I've dragged my feet long enough; I've still got some Dark Need ARCs left to dump on some willing recipients before the pub date arrives and I'm stuck with them until the next Friends of the Library donation drop-off day.
Also, I need to decide which protagonists I'm going to pitch for Darkyn book #5 (I'll pitch three different possibilities to my editor.) Available characters: Valentine, Jamys, John Keller, Phillipe, Locksley and Byrne (the last two are Kyn who will make brief appearances in books #3 and #4.)
Let's knock out both jobs at once. In comments to this post, tell me the name of the character you'd most like to see featured as the protagonist of Darkyn book #5 (if you haven't read the books, pick one of the available characters at random.)
Post your pick by midnight EST on Saturday, 5/6/06. I'll draw five names from all those who participate and send the winners a signed ARC of Dark Need. Names of the winners will be posted here before noon on Sunday, 5/7/06. Giveaway open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here in the past.
Jeez, what a hard question! I can't decide between Jamys or John Keller. Maybe Jamys should be a latter one, given he's a little 'young'. John Keller, on the other hand has gone through some really tough times. I can see him coming more undone before salvation. I'd like to see him become more understanding of Alexandra and her choices, and be tortured by how badly he treated her in the past. Yeah, okay, my vote is for John Keller. He needs a brick to the head to knock some sense into him. And you're just the writer to do it to him.
ReplyDeleteHmm... verification: bacebolb. Anyone told 'em not to talk with their mouth full?
Valentine, please.
ReplyDeleteMichael! Oh, crud, not a choice.
ReplyDeleteUm, um, um. I read the first one, and by the end I honestly didn't want to hear another thing from John Keller, but I'm willing to bet if I ever have time to actually READ my copy of Private Demon my opinion might be swayed.
On the other hand, I really felt for Jamys, and I'd like to hear more about him.
On the other other hand, Valentine is a dead sexy name.
That sounds like a vote for Thierry to me! (Crud! Also not a choice!)
I think this is just a roundabout way of saying "pick who you want, because I'll enjoy it anyway".
I'm with Jaye, give us the dish on John. But make it a cluegun. (Miss Snark has one on her blog but I can't find the link :[ )
ReplyDeleteHow about Bryne and their twin Alphabeter? ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd just to clarify, multiple comments will not rate multiple entries? It worked for me with Joe Konrath, but I suspect it you're too clever for that.
Still, I just want to be sure...
Appallingly I haven't read any of the Darkyn series. So I vote for Valentine because I like the name and my sister was born on Valentine's Day. How's that for complete irrelevance?
ReplyDeleteMy vote goes to Locksley (my entire family was obsessed with Robin Hood back in the Middle Ages when I was a teenager, see)
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ReplyDeleteI haven't read any yet, so I'll go with Valentine just because I like the name ;o).
I'll go with Byrne as it gives me visions of Gabriel Byrne in The Usual Suspects, one of my favourite films.
ReplyDeleteI am going to pick Locksley.
ReplyDeleteValentine, please.
ReplyDeleteBecause his story moved me so much in the first book (I haven't finished Private Demon yet).
Can't seem to get saints or massacres out of my mind . . .
ReplyDelete- so "Valentine" it is.
In the interests of full disclosure, I haven't read these books yet. But, I'm going to pick Jamys just because it looks cool and I'm not sure how to pronounce it.
ReplyDeleteOh, John Keller 'cause he's so tortured.
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller.... *G* gee, he's popular. He needs it.
ReplyDeleteBut I also like Locksley... I sorta had a fascination with the Robin Hood legends, too.
I vote for Byrne. At random :-)
ReplyDeleteJonathan Bernard
I would love to read Jamys' story. If not, John Keller would also be my second choice. Truly though, you just write whichever you want and I'll read it.
ReplyDeleteLocksley, because I like the name.
ReplyDeleteI've got two votes as well. John Keller or Valentine. I'd sure like to see John have some happiness in his life. He's so tortured!
ReplyDeleteValentine. :)
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller would be my first pick, Valentine my second, and Jamys my third.
ReplyDeleteOh, definitely John Keller. He's such a fascinating character! Plus, there's the whole angsty, tortured aspect.
ReplyDeleteLocksley b/c I love the name...I'm such a sucker for Robin Hood, in any guise :)
ReplyDeleteMichele L
I would like to see John Keller booted out of his angsty rut. I think there's a worthwhile person in there but he spends so much time trying not to think about who he is and what he's done that it's hard to see. Besides, I'd like to see him and Alexandra reconcilled.
ReplyDeleteUse Valentine. Go for a February release. The title will be Dark Valentine.
ReplyDeleteValentine, please.
ReplyDeleteHmmm....I'd love to see how you'd get me to like John Keller, so that's my pick.
ReplyDeleteValentine - most definitely!
ReplyDeleteDefinetly John Keller gets my vote.
ReplyDeleteWendy S
Definately Valentine!!
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller and Philippe! But I already have an ARC. ; D
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller, please.
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller - I think it would be fascinating to follow him deeper into this world, and see if he can get into an even bigger mess than usual... and maybe even redeem himself a little.
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller please but I'll be happy with whomever you choose.
Locksley. :) Or Valentine. Sorry can't choose. Two votes.
ReplyDeletePhilippe. I loved him in If Angels Burn. My library needs to get in more of the Darkyn books...
ReplyDeleteHm. John Keller. That would be cool :)
ReplyDeleteSadly, I haven't read any of the books, but reading all these comments makes me want to run out and buy a copy!!
ReplyDeleteSo I'll join the ranks of Locksley-ites, because I too love the name. It wouldn't hurt the eyes to see it repeated page after page.
I've not read the books (attach the Stone of Shame), but Locksley is, on first glance, the coolest looking and sounding name on the list to me. I believe in going with my gut instinct. =)
ReplyDeleteI really hate to see you in such a bind! Alas, I can help. John Keller. His story is screaming for release. He has so many twists and turns, I'm not sure one book is enough, but it's a start.
ReplyDelete(If I'm one of the lucky ones, I'm going out of town until the 12th and don't know what my internet/mail access will be like.)
I vote for John, I think he's one of your most interesting characters and I just feel so bad for him, he needs a little romance in his life.
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for Valentine.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone counted how many there are for John Keller resp. Valentine? I think everyone else, including dear Locksley, is out of the race. :)
I vote for John Keller too. :-)
ReplyDeleteJamys, but PBW, we'll read anything you write. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy vote is for Locksley. Something about the name draws me. Perhaps a certain similarity to a Robin Hood type? Whoever you choose, I will look forward to the book.
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller. He's been through so much hell. I want to see how his story ends up.
ReplyDeleteDiane McConnell
Another vote for Valentine.
Valentine :)
ReplyDeleteI admit to never having read your work, but would love the chance to win an ARC and do so; and although I know nothing of your characters, I really dig the name Locksley!
ReplyDeleteI'm not paticipating in the contest, but I just had to put in my vote.
ReplyDelete(I suppose I can't say all of them?)
A novel featuring John would be really cool but, having said that, he's only human and I love the boys stories.
So, my vote goes to... Jamys, then Valentine and finally Phillipe.
~Sapph. (Briana)
Jamys, because I like the name.
ReplyDeleteLocksley, please.
ReplyDeleteI vote for Valentine!
ReplyDeleteI vote for Jamys, though I love the name Locksley, and am quite intrigued by that alone!
John. No, Jamys. No, Valentine.
ReplyDeleteAUGH! :-)
John. Definitely John.
I like the idea of John Keller because he's so interesting a character and so tortured and I would like to see him get an eventual break but he is human and I love the Darkyn... Course it is their series so they would have to play a role!
ReplyDeleteI want to vote a lot!
Jamys.. because he's been through a lot too and I find him very interesting.
Valentine. Just cuz.
Ok.... In order.... Sigh.... John Keller, Jamys, Valentine... but it pains me to vote a Darkyn out of the lead.
Jamys, because I find him quite interesting. But I wouldn't mind reading about the others :p
ReplyDeleteTotally John Keller... or Jamys.
Jamys would be great:)
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller or Jamys. Or both.
ReplyDeletealthough I like the way Jamys is spelled.
Phillipe for book 5.
ReplyDeleteLeave John Keller for last. He needs a couple of books worth of time to work on his many issues before he can be a partner to anyone.
John Keller! I NEED John Keller!
ReplyDeleteAnnmarie A
Locksley, please.
I vote for John Keller!
ReplyDeleteJohn Keller. The whole fallen priest thing... well, anyway, either him or Jamys.
ReplyDeleteHow about Locksley?
ReplyDeletePhillipe. Definitely Phillipe. I want to delve into his mysteriousness.