
Saturday, August 06, 2005

RWA Speaks

Via Alison Kent, the letter in which RWA's board apologizes for the "disappointing direction" of the 2005 National Conference Awards ceremony in Rio Reno (is the sig list short one name?)

One could joke about the captain of Air France Flight 358 using the same phrase, but mainly I think it was decent of them to issue a public apology and address what was done to Nora Roberts.


  1. Yes, it was a handsome thing to do.

    But that one missing name speaks volumes, doesn't it?


  2. But that one missing name speaks volumes, doesn't it?

    boy Howdy does it ever =)

  3. TTQ obviously came up with some rambled attempt of an explanation which didn't satisfy Nora much, no precious.

    click here (you'll have to scroll down a bit) Link found via Smart Bitches.

  4. PBW, I *wish* the con had been in Rio. ;-) That would have been cool.

  5. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Michelle wrote: PBW, I *wish* the con had been in Rio. ;-) That would have been cool.

    Lol. Just call me Queen of Planet Typo tonight.


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