
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Final E-book Challenge Update

We've come a long way since August, when I originally posted the E-book challenge. Since then, we've talked about maintaining story quality, making your own cover art, getting the word out and interesting readers, types of fonts to use, and finishing what we start. Halloween, the challenge deadline, is five days away.

For the challengers: you've accomplished a lot in eight weeks. You've written or buffed up a story from start to finish. You've gone through most of the steps all professional writers, editors, cover artists and publishers do with producing print books -- and you've probably done most or all of it alone. You've created a marketing tool, but you're also adding to the free content on the internet, something we all love. Bravo.

For those of you who for whatever reason couldn't join in: don't beat yourself up over it. Let me! Seriously, I understand that day jobs, families and life's other-than-writing responsibilities have to come first, so don't sweat it. This challenge has been so much fun that I'll definitely be having another one in 2007.

Editors and agents: you're always on the hunt for new talent, right? Here's an easy, non-postal, no pressure way to find it. Please take a few moments when you can and stop by to have a look at our challengers.

Readers: This is all free, and all for you. If you like what you read, please check out any other work the authors have available in print or online. If you find some stories that you think a friend would enjoy, please pass along the links. If you've got a blog and want to link to the challenge or any of the individual entries, please do -- these writers have worked hard, and anything you can do to help promote the results will be greatly appreciated.

Challenge Instructions (which will be posted again over the weekend and on Monday):

E-mail me at with the following by midnight EST on Monday, October 30, 2006:

The title and byline for your e-book

Example: Midnight Blues by Lynn Viehl

The URL for your e-book download file, or the URL for where your e-book can be read online.


Optional (this will be included with your link listing on PBW):

A short (25 words or less) premise, teaser or description of your e-book.

Example: Lonely vampire cop fights to save human nun from immortal sadist who wants them both.

What genre, if any, your e-book is written in.

Examples: Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Crime Fiction, etc.

Note: Do not send me the file for your e-book or any attachments.


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Going to have to come down to the wire to finish mine (thank you, idiot medical community, for ruining my plans), which means the cover art is out. *~* My roommate has offered to try to put something together, but I'm not sure how serious he was when he made the offer.

    I am really excited about getting this up, though. *-* It's been fun...and I've already picked my project for next year!

  2. This was a really, really great idea, PBW! I wish I'd been able to participate! Maybe next time.

    But kudos for putting it all together and doing this for everyone. It's not like you don't have a ton else to do!

    Thanks for all you do!

  3. I think i can finish in time and I'm really knocking it out like Mike Tyson use to. LOL.

  4. It's done and up on my site. Thanks for doing this. This is the first piece of adult short fiction I've written in years--unless you count those essays I did in physiology class.

    I'm eager to read everyone else's work.

  5. Mine is done as well. I've got an excerpt up on my blog and the cover art. Woohoo! :) The link to the story will go live on the 31st.

    PBW, I'll send you my info tonight. Thanks so much for pushing everyone along. It was a ton of fun to do. It'll be interesting to read everyone's stories.

  6. Can't wait to check out everyone's stories. Mine is up and live. Info already sent in.

  7. Too bad I only get novel plotbunnies these days, and I can't write a novel in three months.

    Maybe I'll have something next time. Preferably that Mediaeval saga I doubt I'll ever submit because it's such a sprawling mess (it was my first attempt at novel writing and needs a thorough revision before I'll show it off, lol, but I keep going back and play with it).

  8. I am really bummed that I didn't have time to complete this challenge. I am on a very tight deadline for a computer testing book and that takes priority. I was glad to hear you will do this again next year!

    - Maura

  9. Mine is Done!!!! Thank god for days off. I was able to devote two whole days to finishing my novella, and wrote sixty pages in two days (in an experience that will probably prove unrepeatable). There is just one small gap to be filled in, two editing read throughs (to try and catch any glaring errors and to make sure it doesn't suck) and then I will send it off to get converted to PDF on Monday and hopefully have it posted by Monday evening (Knock on wood). Hope everyone has a good weekend. Ann

  10. "For those of you who for whatever reason couldn't join in: don't beat yourself up over it. Let me! Seriously, I understand that day jobs, families and life's other-than-writing responsibilities have to come first, so don't sweat it. This challenge has been so much fun that I'll definitely be having another one in 2007."

    I was wondering if you'd be doing another challenge in the near future (now that your time/site issues seem to have been resolved).



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