Oh, look, my blog is working again. Whaddya know. I thought I might have to have someone else announce this.
You're all terrific BookWishers. My only wish is that I could really be the Publishing Fairy and cover them all. I'd have to pass on the spangled fairywear, though. Sequins make me itch.
Anyway, we put everyone in the magic hat last night, and one bookwish is granted to:
Debbi, please e-mail me at LynnViehl@aol.com, confirm the book you'd like to have, and where I can ship it and a signed copy of Dark Need. My thanks to everyone who joined in (and hang around for a minute and refresh the page, I'm about to post the details on Wish #2, unless Blogger goes kaput again.)
Yay for Debbi!!
ReplyDeleteThank you to Sheila, Lynn, SL, and everyone else jangling around inside your head.
WOW, I'm so excited! Thank you so much. I can't wait to read Dark Need.
Congrats Debbi!