
Monday, August 15, 2005

Online Ten

Ten Things for Writers Online

1. hosts an online version of Strunk's 1918 reference classic The Elements of Style -- the section on how to omit needless words is a good one.

2. Robert W. Bly's Daily Doses -- an article on how to "Land more writing clients by taking advantage of the latest (and easiest) marketing tool."

3. Jim Eccleston's mammoth writer link site, The Electric Eclectic.

4. Evelyn Farbman's online textbook Sentence Sense.

5. For cyber doodling, GE's Imagination Cubed.

6. Judith Moyer's Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History.

7. Grammar resources from

8. William Shunn's proper manuscript formatting for novels, short stories and poetry.

9. The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics' Writers and Editors page -- of particular interest, the section on earnings.

10. The University of Richmond's Writer's Web.