I've turned on comments. You can thank Alison Kent, Kate Rothwell, and Shannon Stacey for convincing me to give it a whirl (Shannon and Kate used blog blackmail.)
I've only disabled comments for one archived post because of the amount of hate-monger mail it generated. Sheer laziness; I don't feel like reading it again.
Everything else? Have at it.
ReplyDeleteI could easily degenerate into a large number of fangirlish 'squee!!' noises, but I'm instead going to say that your weblog is one of the reasons I keep plugging away at my writing.
Thanks for the sarcasm and the cutting wit--I usually need it first thing in the morning to cut through the fog that is my brain.
Thank you for turning on comments. I've enjoyed your blog a great deal, and have often wanted to give you a round of virtual applause for specific posts... so here's just a general one for past good reading: clap clap clap clap clap yay! (okay, that came out more like "the sound of one hand typing," but it was sincerely enthusiastic!)
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your PB Writer blog for some time now and am constantly amazed at how similar our thoughts are, in regards to writing and the industry in general. Its encouraging that not only am I not alone in my line of thinking, but that a successful author shares my view on several literary topics.
ReplyDeleteI am no where yet near your level of achievement and many times have wondered if my attitude could be a contributing factor, but still I refuse to fall into the formula trap and believe my time is better spent writing, instead of jumping through the literary hoops of fire.
So, I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me in some small way, to continue doing what I love to do and here's hoping the rest falls into place.
Just wanted to say I love the quotes at the bottom of your main page. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't let the boogers get you down.
I love your blog, and I just finished If Angels Burn, and enjoyed it quite a bit.
Doug Clegg
Yay for blog blackmail! Thanks for turning on comments. Many congrats on hitting the bestseller list!
ReplyDeleteYou inspired me to blog! Yep, it's true. Love the way you think.
ReplyDeleteBelow is gift to celebrate the new comments. . . you might have found this treasure before, but here it is anyway. . . NWA's ENTIRE track for Copulate with the Police, edited to remove any nonprofanity.
I know you're excited.
Why exert yourself when there are profesionals? You can send the track out to any commenters who are mean to you. The last few seconds are particularly apropos.
It is also goes excellently with those rude letters. Perks you right up when you cut and paste and shoot it right back at 'em with feeling.
Nothing like paid professionals to get the job done right.
I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!!!! I own ALL of the books of 4 of your noms de plume. My favorites are your Viehl (S. L. & Lynn) stories. When I think of your work, all I want/need to know is when the next story will be available. (When's it gonna be published?? Huh?? When!?! When!?! WhenWhenWhen???) Today's writing efforts as an installment in my Inbox would be somewhat acceptable.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your wonderful stories!!
(no.... I do not belong to a 12 step program for addicted readers group.)
I've just recently found your blog in the last week, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it already. I look forward to reading more.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is fabulous. If you offer a particular opinion and I don't agree, I still learn something from the way you say it (and I often agree, which I suppose makes that easier to say). "Watching" you write is inspiring. The advice doesn't hurt either. :) And thanks for adding comments so I can say this.
ReplyDeleteThanks for switching on comments - I've been following your blog for a while now, and you inspired me to start my own to share published writery thoughts. More often than not I find myself nodding in agreement when reading your updates/commentaries/rants - especially where you lay into overly precious writers. My mouse pointer has often wandered aimlessly, seeking the comment link, and now you've given it a new purpose in life.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget, some people react immediately to things they disagree with. After they've calmed down they may feel a little foolish, or wish they'd been a bit more mature in their responses. What I'm saying is, please don't switch off these comments if a couple of idiots in the peanut gallery spit the dummy. Let them comment on their own blogs, preferably after thinking things through ;-)
Simon Haynes
Author, Hal Spacejock series
thanks for the inspiration and support, Sheila! I hope to repay it in kind.
Congrats on hitting the bestseller list!
ReplyDeleteAnd I can finally thank you for all the resources you provide, especially the 'How I Write Novels' section - a major source of inspiration for me. *g*
I'm with the other wannabes - thanks for all the 1st thing in the morning writing advice. Keep at it!
Wow. I feel so . . . powerful. Thank you. (for turning on comments and for the power trip.)
ReplyDeleteI'm with those who are applauding. I've wanted to post atta-boys many times, especially when you hit the BLS. BTY, ordered the Darkyn book yesterday. Can't wait to get it. All because you blog.
Eeeeeee!!!!!!! *squealing fangirl noises a la Caryn*
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I'm glad you've turned on comments. I enjoy your blog. Congratulations on hitting the bestseller list!
I could cheer, but I'll restrain myself. *-*
ReplyDeleteSo many times, I've wanted to be able to post a huge thank you or a laugh at your posts, and now I can! *-* Thank you - and thank you for all of your posts: they keep me grounded in my pursuit of publication.
I really enjoy your blog. I've wanted to say "awesome" to numerous entries (for example, Courage) and now we can. Here's to hoping that people stay courteous. So far, so good.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog. You've had me laughing out loud at my desk a number of times. You should see the looks I get! You and Holly Lisle have been more inspiring to me than I could ever say. Thanks SO much.
ReplyDeleteI bought If Angels Burn on Sunday, and I'm not crazy about vampire books! But I think you're just a fantastic, strong, brilliant woman and I'll buy any any book with any of your pen names on them. If Angels Burn is on the top of my stack of TBR and I'll tear into it right after I finish Dennis Lehane's Prayers for Rain. Can't wait!
And thanks again for all the great advice and for inspiring me to keep get up and dust myself off after every rejection letter that knocks me on my ass!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom on writing. I look for updates every morning as a sort inspiration. Hehe—sorry I hope that doesn’t come across as I’m stalking you. But reading your blog and Holly’s in the morning is like a jumpstart for my muse.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you share with us!
Thank goodness you turned your comments on: entries such as those in this blog should never go unpraised. Besides, however will we convince Amazon.com to increase your ranks if we can't prove how much we adore you? :P
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! Blog blackmail is awesome! *g*
ReplyDeleteTee hee... I blogged recently about your lack of comments so I'm sooo glad you turned them on. If only I could remember what I wanted to say to you that caused me to whine...
ReplyDeleteYayyy for comments! Don't let any whackos scare you into turning the comments off again.
Congrats on making the bestseller list! I read your blog almost everyday. I love the wry humor and complete lack of bs. Even with posts I disagree with, I always find myself admiring your style.
ReplyDelete--alyn -- (anj on fm)
I'm so glad you've turned on comments -- there's been a number of your posts that I would have loved to respond to because they provoked a thought or inspired something.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you turned on comments. :) I enjoy reading your blog every day. Thanks for all of your inspiring, funny, snarky, honest posts about writing and life. :)
ReplyDeleteFuture authors: sow into your harvest...
ReplyDeleteDon't loan the book, own the book
Pass the word, not the book...or buy two to gift one
Disagree? You will see once you are published. Help your favorite author stay published.
Thanks for turning on comments. You're braver than I. I always enjoy your comments on the business of writing and I value your tips and advice.
ReplyDeleteHi Sheila,
ReplyDeleteEep! You and Holly have trained me that lurking on blogs is a okay...you mean I have to talk now too ;).
Thanks for giving us a look at the real world of publishing. And congrats on your bestseller listing! I have a MZB shelf, a McCaffery shelf and am coming close to a Sheila shelf too :).
Umm, and you might want to drop by the FM forums...a) we miss you :). and b) you have your own thread in Good News.
Yay! Comments!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand why you didn't want to deal with them in the first place but I'm so glad you decided to give comments another go.
Btw, just went downstairs to the University bookstore and asked them to order "If Angels Burn". My copy should be in within a week, possibly less.
WHooo Hooo now I get to say congrats for real!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou totally rock, lady!
Hah - 38 comments! I knew I wasn't the only one reading this thing. Seriously, your blog has been on my morning reading list for months now. Thanks for all the great advice, and for giving us the chance to chime in. I picked up If Angels Burn from the bookstore just a few days ago, but my wife wrestled it away from me before I could crack the cover. I guess I'll have to wait my turn. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're taking comments! I "discovered" you through MJ Rose's blog and have enjoyed reading your posts almost daily ever since. But I should hate you; I should be writing instead of blogging.