
Monday, November 27, 2006

Snap Ten

Ten Things for Writers in a Hurry

Freeware caution: always scan free downloads of anything for bugs and other threats before dumping the programs into your hard drive.

1.'s Daily Writing Prompts will give you as many swift kicks in the muse as you'd like.

2. Create quick floor plans, interior layouts and 3D models of your setting with Cadsoft's Envisioneer Express freeware.

3.'s Fiery Love Poem Generator, for those times when you or your novel need a hot love poem but you aren't in the mood to compose one.

4. Fifty Writing Tools: Quick List from Poynter Online is just what the title says (I'm a big fan of #34.)

5. Desperately seeking a title for your novel? Find one in a click with's Instant Title Generator.

6. Opera 9 free web browser claims to be superfast and works on Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

7. Find that perfect pseudonym in a blink with the Pen Name Generator.

8. Save time checking your various e-mail accounts by having Pop Peeper freeware alert you when new e-mail arrives.

9. Someday one keyword will launch a thousand applications; for now launch your apps faster with Quick Start freeware.

10. Inet 2 Inet's World Creator v. 1.5 freeware creates graphics and artwork; aimed at gamers and RPGers but could be of use to writers looking to work up images of their fictional settings.


  1. Hee, the title and penname generators gave me The Last Temptation of the Godfather by Lady Bonbons.

  2. I got Lady Bonbons, too.

    I wonder exactly what it is I'm writing with this pen name? Erotic Recipes?

  3. Two of my apps do the same job as a couple in your list: yMail to check your mailboxes from time to time (and also remove spam before downloading it) and yLaunch sits in the system tray and lets you run one or more related apps and/or documents with a click. For example, 'Research' might run Wordpad and simultanously open your web browser to Google & Wikipedia.
    And my yWriter novel writing software just made the PricelessWare list for 2007 - thanks to all who voted ;-)

  4. Anonymous1:02 AM

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  5. Nope. The pen name, Gladys Potter does nothing for me, unless I want to write about 'ladies who lunch'.

    Even my pseudonym came up with Spicy Pepper, and that's a name better suited to... well, the porn industry - or a TV chef.

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Enormous and vastly annoying SPAM deleted above.

    Sorry for the ongoing SPAMmer attacks in comments, folks. For some reason they've decided to target me this month.

  7. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The writing tools list is awesome. Mac freeware with similar functions:
    Quicksilver is a great application launcher for the Mac. (The best, actually. Blazing fast.) Mac users looking for layout or 3D software might want to try Google's SketchUp freeware. It's very simple to learn and runs on both Mac and PC.


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