
Friday, November 11, 2005


It's unofficial freebie links week at PBW; here are three more that I found while cleaning up my notes today:

1. offers a free download of Merriam Webster's Concise Dictionary 2.07

2. A free .pdf issue of Celebrating Christmas 2005 magazine can be found here

3. Better U Inc. offers two free e-books on fitness and personal health: 79 Fat Loss and Exercise Questions Answered and Do It With Your Dog (no, not that with your dog, the other kind of exercise.)

M.J. Rose has a post on writer etiquette that tempts me to dig up a few unpleasant anecdotes from my first pro year. Alas, this is an industry chock full of wobbly egos; as the T-shirt says, Manure Occureth. My philosophy is to maintain your silence and your dignity, forgive, and forget. It doesn't hurt to work toward becoming more successful than those who slight you, aka the best revenge.

Marjorie M. Liu got herself some pretty cover art and a favorable mention in Newsweek. Next week she will probably take over a small country as a benevolent dictator and create a luxury writers colony for the rest of us (not that I'm hinting or anything here, Marj.)

Douglas Clegg announced that he is leaving the blogosphere to write and enjoy his life. Which makes me happy for him, and sad for us. We'll see you on the shelf, Doug.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Don't worry. You're at the top of the list.

  2. I really like your own personal philosophy. I will try to tattoo it on my head when I walk into my kids' elementary school.

    I have no problems with Ms. Liu taking over a small country. I will be there. No children, right?

  3. Sorry to hear that Douglas Clegg is leaving the blogsphere, but it sounds like he's moving on to a better place. :-)

  4. I'm afraid I'd slight someone like that without intending to. After years of opportunities to do it better, I'm still a lousy conversationalist. I don't mean to be a one word response idiot or completely rude in front of people I've just met, but, unfortunately, I do a darn good job of it. And sometimes I do the same with people I know and love.


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