
Friday, June 24, 2005

Indiana Jones Jr.

A lot of us mom and dad writers have kids home for the summer, and on rainy days keeping them amused is a challenge. At my house we're into history and archaeology, so I went looking for some interesting sites where my kids can play online plus actually learn something. Here's what I found this week:

The American Museum of Natural History's 'Ology site. We just discovered this one, thanks to a mention in the July/August issue of Archaeology. Kids can collect 258 virtual cards while they cruise through the site and try out the different activities. (Click the curly arrow at the bottom right of the card to read the back.)

Dig, an archaeology magazine for kids that we subscribe to, has a neat companion site with online quizzes and fantastic factoids.

You need Shockwave to play on the Austrailian Broadcasting Corporation's site, the Holodek, but you can download it here.

Download-a-Dinosaur allows you to do just that so the kids can make paper models. For a paintable version, let them trace and cut the patterns out of craft foam or cardboard. (Or try the companion site, Download-a-Dragon, here.)

More links to great kids' web site can be found at Kid Arch and Dig magazine's links page.


  1. Anonymous1:53 AM

    ooh. stuff to play with at work...erm....

  2. Hmm, nice text and background colour choice on Download-a-Dinosaur.

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    My 9-year-old National Geographic junkie and my sanity thank you.

  4. I have two nephews who would love these links. Thank you for passing them on!

  5. Ahh, good stuff. Thanks. Wish I had had this yesterday when my 4-year-old computer savvy nephew was here at work with me! ;)

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I don't have kids but the DH got all excited.

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I have to try out all the sites myself first. I tell the kids it's for safety reasons. And they believe me.

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... they've been out of school for only one week and I'm already hearing how bored they are. My 9 year old has already read two of Lemony Snicket's books and she's almost to the end of the series . . .

    Off to check out the sites. For safety reasons, of course. ;)

  9. Anonymous11:15 PM

    You saved my life today. Actually, you saved the lives of my three kids. Thanks for the links.


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