I did most of his backlist, which is really a way-back list.

    When I discover an author I like, I don't usually do the whole backlist. I start with the "best of" if they aren't serial novels.

  40. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I found Janet Evonivich the same way -- I picked up Visions of Sugar Plums on a whim and about midway through realized this was probably the author I'd heard two other reading friends refer too.
    It was a very good laugh for the holidays and I had sympathetic nightmares that it was the day before Christmas and I'd forgotten to do all my shopping. I then went out and read the books I could find up to that one -- it was seven or eight I believe.
    That was two or three years ago and I've purposely sought out a light holiday read last year and this year since it was so fun.

  41. There have been many over the years, where I've come upon a book by a certain author and just *had* to read all their other books, too. It's like a treasure hunt.

    I just can't think of any names right now. Probably because I haven't had my morning coffee, yet.


  42. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Linda Howard and Elizabeth Lowell

  43. I picked up Ian Irvine's first View from the Mirror novel when I was in Sydney a couple of years ago and had run out of things to read. I'd finished the series by the time we I got home, and sought out the next four - The Well of Echoes quartet - as soon as I could. He has a very different approach to fantasy, with not a dragon in sight!

    I love to give (and receive) books or book tokens too. Every Christmas I spend weeks wondering what to get my dad, and always end up getting him a pile of books. He's never disappointed, though quite often once he's opened the first one you won't see him again until he's finished it.

  44. Anonymous11:49 AM

    An author I found this year by happy accident was Nalini Singh. I'm a J.R.Ward fan, and she did an interview with an Australian bookstore for their newsletter. I was kindly sent the newsletter in a PDF - for the interview - and there was a short blurb for Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh. Went straight to Amazon and ordered it. Am now hooked and looking forward to the next book in the series.


  45. I broke down and bought my kids Nintendo DSs for Christmas. I did this basically because there are no buying of batteries, no small parts, it's already put together, and the big one, it won't end up in the basement in 6 months.

  46. Melanie Rawn. I had just been disappointed with an Anne McCaffrey trilogy because it was too short (meaning the story and characters were written so well that I wanted to spend more time with them), so I went back to the SFF section of the bookstore and looked for a really thick paperback that sounded interesting. Hooked to the point of rereading all of her books on a regular basis.

  47. Maria V Synder, I never buy books from authors I don't know because really, I buy a lot of books as it is and I'd rather do my gambleing in the library. But the cover for Poison Study was sooooo pretty that I had to buy it. And it's great. So I judge books buy their covers, I can't help it, I'm an artist.

  48. I'll give you two happy accidents. I have a habit of getting a library card every time I move and starting at one end, reading to the other of the library. Nonfiction, fiction, all of it.

    The first time I did this and hit W's, I found PG Wodehouse. Oh. My. God. I laughed until I cried and then I read everything I could get my hands on, blessing him for being prolific.

    In the B's, I found this space adventure titled "The Warrior's Apprentice" by Lois McMaster Bujold. She's not as prolific as Wodehouse, but every book is a keeper.

    Does that give me two chances to win? *g*

  49. Anonymous12:48 PM

    The first Author I found by accident was Laurell K Hamilton - I was cruising the Orbit website (I am in England) and I read a review that said something like "Buffy for grown ups" well my best friend likes Buffy and it was coming up to christmas so I wandered to my local bookstore and they had eight books in the Anita Blake series - I bought them all! As I ouldn't sleep that night I decided to give the first one a read, just out of curiosity. I didn't sleep that night and the next day had to go back to the store for another complete set!

    Then I was surfing the net looking for writing sites - I came across this site by someone I am sure you will never have heard of (LOL) Holly Lisle - her workshops were so helpful and I downloaded her free books to see what they were like. I went to borders the next day to get all her books imported for me!

    Whilst I was cruising the Forward Motion site I saw a number of refenrces to a someone Viehl/Kelly/just about every other pseudonym under the sun, so I found a website downloaded some free books and had to make another trip to borders to get her books imported for me.

    I could go on! Sufice to say I am a text book example of why giving some stuff away for free is worth it. I have several authors now on my "must buy" list because I have been able to read something of thiers for free and then decided I liked them.

    Nicola Lane

  50. Discovered two authors on a chat group that I really enjoy:
    Esther Mitchell
    Gail Delaney

    they write for triskelion and have both ebooks and pb formats.

  51. I found Jennifer Crusie by happy accident at the used book store - and now I think I've bought/read most of her back list. I love the humor in her books.

  52. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I ran into Ursula LeGuin beause she was passingly mentioned in a book of great dragon illustrations by Ciruelo Cabral. The Earthsea Series is still one of my all-time faves.

  53. Alastair Reynolds is who I discovered by accident. I love his writing and his novels.


  54. You are so right about the books. I think they make better gifts than anything else because a book is something you can enjoy for life, something that can change your life. I myself have had many 'happy accidents' with books: Ursula K. LeGuin, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Lori Handeland, Juliet Marrillier are just a few of the writers I've discovered by accident.

  55. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I stumble across a lot of authors, but I can't think of any names in particular right now so I'm just going to throw my name into the hat.

    --ikkinlala (who can't seem to sign in today, for some reason)

  56. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I found Julianne Maclean by accident and have been a fan ever since.

  57. Not so much the authors names but the titles of the books.

  58. I picked up Devil's Bride by Stephanie Laurens and fell in LOVE with the Cynster clan. Been buying her ever since. :)

  59. John Lawton. He's an English crime/mystery writer with novel set in WW2 London, through the 1950s and the Cold War. Here's a link to a post about him on Grumpy Old Bookman
    I stumbled across him as you do, just browsing through a bookshop, although on this occasion I think I was away from home in Brisbane looking for something to read in a specialty crime bookshop.

  60. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Many years ago, I had a book voucher that was burning a whole in my purse and the first book that looked vaguely interesting was P.C Hodgell's 'Chronicles of the Kencyrath'. I have reread it so many times and it is definitely in my top 3 favourite books, not bad for an impulse buy - if I only had the same luck with other things.


  61. One author I found by "accident" was Jim Butcher, author of the Dresden Files series. I was assigned his book in a college course and fell instantly in love. I'm a big PI novel reader, and his urban fantasy twist to the genre, along with his fun sense of humor, drew me into his work immediately. Good fun.

  62. I happened to be in the US and found the biggest book store I've ever seen called Powells.

    I found two new authors that are now on my keeper shelf: Holly Lisle's Sympathy for the Devil and Laurell K. Hamilton's Guilty Pleasures. (I sent a couple of boxes home, but I can't remember what was in them. Those two I remember.)

    And Marianne de Pierres' Parrish Plessis series. Marianne was kind enough to sign all her books I bought and sit and chat for a while at Conflux this year.

    I wasn't really going to spend so much on Aussie authors, but the covers and the blurbs were too good to resist.

  63. just throwing my name in..and I wanted to say it's been a great 12 days

  64. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I found Roberta McAvoy's Black Dragon books entirely by chance. I still adore them :).

  65. I seek out new authors all the time. Whether in a bookstore or online I have to find more to suit my voracious book appetite. Taylor Holden, Keith Donohue, Jill Gregory are all new discoveries of mine. I give books exclusively to people who know and understand my total and complete devotion to books. They are aware of my reading addiction and realize that the book as a gift is precious and something to hold onto for life. I feel that way about owning books and they are treasures.

  66. It's far too hard to choose just one or two... most of my favorite authors are happy accidents, with a few "I keep seeing that name, need to find a book" ones thrown in.

    No one ever gives me books as gifts anymore... I miss my grandma. She gave me books.

  67. I picked up JR Ward's Dark Lover by accident. a friend and I were shopping at a scifi convention and one of the books seller's had this book and my friend says this looks good. Since she already had in her tbr pile. I bought it and was ever so glad I did. I read it before her and now she is playing catch up.

  68. I discovered Kay Hooper by chance. I picked After Caroline because I needed something to read and there was a small selection to chose from. So, I picked this one without much enthusiasm, but I loved it when I read it. After that I began buying all I could find by her.

  69. I stumbled across JR Wards Lover Eternal liked the name and the cover and loved it. Had to get the other 2 and now eagerly await the next in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series

  70. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I'm sure the other books are wonderful too, but I have to admit I'm throwing my name in the hat for Plague of Memory.

  71. Anonymous11:39 PM

    *squeals* Plague of Memory!

    I think maybe J D Robb's Judgement in Death. That was the first In Death book I picked up due to it's cover, never knowing that she was Nora Roberts which I read from time to time. It turns out that I enjoyed J D Robb a lot more than Nora Roberts.


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