
Monday, December 19, 2005

Holiday Ten

Ten Things for the Winter Holidays

1.'s Christmas around the world.

2. Jerry's Christmas Jukebox.

3. Download Christmas software at

4. One of my favorite cooking mags, Cooking Light, is counting down the days until Christmas with 25 days of cookie recipes online. 1-20 are currently available (I've already tried out the raspberry strippers recipe and they're terrific.)

5. E-mail Santa Claus at

6. This year Hannukah is on December 26th -- find out more about the festival of lights at's Hannukah page or's Chanukah Overview and Links page.

7. The official Kwanzaa website offers information about the African-American and Pan-African holiday, along with annual messages from Dr. Maulana Karenga, the creator of Kwanzaa.

8. Make an online virtual snowflake.

9. See what this Santa has to go through to get some cookies in Eye in the Sky Productions' delightful online movie Ornaments.

10. For our Wiccan friends: Circle Sanctuary's Selena Fox has a good article on Winter Solstice Celebrations for Families and Households.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Alison, try this link: Double Ginger Cookies. I'll see if I can e-mail you the recipe, too.

  2. Great list! I've seen the virtual snowflake, but the others are new - and perfectly diverse.

  3. If you're on AOL, or have a friend who's on AOL, you can get the whole Cooking Light site for free. No subscription necessary. (At least for now.) You just open AOL and use their browser.

    I love the snowflake page. I used to love cutting those things when I was a kid.



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