
Monday, October 17, 2005


I know there are some Orson Scott Card fans out there -- I've the hate e-mails to prove it -- so this heads-up is for you: The Intergalactic Medicine Show (via Tobias, who owes me an aspirin for making me look at it.)


  1. Hate emails? Really? Maybe I haven't read enough Card to hate him. I remember my reaction to Ender's Game: well written but predictable and trite. I had no desire to read any of the sequels.

    I've also heard he slips some of his religion into his fictional world. Is that what all the fuss is about?

  2. Oops. I think I misunderstood your post by 180 degrees.

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    No worries, Doug. I don't think OSC is worried either way. :)

  4. I was a little surprised to find it was all flash fic as the guidelines don't specify a word count.

    But, other than that, I thought the writing was good.

    PBW, I am not familiar with the OSC controversy. Have I missed somethng in my obsessive reading of your past blogs? Gah. I feel like I've missed a crucial bible verse or something.


  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Tobias wrote: Always a pleasure. Take -two- asprins and check my blog tomorrow morning ;-)

    Cruel. I'm telling you.

    Demented M wrote: PBW, I am not familiar with the OSC controversy. Have I missed somethng in my obsessive reading of your past blogs? Gah. I feel like I've missed a crucial bible verse or something.

    Not unless the Bible was written by cranky menopausal women with no respect for sacred cows -- which would make a great novel, when you think about it -- but no, you didn't miss anything in particular. The hate mail came from a comment I made about Orson in passing here. Tobias didn't start that one, btw, but his own post on Mr. Truesdale jumping the shark was rather awesome.

  6. Jon:Ahh, I see. I thought it was weird how short they all were. Thanks for clearing that up.

    PBW--You got flak for that passing mention? Ouch. No wonder I didn't remember it, if you blinked you would miss it.



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