
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Melts in Your Mouth

It's a beautiful day in the publishing blogosphere, isn't it? If you skip around the raging hemmorhoids, the flaming jackasses, the rabid tongue-cluckers and everyone else shoving their posterior in your face today (and trust me, somehow we'll deserve it, us being the worthless writer scum that we are.)

Someday someone will invent a process that makes semen chocolate-flavored, but until then, we're stuck with these people.

I am here to report that despite the conflagrations, there are some pretty wonderful things out here, like National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. It's in full swing now, and that's always fun to join in or cheer on the NaNo'ers. I love November because fifty or sixty thousand kindred spirits spend it finding out firsthand just how fun this gig can be (and tough, and cool, and frustrating, and amazing, and so on.)

Need something to read? There are always new books hitting the shelves to check out: Lauren Bacall's updated autobio, By Myself and Then Some, Emma Holly's new tale of the Demon World, The Prince of Ice, Monica Jackson, Donna Hill and Adrianne Byrd's holiday antho Takin' Chances for the Holidays, Tamara Siler Jones's latest Dubric novel Valley of the Soul, Alison Kent's newest Blaze Infatuation, Jo Leigh's latest Blaze Relentless, and some SF book by a chick with an aquatic fixation.

No room in the budget for books this month? No worries, you can find lots of free reads online if you know where to look.

The holidays are just around the corner: only 47 shopping days left. Have you made a list? Have you checked it twice? If you need help deciding on the perfect gift for someone, you might consult the gift wizard at

If you're talented and not afraid to show it to the entire planet, you might enter your video for a shot at the $50,000 prize in the Yahoo! Talent Show contest (11/27/06 is the last day to submit a video.)

You can discover some new and healthy recipes for your seasonal gatherings over at Cooking Light Magazine, or win some neat prizes on their contest page. Baking some homemade bread is also very good, if you don't use the bread machine -- pummeling the dough by hand works out plenty frustration.

You might also resync yourself by trying one of the Cleveland Clinic's Calming and Empowering Exercises.

Or you could get started on inventing that flavoring process. Just remember, when you accept the Nobel, I get a mention for having suggested it. Who says that we can't have world peace in our lifetime?


  1. Oh, jeez, S. as if I need to add more to my tbr pile... Alison has a new one out? Hmm... maybe after I've kicked Nano's butt, three times just to make sure it knows who it's dealing with.

    And after JD Robb's latest, that is sitting where I can see it, damn it!

    Christmas shopping is all but done, nyah! But I'll be needing the relaxing techniques, in oh, a month?

    Chocolate-flavoured semen? S.? What have you been reading???

  2. Wow, your's is the first blog I visit in the morning so I'm not up on the shit-flinging. I'll have to catch up. It's always good entertainment.

  3. I must finish my nano word count, I must finish my nano word count...348, 349, darn, Where was I? Argh - tearing hair out. 350 words in one day is NOT enough.


  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Jeez. And you write how many words in a month? Around 100K?

    *looks at NaNo document and winces* Well, if you wanna be a cheetah, you gotta learn to run. . . (I got a lot out of the Cheetah book, btw)

  5. I'm going insane with early Yuletide shopping, just like everyone else in this country, before the 8% sales tax increase hits Nov. 15. The malls are like jungles, people savage animals. So I've been braving it all just to get my list out.

  6. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Ah, Valley is out! Must talk to my sister about a Christmas present, hehe.

    And handmade, homemade bread is wonderful (and sure tastes nicer than via bread machine), but it does take a while. When there's a loaf or two a day for a family, it's just too much. So handmade is a treat around here. (Must request some soon, actually.)


  7. Thank you for sharing the page from the Cleveland Clinic.



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