
Sunday, June 05, 2011

29 Ways

This could be a creativity barometer for anyone out there (warning for those at work, there's some background music):


For those of you who are having problems watching these videos, here's the list of the 29 ways to stay creative as mentioned in the video:

1. Make lists.
2. Carry a notebook everywhere.
3. Try free writing.
4. Get away from the computer.
5. Quit beating yourself up.
6. Take breaks.
7. Sing in the shower.
8. Drink coffee.
9. Listen to new music.
10. Be open.
11. Surround yourself with creative people.
12. Get feedback.
13. Collaborate.
14. Don't give up.
15. Practice, practice, practice.
16. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
17. Go somewhere new.
18. Count your blessings.
19. Get lots of rest.
20. Take risks.
21. Break the rules.
22. Don't force it.
23. Read a page of the dictionary.
24. Create a framework.
25. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect.
26. Got an idea? Write it down.
27. Clean your workspace.
28. Have fun.
29. Finish something.

I never do memes, do I? Facebook and Twitter kind of killed the meme, I think. Okay, just this once: if you're looking for something to blog about, copy the video and the list, bold the items on the list that you're already doing, cross off the ones that don't work for you, and star the ones you'd like to try.

Here's my meme version of the list:

1. Make lists.
2. Carry a notebook everywhere.
3. Try free writing.
4. Get away from the computer.
5. Quit beating yourself up.*
6. Take breaks.
7. Sing in the shower.
8. Drink coffee.
9. Listen to new music.
10. Be open.*
11. Surround yourself with creative people. (well, I do virtually)
12. Get feedback.*
13. Collaborate.
14. Don't give up.
15. Practice, practice, practice.
16. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
17. Go somewhere new.
18. Count your blessings.

19. Get lots of rest.*
20. Take risks.
21. Break the rules.
22. Don't force it.

23. Read a page of the dictionary.*
24. Create a framework.
25. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect.
26. Got an idea? Write it down.
27. Clean your workspace.
28. Have fun.
29. Finish something.

Video link brazenly swiped from Kuriositas.


  1. Great stuff! My favorite is surrounding myself with creative people. I tend to lock myself up and forget other people exist.

  2. Wonderful list! Singing in the shower and coffee don't work for me either.

    The biggest is not forcing your writing. In the end the words themselves will sound forced. (Hugs)Indigo

  3. Wow, this is just what I needed today. It's been raining since 6am and I have felt pretty depressed, listless and totally blah...I haven't been able to write ANYthing down. :(

    This totally brought my mood up though...thank you Lynn. :) I'm going to try some of these to get my juices flowing again.


  4. Quit beating myself up...yeah. I need to try that one.

  5. Nifty meme! I'm playing.

  6. Denise5:56 PM

    Hi, I really like your vampire books and I was hoping that you could answer a question for me about the Darkyn mutation. It has been really bugging me trying to figure out why the Darkyn are the way they are. I just read a story on Yahoo that gave me a clue. I hope this doesn't sound stupid.
    Sorry for posting here but I couldn't find a link or email address anywhere. I generally do not read author's blogs but I have read a couple of your posts and they are interesting. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

    Denise wrote: Hi, I really like your vampire books and I was hoping that you could answer a question for me about the Darkyn mutation. It has been really bugging me trying to figure out why the Darkyn are the way they are. I just read a story on Yahoo that gave me a clue. I hope this doesn't sound stupid.

    I'm not actually seeing a question in your comment, but I don't explain my books. Also, I rarely answer random comments left by anonymous visitors that do not relate to the topic of the post. I'm making an exception this time because you sound sincere.

  8. The only thing that matters is you keep asking questions and keep learning and keeping finding new art. That's it. Keep getting heart broken and keep dreaming too.


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