
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Year End

I have only one resolution for 2006, and that's to write. Somehow I think I'll keep that one.

To try out something new this year, I've shoved aside my aversion toward groups to join Jo Leigh's Uber Challenge. Her explanation of the group challenge is here, and anyone can join.

Do you all have some resolutions, goals, or experiments planned in 2006?


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    I have three:
    1. Finish novel. Sell novel.
    2. Successfully co-teach my first German Longsword course in June.
    3. Smite.

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I resolved to finish my second novel and submit my first in 2006. I'd also like to eat healthier and spend more time exercising, but for once I'm not going on a diet. They never work.

    Happy New Year, PBW!

    Lynda H. in San D.

  3. I love your goal. Can I use it? I love the idea of the Uber Challenge too. I need writing discipline. I'm not sure what happened to mine.

  4. I want to change careers to something different from what I'm doing now which is office management.

    Finish/edit/revise one in progress novel to submission.

    Exercise regularly and drop at least 10 pounds.

    Happy New Year! The uber challenge sounds neat.

    Erin K.

  5. I need a writing challenge. Ending my novels makes me want to hide in the corner and cry.

    I also want to experiment with SF writing, way new territory for me. I had some super awsome ideas (probably already been done but I'm pumped up to write them anyways).

    My New Years... thing is to actually write short stories. I'm not very good at keeping my stories short. I wanted to try it to challenge myself.

  6. The uberchallenge sounds worthwhile -- I've signed up.

    Aside from losing 5 pounds and getting back in shape, I want to finish my mammoth editing job and get the queries rolling.

    All the best to you and your family, Sheila ;o)

  7. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Thanks for the challenge: that's just so me! What I need is some writing discipline and hopefully to finish my rewriting in 2006 and submit my novel at last! And move on to the next one!
    Happy New Year!

  8. Mostly I just want to focus on my writing. That, and kick my lazy butt into some kind of action---meaning exercise. ;) Happy New Year to you and yours, PBW.

  9. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Very timely! I like the sound of this group. I've already decided that i wanted to focus 2006 on character development, so I'll try the uber-challenge with this in mind. Thanks for the link!

    My other 2006 goals are to finish 2 novels.

  10. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I'm going to draft four novels, including my current work-in-progress (and since I'm just three days from finishing it, I only really have to do three novels this year). I also want to amass a total yearly wordcount of 350,000 words of new fiction and to spend less time online. Finally, I want to get an agent, although I'll be happy if I only accomplish my first three goals. After all, getting an agent relies on luck as well as persistence.

  11. I don't make New Year's Resolutions. But I'm doing two new things in January because that's when they started.

    First, I joined the Uber Challenge. And my challenge is to write every weekday, no matter what the stresses and chaos around here are.

    Second, I signed up for the freebie mystery writing course at B&N University. I'm always open to learning new things and to reinforcing what I already know.

    Last--I'd like to wish everyone here a wonderful 2006. Here's hoping it brings good things to us all. :)


  12. On both the librarian-front and the writer-front, I need to read a lot more books; I'm setting myself a minimal goal of 50 books or 15,000 pages, whichever comes first.

    (The other part of that is booklogging, and I have a new blog for that in the name-link.)


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