
Monday, August 01, 2005

Marketing Moment

I have two SF novels hitting the shelf this month, and a confession to make: one of them is in hard cover. Yeah, I know, what's PBW doing in HC? Don't hold it against me. I am at the mercy of the Powers That Publish, and despite my arguments, bribes and pleading occasionally they do this.

The other novel is a paperback reprint, so that should redeem me a little.

I'm not doing any self-promo for them (well, this counts, I suppose.) No time and, as always, zero desire. After seeing what so many writers are going through, and listening to all the gloom and doomers, I'm kinda marketing-depressed. It's hard to do something you absolutely despise under good conditions, but with the way things have been lately? I'd rather give myself a manicure with a splintery 2X4.

I don't mean to be depressing or ungrateful. All kidding aside, I know exactly how fortunate I am. I also know marketing can work, I'm just not sure what will work for the publishing industry. That uncertainty makes it very difficult to overcome my natural inclination to do nothing but write books. That I know I can do okay.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The HC should be in my hot little hands tomorrow -- can't wait.


  2. I put in a good word for you on the HC ( in my own, perhaps odd, way. Of course, I think anybody who reads me might already have been getting it anyway, but I never know who might wander in.

  3. My copy of the HC, Afterburn, arrived today, an unexpected surprise. I was expecting it tomorrow. I've mentioned it, along with a bunch of other books in my blog, but my blog's not even a month old. I don't know how many people read it, so I don't know how much help it will be. :)

  4. Ohhh . . .I need to go off and edit my blog to let people know that the first in this series is the book that's out in paperback this month. Thanks for reminding us. :)


  5. Congrats on the books! You are my hero. (wg)

  6. Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe.

    That's how I am going to have to choose books the next time I'm at a bookstore.

    Anywhosits, has anyone else seen that Catherine Coulter is now using commercials to market? I'v only seen them during primetime/late-night. Somehow, I think the daytime audiences would be more responsive.

    P.S. I'm still waiting until Rebel Ice comes out to go to the bookstore. My stash is building nicely.


  7. And my hubby was just asking when Afterburn was coming out :). I told him Sheila will tell us so I'm darn glad you didn't give into this "will not discuss."

    Besides, it's not your first hard cover anyway. I have the other two on my shelf :D.


  8. The books are out? FINALLY!

  9. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Ah, well, even if it is HC---
    I guess I can find it in my heart to congratulate you anyway. ;-)

  10. Can't say I blame you on the self-promo front. My impression has always been that unless you're someone like Terry Pratchett and can pack out a store simply by farting in the doorway, most promo efforts - while often fun, if tiring - don't really amount to anything commercially.

    TV, radio or news appearances are the exception - and I suppose it can be argued that doing the other stuff can lead to those ("Famous author PBW is in town for a signing. WKTV caught up with her...") - but by and large the grunt work is unlikely to make any real difference in terms of raw sales.

    That said, I enjoy it myself, but that's because I've never had to do shitloads in a short space of time so it doesn't get wearing.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    so the wait begins. New books other than harry potter hit canadian shelves about 2 weeks later than the US.


  12. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Flipper in drag landed in hard back? What are the odds of that?

    I know it wasn't your favorite cover, but if it sells, perhaps the publishers will shoot for bigfoot in a sundress next. So, do you want us to wish for good sales or bad? I want you to sell a lot, but that bigfoot cover is a scary idea.

  13. Anonymous11:08 PM

    F. O'Brien Andrew wrote: Flipper in drag landed in hard back? What are the odds of that?

    In my case, one in three. Lol.

    I know it wasn't your favorite cover, but if it sells, perhaps the publishers will shoot for bigfoot in a sundress next.

    As long as bigfoot's breasts aren't exposed. Wouldn't want to offend any RWA board members.

    So, do you want us to wish for good sales or bad? I want you to sell a lot, but that bigfoot cover is a scary idea.

    Good sales wishes would be much appreciated. I already get enough of the bad sales variety from other directions. :)

  14. Anonymous6:20 PM

    One good-sales candle has been lit, but keep bigfoot's boobs out of it. ;-)


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