
Thursday, May 18, 2006

IA&E Ten

Ten Things to Inspire, Amuse and Entertain

Freeware caution: always scan free downloads of anything for bugs and other threats before dumping the programs into your hard drive.

1. Learn to program interactive 3D graphics with Alice.

2. Make digital collage photo art with AndreaMosaic.

3. No paint? No canvas? Create your art online, display it and e-mail it to a friend with ArtPad (this one is great for kids, too.)

4. Mind map your ideas with Axon.

5. Design-A-Room lets you do what it says (pretty basic, but good if you want to layout a simple room for your WIP.)

6. Take a virtual tour through the history of Pop-up and Movable books.

7. An online oldie but goldie time waster: Sand Art.

8. Complete virtual paint-by-number versions of great artworks (and race to beat the clock) at Segmation (warning: this one is really fun, and addictive as hell, too.)

9. Resistance is futile when you join Swarm Sketch, a collective online art project.

10. Get into Da Vince's head over at The Mind of Leonardo.


  1. If you want inspiring, what about the first proper fantasy serial to come out of the Machinma guerilla animation movement:

  2. Babe - you need an email addy on your blog lol.

    Just sent you my details through the form on the Darkyn site. Thank you for your awesome offer.



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