
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Vengeance of Writers

A short but incredibly funny video about a writer reacting to a bounce: Bernard's Letter.

I still firmly believe that nothing beats success, or more precisely, nothing makes a publisher squirm more than to know a writer they kicked out the door went on to make a whole pile of money for another house. Although my bestselling author/handcuffed editor/unpublished manuscript barbecue fantasy does run a close second.

What's your idea of the ultimate writer's revenge?


  1. Selling something somebody passed on and making gobs of money.


    Although I'm satisfied just selling something that I was told wasn't right for the market.

    Last year when I was shopping around for an agent, one lady I had been interested in read part of the novella I was working on for Berkley's Hot Spell anthology, and one of my vamp books published thru EC.

    She declined, stating she didn't think either one were right for the market.

    Best vindication was when the editor at Berkley loved the story. And I ended up with an agent I adore, so guess it all worked out the way it needed to.

  2. I never fail to mention my early struggles & rejections whenever I'm interviewed, although I don't mention publishers by name. That's my revenge (although it's more of a public 'told-you-so')
    But let's face it - editors and agents probably won't even remember they once saw your MS, so it's a hollow victory.

  3. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Writing well is the best revenge.

  4. The best revenge is success! Although I'm grateful that a publisher I once targeted rejected me. It would have been a terrible fit and I'm much better off where I am.

  5. You all clearly lack perspective. Do you even remember what that rejection felt like?

    I think a good old fashioned flaming shitbag on the front step, combined with a ding dong ditch is the best.

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I'm with Oliver on this one. (But the fellow in the viddy had the right idea. A flugel horn, yeeeessss!) But what's a ding dong ditch?

    On the subject of rejections, IMO nothing compares with Naomi Kritzer's short story, The Devil's Mail Box. That was one of the few times I sent a stranger fan mail -- I had to tell her how much I'd loved her story.

  7. In my fantasy I'm being interviewed on Oprah about my new mega-selling book--and not because I lied about anything. And since it's a fantasy my hair looks fabulous.
    In reality the first has a better chance of happening than the latter.

  8. lol... I think a good old fashioned flaming shitbag on the front step, combined with a ding dong ditch is the best.

    Maybe it's a female thing. Yeah while the flaming stink bomb sounds like fun, in the long run, once it's cleaned up, the joy is over. Plus it's so messy.

    Getting it over on them by reigning supreme on the best sellers lists for years to come, and them sitting there stewing, thinking how did I let that get away ... now that is gonna last.

  9. I've heard a few editors say that they remembered submissions that they rejected that went on to be bestsellers. The two that were speaking said that they did take a moment to kick themselves.

    My bet is that the editors who rejected Harry Potter will kick themselves for a lifetime. *g*

  10. Not every agent or editor is right for you or your work.
    Sometimes they have done you a favor.


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