
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Books for New Orleans

Bill Peschel's post about book donations needed to rebuild New Orleans' public library system prompted me to pack up a box of books to send to them today. Authors, readers -- everybody -- please consider doing the same.


  1. Nice segue from the previous post. You just answered your own question about what to do with unwanted blurb copies...

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Perfect Timing. I have a box I was going to take tot he used books store. Many of them are brand new, gifts and such that I didn't read. I 'll shipp it down. Thanks for the link.

  3. I was going to do the same, but then I saw Bill Peschel's update and now I'm not sure what to do.

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I looked deeper and found that New Orleans Public Library prefers monetary donations. Due to storage and staff limitations, NOPL urges donors to follow these suggestions:

    If you are a publisher, please contact us in advance at before shipping books.

    If you are an individual donating your personal collection, or an organization that has held a book drive on our behalf, please send your book donations to Better World Books (/BWB). This company can process and sell many more books than can NOPL, and will give us a share of the proceeds.

    BWB will accept all pre-paid book donations, but we encourage you to follow its guidelines at

    Remember to mark your boxes "Rebuild NOPL"!

    Attn: Rebuild NOPL
    55740 Currant Road
    Mishawaka IN 46545

    If you look at the above mentioned guidelines, you will see that the following types of books are difficult to sell:

    Mass-market paperbacks
    Book Club Editions
    The Modern Library Series books
    Time Life Series Books
    Desk Reference books
    Reader's Digest Condensed books
    Tax documents
    Government documents
    Academic Journals
    Encyclopedia sets (incomplete or complete)
    LP Records
    Custom Course Packets
    Marquis Who's Who
    Telephone books
    Damaged books/materials not suitable for sale.


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