
Friday, September 30, 2005

Get Thee Behind Me

Rejection letters getting you down? offers a unique and hygenic way for writers to cope with the bouncing blues by printing your no-thanks on their Rejection Letter Toilet Paper.*

For ninety bucks, you get four rolls printed with an image 3.5" x 16" at 300 dpi, which is repeated throughout the roll -- so I'm interpreting that to mean as many rejection letters as you can fit in the specified space.

Not a bad deal, especially as it helps you put that sort of thing in its proper perspective. There are some additional cool possibilities -- like using things other than rejection letters. You could print up a couple of rolls of hatchet job reviews, flamers, trash bait, or anything else you most associate with that region of the human anatomy. I wonder if they print photos....

*Disclaimer from on product usage: "The facility for printing letters onto toilet paper is offered in good faith for your private use only and not for use in any way designed to cause offense or harm to any third party."


  1. Hmm.... would make it tougher to use those rejection letters to prove to the IRS you are working as a writer and have lots of related expenses.

  2. Nah, the $90 cost should be deductible as psychological therapy. And, of course, you keep your original rejection letters. Scan them or use copies to send off for the imprint.

  3. It's the ultimate in political statements. The Sanitary Tissue Avenger roams public restrooms, armed only with his sack of TP rolls bearing the likeness and words of [insert name of hated political foe here].

    What a dirty trick.

  4. "I wonder if they print photos...."

    God, I hope not: would you really want that little face, staring up your fundament? Not wholesome!

  5. *Disclaimer from on product usage: "The facility for printing letters onto toilet paper is offered in good faith for your private use only and not for use in any way designed to cause offense or harm to any third party."

    Now what fun is that? It would be a drag not to involve a third party. *g*


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